Identifying the Problem and finding the solution: Mercy

The ONLY response was both 5 monthes late from when people started saying it in the mega-thread AND was given by Jeff Kaplan in a thread like mine.
Combine that with the fact that the mega thread had other ideas going around to reduce duration and increase power so we could get Mercy out of muust pick status but instead all we got were these sledgehammer nerfs that left us with all the passive power in Mercy and none of the engaged power.

and if you think this thread is going there (which yeah it will be if it dosen’t die before that) then why are you here?

i’m sure they are reading all the feedback

what you seem to be missing is that you aren’t entitled to a response. they just reworked mercy. mercy is fine and still being picked a lot. they are working on other heroes now.

I’m not saying I"m entitled to a response I’m saying that It’s clear I have a higher chance of GETTING a response if I post it here then if I post it in the mega-threadd because the mega thread has zero replies whereas poss like this have 1.
So according to simple logic and data I have a 100% higher chance of getting seen by someone who matters if I post it here then if I post it in the mega-thread.
If you don’t understand that then report my thread and move on and I’ll post another one in a few weeks.

The last thing he said on mercy still stands. You guys want to hear new things when there isn’t anything new to say.

It is the same freaking issue with the deflect whiners. Jeff says we are aware of the problem. We have been aware since before release and have tried multiple solutions that were not adequate. But we have some one working on it and will let you know when we have something. What followed was months and months of waaaaaah why are ignoring us. Waaaaaah deflect is broken look at all this video evidence. Waaaaaaah blizzard favors genji. Then they announce that they finally found an appropriate solution and it’s oh blizzard finally decided to do something about genji after all these people whined. Wait what? They told you they have been working on it since the beginning. See people here are so adamant on blizzard “listening” to them but they don’t listen to blizzard. If people actually listened to what blizzard is telling them we’d have a lot better discourse with them and each other :man_shrugging:t5:

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Who said anything about not listening? THe devs did nothing but say that a revert to Mercy 1.0 is off the table and obviously that’s not what I’m trying to advocate. They said they’d let the dust settle but she’s fine pickrate wise so not high on thep riority list

They never said she was off the priority list in the same way Tracer is for instance so what reason do I have to not identif the problems that a sizeable part of the Mercy fanbase is having and trying to promoste sollutions

The dust is settling and mercy is looking fine even stronger than expected. Are mercy mains willing to accept this?

In my case I hold rmb to get faster kills then move on to next targets.

She’s stronger for reasons that go against so many thigns that got me and many others got into this game as a whole for. That being skill cielings being intentionally high for every hero (her skill floorr and cieling are the same that’s why she’s viable at high ranks without being oppressive or unplayable at lower ranks.

You can say that’s not a big problem but guess what
I admitted that in the thread AS WELL as said that actual power is not one of the three problems I addressed in the thread.

Firstly, I will argue that Mercy’s kit fits her character well. Secondly, I will argue how she can be extremely impactful from my own experience which usually involves playing tanks.
As to her character, Mercy synergizes and enables better than she ever has before, which is fitting. She is a doctor, a scientist, and representation of compassion/aid/mercy (From the “We are OW” trailer and from her own name). The ability to take a couple seconds to revive a hero from wounds that no other healer could deal with is also perfect for her character. Mass res was miracle working, slow res is doctoring.
As to her mechanics and impactfulness, a mercy who understands tank mind games and dueling for space is a dream come true to the tanks. The nature of the beast for tanks is that, outside of dive, they will often end up fighting specifically against their mirror: Rein vs Rein duels, Orisas setting up on either side of a control point, and hogs hugging elemental hazards or corridors to use with the hook, all set them up kind of faced off against each other. Mercy is the best character in the game at pocketing, which has an enormous impact for keeping tanks up. I notice this the most while in a Rein vs Rein duel, a duel which has an enormous result on the teamfight. The pocket pretty much garuntees victory, you can win even if the enemy Rein manages to pin you at the beginning. The other big portion of her kit, the damage boost (DB), is also enormously impactful, both against tanks and for them. The tanks will notice very quickly if the enemy has a decent DBed Widow or Hanzo, because a heashot will come in and deal ~400 damage, which can very easily drop a tank outright if they’ve taken a bit of damage before, or it leaves them weak afterwards. If they survive, heroes like Zen and Lucio cannot burst heal them back up and Moira has to spend half her charge to top them up. With Ana in such a rough place, the best hero to get them back in the fight is… Mercy. Additionally, in a shield breaking standoff that often happens between Orisas, having the Mercy DB the consistent damage dps that usually comes along (Junk, Soldier, Bastion) or the hog or Orisa will tip the standoff significantly in your favour, breaking the shield before it comes off cooldown for the Orisa, leaving enemies vulnerable to the burst damage from snipers and helix rockets, or to hog hooks yanking someone out of position. Next, DBing a hog when he hooks means he can still one combo squishies who were given armour or are protected by a shield generator and makes it pretty easy to melt tanks before they can start being pocketed by enemy healers. Thirdly, DBing a Rein as he Earth shatters means he can two shot all squishies instead of 3 shot which is huge because he can hit multiple enemies, but he swings slowly. The shatter does 50 damage, and the DBed swings deal 100 damage rather than 75 meaning he’ll do exactly enough damage to kill the beefier dps characters. Finally, Valkyrie now combos with other ults like Dragon blade, Death blossom, and Tac visor as the damage boost is huge and the mobility allows you to keep up with the crazy Genji as he skids around the enemy line as though he watched too much Initial D, which keeps him up and prevents the issue of him racing in only to be caught by an Orisa halt or other CC of the like and bursted down.
In conclusion, Mercy’s new kit gives her a distinct and extremely impactful role that matches both her character concept as well as to game concepts like synergy, teamwork, and counterplay.

  1. Please use enter more often, reading that slew of text was painful because of it.
  2. You addressed 1 of 3 of my problems and that one problem you didn’t even address well. You said she’s “impactful” well obviously or she wouldn’t be seeing more then 1 percent pickrate. The problem is that it’s the kind of sidekick impact that you don’t see. Imagine playing rein if you couldn’t get that juicy shut down with charging an ulting hero or that awesome moment where you secured the team wipe with that awesome earthshatter. Imagine playing hog if you didn’t get any major kill streaks or similar. This is the current case for Mercy.
    Second half the problems are probelmes on the inside of Mercy that you never see if you don’t play Mercy, the problem of Valk doing eveyrthing for the hero without doing it well enough to have that “oh yeah I did that” kinda feeling.

The simplest way to put it. Mercy almost never does anything that makes your team go “HELL YEAH” or the enemy to go “oh hell” like every other hero in this game has the potential to do on their own.

And rez being bad for her kit, Mercy was designed to be fast, her having concrete shoes that make her feel like she’s carrying that insanely huge armour of reinthart on her back is not intriniic toher hero from a gameplay side which is why I said I don’t think we should keep rez at all if this is the only way to keep it. Let her perform miracles in some other way.

I don’t know about that. Rezzing someone in OT with an game changing ult on deck feels like a “HELL YEAH” moment to me.

Valk can’t change fights though, it can’t heal enough to get lifesavers half the time and is just a passive +1 for the team, which would be fine if the ults power was activated and then Mercy’s kit stayed the same but that isn’t the case.)
And as I addressed in the ORIGINAL POST you can’t rez without the skill of someone on your team or lake there of of the enemies to get it at an impactful time without itj ust being a covnienience ability before or after a fight.

Thank you for being civil and for giving solutions😁

Jelly respects that👍

If only more people followed suit

Thing is, Mercy is in a pretty great spot. She is balanced, viable, and used quite a bit.

I know some people thinks she is boring as hec, but fun is subjective.

It’s a tricky situation, one that must be handled with caution.

Jelly does like some of your ideas though👍

I appreciate the vote of confidence Jelly, such a shame both sides of this argument get so angry

But like I said in the original post I know this isn’t going to happen right away but if 3 monthes isn’t enough to quell the uproar I have a feeling that Mercy is on Blizzard’s secondary list of heroes for changes and I’m just trying to do some legwork when the finally get back to her.

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Anytime my friend👍

Anyone who talks and discusses things in a civil way is always a friend of Jellies😁

And anyone who dosen’t just come into my thread to whine and moan about it not being in the mega-thread is a friend of mine.

  1. Yeah my formatting could use some work.

  2. If you don’t find Mercy’s kit has enough pop to it, she still is just one of several heroes who don’t have a huge “Hell yeah” moment in the game. I would argue that most support heroes don’t except perhaps Zenyatta’s ult. and maybe Lucio’s too for the same reason but to a lesser degree because you get the feeling of saving the whole team.
    Ana presses Q and the character runs off without them. Her sleep dart occasionally stops an ult, but normally the ulting target gets prioritized and everyone fires at them, which means the dart goes out whilst the target is still getting shot at, leading to a quick reawakening.
    Moira presses Q and prays she can get out enough healing to keep the tanks up.
    Symmetra drops a teleporter that allows her team to trickle back to the point to greater effect or simply makes a shield generator.

  3. Res still is a decent “Oh hell no” for the enemy. Nothing hurts more than finally killing a terrifying widow only to have them resurrected, or to have a Reinhardt who died covering his team as they crossed the choke show up to the melee on the point 10 seconds later, or to lose a team fight but managing to kill a bastion who is covering a choke and using a Lucio+respawn advantage to get back to the point before the Bastion arrives, only to find the Bastion revived.

  4. This is anecdotal, but I myself and many people I’ve played with do quite enjoy the new res system. The res is dangerous and requires some good teamwork to pull off which for me is the funnest part of OW. If I wanted to play characters that worked on their own, I wouldn’t be playing Overwatch. Though most accept it, I know that not everyone truly enjoys that feeling of dependence, but the devs do emphasize how teamwork is the priority and as a result it is worked into the mechanics of the game for most heroes.

  5. I found huge res weird. Mercy players would often stop healing their team and would run off and hide just so that they could do the res, which wasn’t actually that great because normally the reason the huge res was possible was because the enemy team steamrolled your team with an ult and still had all six members still alive. Thus, the res just reset the fight, but without any advantage either way.

  6. I find Valkyrie badass. You get the big light up wings, you soar above the field, the sound cue is like a battlecry to your team to charge in, and your team has a huge advantage in the fight unlike the huge res which was essentially just a second chance to fight.

  1. Well you did better this time
  2. Let’s go over the other heroes shall we, you admit Lucio and Zen have that moment so let’s explain how the others have it
    Ana who’s in a bad spot right now over all acn still get supe effective shut downs and her bio-nade dart combo can be a mini rez under many circumstances getting lifesaver worthy plays
    Moira same deal with her orb and heal stream combo, plus her ult heals multiple people for 140 damage, in other words it actaully CAN stop the damage from the dive tanks alone and requires 3 or 4 people to get through and that’s disrgarding everything else it does
    Symmetra: Teleporter can and has gotten value equal to a mass rez if everyone dies together and that’s also disregarding the. Occassional shut down of explosive ults and the fact that when charged up her DPS rivals Bastion or Junkrat enabling some sweet triple kils.

That is impactful feeling moments moments that Mercy does not get with her current kit without being babysat or the enemy team being idiots and not watching where the enemy MVP got killed.

  1. Everything you mentioned is either A requiring the babysitting of another player or required the enemy to be oblivious or not there. It certainly didn’t make the team go “heck yes we just pulled that off” no
    You either get it for free cus the enemy aren’t there or you get it because someone else enabled it. That is not a good feeling for the player using this ability.

  2. Teamwork and dependance are two very different things, Mercy relies on her team for EVERYTHING and never gets a moment of "oh yeah I did that’ without someone else enabling it. That’s very different from say ana getting a sleep dart on a key target, even if no one capitalizes on it she still removed that player for 6 seconds but if someone like rein for instance gets the chance to easy kill it’s even better.
    Mercy is the only hero who can’t do anything well alone and that is one of the problems I’m bringing up.

5.what did I say that made you immediatly jump on mass rez and start talking about it, mass rez (or even more then 1 rez per ult) was never once brought up in my post as a solution.

  1. Rez is a battlecry, so is this new ult on brigitte (it’s literally called Rally) and guess what… that ult isn’t a transformation ult that takes away the fun in the base kit for almost an entire fight. Which is another problem I mentioned in the original post.

I was (and still am) an RTS player, so this hits pretty close to home for me.


So Mercy dual-wields her pistol and her staff? That sounds good from a gameplay standpoint, but it doesn’t really fit her personality, being a pacifist and all.

A damage reduction could work on her ultimate, but I think it would fit better on an E ability, possibly combined with a heal or a cleanse.

I probably would.

Yes to both of those.

The name doesn’t fit in my opinion. Also, a 2-3 second respawn time reduction just seems weird.

JUst a few things i feel like I can contest

  1. Her being a pacifist, she’s a political pacifist but she’s not against using the pistol in combat, not only do we have a battle angel highlight intro we also have her being advertised in the Upriing trailer as shooting her pistol.

I’m not good at naming things, and the 2 second respawn wasnt meant to be the abilities primary function, just there really to make the evolution to a fulll blown ressurect more natural.