Ideas on Restructuring 2CP Maps

So it seems they are removing 2cp or restructuring these maps into something else.

One thing they could do is to restructure them into hybrid type maps.
This would be way easier than anything else imo.

  • Keep the first point as a capture point.
  • Have an item like a flag (or flag bot ) spawn after you capture the 1st point. Doesn’t need to be a flag could be an item that follows the team or a hero around.
  • Having it be a payload doesnt make sense since the 2nd points of 2CP maps have multiple routes teams can take like high ground Hanamura, and payloads go only 1 route.
  • In the second point have a marker/area/stand where you can place the item or the item plants itself. Can only be placed when there are no enemies around it.
  • The item would have a glow so the enemy team knows you are bringing it with you.

This idea wouldn’t need for maps to be heavily redesigned. Most can be kept the same.

The idea doesnt seem bad, the only thing I would add to it is that they need to move the defending spawn point (the last one) back further.
That’s what I think makes 2cp so difficult. As the attackers, you get on point and can win the initial fight, but may have to go into 5 more trickle fights while you still have a much longer spawn. Defenders start getting ults, attackers start dying and have a long walk back to point and the defenders can turn the initial losing fights into a win and then the attackers just have to start all over with the process.

I think the general strategy is you pretty much have to take the second point by using as many ults as possible to either team wipe or win the fight so well that they can’t get out of spawn after and getting your entire team to do this can be very difficult.
Just push the defenders spawn back a bit further.

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Good idea.

Also something I had suggested a while back to fix 2cp is for Ultimates to reset to 0% once you capture the 1st point. So both teams cant just steamroll based on their ultimates.