Ideal Sym Changes from #1 Symmetra

Not sure if cooldown reduction is needed, properly used her teleport offers a lot with it’s current cd and I’ve not personally encountered many situations where I felt like tp cooldown was far too long but everything else is everything her teleport needs to actually function properly. But also, turret cd should be 8 seconds max, not 10. 3 turrets is not worth resurrection, one turret is not a storm arrow or ana’s grenade. 10 seconds for something that can get destroyed in one melee or literally any aoe damage? That’s insanely long.

Also fix her orb splash damage radius. Why is it so… small/wonky? You either hit an enemy dead on with the worst projectile in the game or they get tickled. Destroying railings with her orb is an impossible task because there is something off with the orb hit registration.

Even if you magically have the 12 second teleport off cd when needed against a winston leaping, if you set it down before getting stomped, he pushed you away from your own small interact teleport radius and you can die anyway, even with tp up in time. Winston leaping to a squishie should not be a death sentence only to symm because everything she does cannot defend herself from winston, not turrets, not teleport, not her dps. Winston is supposed to counter a genji, but even genji can win 1vs1 vs winston or just dash and flip away… widows can just graple away and shoot him midair, hanzo can leap and murder him with storm arrows… only symm is free winston food.

That was until the stealth buff to TP that came months ago that made turrets easier to TP by having it spawn under you more consistently. I’m certain spawning under you is how the ability is supposed to function, and the only thing that will consistently make it deviate is placing the exit against a wall. The only time that this isn’t a case that comes to mind is when it’s done on a ledge. It will spawn under you you on the ledge even if the exit is placed against a wall.

I don’t understand what you mean by it spawning behind you. Are you sure it’s not placing below you (like it should) and you’re walking/jumping forward? I’ve never experienced it spawning behind me.

The choice in direction for turrets is mostly only useful in 1v1s where someone is already privy to Sym having a turret(s) at the base of the TP. Being able to throw them at a downward angle for instance and having the turret pop out a short distance away from the TP can mean the difference in being shot immediately as you exit the TP and an enemy having to readjust their aim from the turret back to the TP and you, and again to your head from the ground.

I could live without that type of mixup, but I’d still prefer it stayed tbh. The only time I’d see it being truly useful is for grav, but I also don’t think TP should be a consistent counter to grav like many in this forum want it to be. Increasing its radius and making Sym more slippery in her own right than she can already be can also be dangerous.

You can apply that to virtually every single thing in the game. Deflect? Flashbang? Sleep Dart? Never viewed with the same level of scrutiny as turret bombs despite being as easily countered. They are indeed pathetically easy to counter, but that’s implying you’re just throwing your turrets in willy nilly instead of trying to do it at an advantageous time. When combined with her orbs, it is effectively a oneshot mechanic that exists in her kit. If you’re playing a hero without many options to deal with the tactic, even knowing how to deal with it can’t help you if done at the right time or combined with her shield, assistance is necessary. Meaning not just the person Sym is attempting to single out needs to react to them.

Again, 3 turrets is just the most common thing to pop out of TP. Getting used to the idea of “oh I’ll just walk up and melee lelelele” is also advantageous because an attempt to do that could just as easily lead to that specific dummy getting jumped on by the entire enemy team as soon as it’s up. The only time that the simple answer is to simply melee them is if you’re close enough already before it’s built, otherwise, it should always be shot from range. Splash damage is the most effective since it can destroy all 3 quickly from range, which is why you avoid the heroes that can do that and drawing their attention. Even so, most heroes with splash (Junk for example) can struggle with spread turrets, so it’s evened out somewhat.

Then Sym gets punished for being overly aggressive and taking an unsafe TP/. You have to be very surgical with her aggression, and missteps often lead to death with her. She has always been this way through all iterations and I’d prefer that quality stay intact.

You also don’t have to always TP in and can just as easily use it and turrets as a distraction and walk to your target or orb them from range (as it’s fairly easy to hit her orb from even long ranges if your target isn’t looking at you).

Syms design is literally “you can’t be here without it being painful,” so I disagree. She’s an area denial hero, you’re supposed to move away from her.

These all seem like reasonable suggestions. We could try some out, see how they go, and move from there! Symmetra really needs help right now

No, abandoned is correct. In front is the default. Go to a flat unobstructed area and you’ll see the entry porter spawns in front of you.

He’s also very correct in that what’s considered an “obstacle” is impossible to predict since it’s so inconsistent.

This is why we need to have it always spawn under us with no exceptions. If we can stand on something, the tp should be able to stand on it too.


Hmm I’ll have to test in to confirm when I get home, but following what I listed is why I pretty much never miss my turrets with TP, because I pretty much always know where it’s going to spawn before I place it.

I’m about >90% successful, but what throws me off is those unpredictable cases. And when a turret bomb flops, that’s 30s of turret cd and the tp cd wasted due to bad coding and not user error.

That can cost a fight and a fight can cost a match. Kind of unacceptable.

I don’t think making the interact radius bigger would effect turrets. It would probably stay the same as it is for turrets. However, for heroes, the interact radius, actually pressing the interact button, would be bigger.

Thanks for posting, three quick questions:

  1. How do you deal with anti-Sym toxicity at that tier?

  2. How much of your 4500 SR is due to Sym play and not something else you might play?

  3. Do you do have any videos of play for public review?

He streams at, I highly recommend it.

He’s also got a YouTube channel:

As for the other questions, I can’t answer. I only ever see him play Sym though.


Thanks!!! I’ll have to check it out…

*edited to be less salty
My primary awnser to people being toxic or just whining into coms is to mute them immediately or just set volume to 0 for team chat. I can still make callouts and loose very little if not nothing not hearing what my teammates say. I am quite happy to salt people back as well though. I dont like it that most people think they can just tread on symmetra players without anything sent back their way so I do try and put forth some effort when I care to speak with others.

For #2 with a few exceptions my ranking is currently mostly symmetra (my hours are like 80% on her currently.) I switch to Roadhog sometimes if I’m getting hard focused by dive and I can’t get any peels. My lucio and zarya are decent enough when needed and I’ll flex to most roles if I think the match is currently unwinnable but I could change that by changing my character.

And Arcadium already got #3

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