Ideal Sym Changes from #1 Symmetra

I love you abandoned, even tho I dont play sym.

A lot of these arent really buffs, but more quality of life changes. I dont see game breaking downsides to this.


Honestly, she could easily receive every single one of these changes and wouldn’t be anywhere near broken. She’d just be as functional as she should be.

ALL of these changes are how the thing should have been to begin with.


Very true, I think they just punish the ability in a hero that takes a lot of skill to be effective with already. These changes should happen 100%

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these changes sound awesome and realistic. Thanks for your ideas!

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Cast time is an absolutely abhorrent trait for high level play. Probably the easiest single way to explain it is vs Winston
If a Winston lands on you directly he can do 45 damage and combed with a punch for an extra 30
That’s 75 landing on you. Now his Tesla gun does 60dps. 60x2=120
120+75=195. 195 damage in 2 seconds
Why is that important? It takes 2 seconds to cast teleporter and that’s assuming you cast it immediately after he lands. What’s more if literally anyone else dives you it’s basically a guarantee of death. So yeah, it’s really bad.

Lock on is and was bad.
Damage would have to be reduced and all it would end up doing is trashing low ranks and anihalating her maximum potential


they are already working on the railings coding

per usual

“the issue is more complicated than we thought and it’s gonna take us more time”

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I saw they were working on it but still wanted to mention it because railings are just that dumb.

Hi Stevoo keep it up.

I have suggested that the countdown not start until first use.

I feel like I’m getting wooshed.
I don’t get it.

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I agree with the interact radius, 1.5s cast time and overall bug fixes. I think she needs a hp boost as well because she dies too fast.

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Yup, makes sense.

What I mean, though, is that having both a lower cast time and improved (increased) activate range could counter Zarya grav combos too easily.

It’s hard to tell until such a buff is available but it’s something to be mindful of.

It really wouldn’t be hard to prevent sym from teleporting out of grav. It would be less of a counter than dva dm is. Just wait for symmetra to place a teleporter and then grav them while it’s on cooldown, or pressure her into using tp to escape if shes holding it.


Agree that it would be very easily punishable and countered.

Besides, grav could use some more counters. Grav + Ult combos could use counters other than trans / sound barrier.

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The teleporter already gets destroyed constantly - I often place it in what looks like an ‘out of the way’ place but some Dva can fly over and hit it with micromissiles and her primary fire and it will be destroyed before I can even use it a single time, that’s how slow and weak it is right now. And you’re gonna be SOL if you want to use it in a clutch situation where more than one enemy can be shooting at it, don’t waste your time. I sometimes put it up just so the enemy will waste resources destroying it about 80% of the time rather than using it for it’s actual functionality, because the timer on it makes it pointless for planned strategy use.

Hey Look! A sensible post about Sym instead of one wanting the WRONG things buffed. Got my like on this one.

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While I agree it needs to be consistent, it is somewhat controllable by the player. The major culprit of it spawning in front of you is placing the exit against a wall or anything really. If it’s making contact with some object or wall on the map, it spawns in front of you.

I’m not sure this can be done without limiting the angles you can throw a turret through the TP or having the TP hijack a turret you were trying to throw past it (which it already does sometimes).

I agree but 2s is also kind of perfect. While turret bombs are easy to deal with if you’re expecting them, some heroes don’t have a lot of answers to them, especially combined with her ult. So, considering how common it is for a TP to spit out 3 turrets, I think the average hero (that moves at 5.5m/s) having 2s to get exactly 11m (1m away from her turrets) is fair enough. This is also completely disregarding everything else that could suddenly pop out of a TP. My favorite is a Widow sitting at it expecting me just to get jumped by Rein/Zarya.

Personally I’d love an option that allows me (as a non Sym player) to simply WALK into the Teleporter.

Having to interact with it, especially in the middle of a firefight when I need to focus on the enemy, just feels so awful.

You actually have the idea about tp spawns backwards. The front spawn is actually the default one, not the backup. The below one happens if the game detects there to be anything in the way but what is considered “in the way” is abstract at best.
Having turrets getting eaten up by teleporter would be the smallest of compensations to have a functioning teleporter range.
And the thing with that tp timing is that teleporter bombing is actually a pathetically easy strategy to counter if you have any idea how it works, let alone if you have the ears just to move when you hear it.
Not being able to simply walk out of its range is by no means the only counter, if it is hit with any splash damage whatsoever, all the turrets are destroyed, any mele attack will break them all and any cc guarantees symmetras death. That’s not even taking into account that many characters can just sit and watch her spawn before headshoting her.
Making it so that people cant merely just not stand still to avoid symmetras main ability would by no means make it too strong.

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