Idea to balance bap lamp

mmh-hmm… So Ana is fine? just an example.

OK… let’s make it it Ultimate how it currently is… it’s freaking weak. Honestly, the only problem I mostly have (as Reinhardt at least) is to locate the darn thing, because their are so many effects, auras and animations right infront of me, that I can have problems sorting out where the lamp is. I know it’s their and I know someone should kill it. I mean, it has less health than… every hero in the game, except Tracer? Is stationary?

Not shure if it is clear enough… but SUPPORTS are meant to deny kills, they are in the game to safe the life of teammates. And with all the burst and instant -400hp attacks we have in the game, Lamp is maybe a necessary evil? Just thinking.

If they transform it into his Ult, it needed to be INSANLY stronger than the thing we currently have. Their is no way around it simply. And if they would do that, they should finally adress Damage powercreep in the same patch.

it will never be that
it could last for only a second and it would still be one of the best abilities in the game
it stops ultimate abilities in their tracks

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Just make the lamp the ult (undestroyable for 5 seconds with a bigger radious) and the amp matrix his E with a smaller size, 10 sec cool down and half of the current size for 6 seconds.

IF was since the beginning one of the biggest problems.

OK… 1 sec. Bap lamp… is useless. I can’t even think of an Ult that only lasts 1 second, is their any?

I don’t say Lamp is bad, it’s good, that’s right, but we have so much high burst dmg in the game atm that Lamp is just a necessary ‘evil’ imo.

your kidding right?
with 1 second Lamp would still counter:
a bastion Tank Shot
Widow Headshots
Hanzo Headshots
would still let you survive a slash from dragonblade
Dva Bomb

those are the ones I could think off of the top of my head but there a most likely more

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So it’s fine getting instant deleated by a random shot from a Hanzo across the map but it’s not ok to safe someone from a fate like that?

We live in a society.

I mean, I can’t even count the times I was behind a wall and died to a D.Va bomb too. And should be a stick from a Pulse Bomb a death sentence? Than why nobody claiming Zaryas bubbles a problem? Because they work on all of them too? And have a shorter cooldown? curious…

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this literally has nothing to do with what I am saying: even with 1 second lamp would still be super good

Yeah… if it lands and acivates perfectly in time… And works exactly in this 1 second you or your teammate needs it.

I am all for change Immortality field to Baptistes Ultimate, but in that case it would be incredible stronger and ppl would rant maybe even mor about it. And we still have a Damage creep problem ongoing.

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1 second is not that hard to time
its obvious when you will hit the ground for flux
Pulse shows STUCK
if it sticks you and the entity blinks allot
Bomb makes a sort of wind up sound
Deadeye takes a second for squishies and a little longer for tanks

this is the same thing as saying “just shoot it”
for lamp
the fact you can’t die in the field for any amount of time is VERY powerful

Biotic grenade (which is what I assume you’re talking about) is a strong skill, but it’s not even in the same ballpark as IF. for nade to be an ultimate they’d have to double the duration and AOE both, and it would still not even be as good as pulse bomb.

IF? IF in its current state would probably be a mediocre ultimate, but it’s already better than pulse bomb.

Yeah… because a well placed Anti-nade can utterly destroy a team, where a IF can safe a team. And Nade has not even half of Lamps cooldown.

Double damage with only 4 second downtime is also too strong for a regular ability

lamp is low skill and mitigates play making, thats why its bad for the game. You can lazily negate any carry potential an enemy player is trying to make

I had a rework idea a while ago such as:


  • Immortality (Cant think of a new name for it, you decide lol) Field no longer prevents ally deaths upon usage. Now provides a fixed 50% damage reduction to Bap and his allies within the field.
    • Area of Effect radius increased from 6.5 meters to 8 meters.
    • Health increased from 150 to 250.
    • Cooldown decreased from 25s to 15s.
    • Duration increased from 5s to 6s.
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Increase the deploy time so that it cant be thrown reactively. It wouldn’t even need to be a particularly big increase.

This does a few things.

  1. Bap can no longer save someone/himself if he didn’t predict the situation (ult, flanker, etc) coming in advance. It’s now predictive instead of reactive.
  2. Raises the skill floor of lamp way up. It retains its power but is far more inconsistent to use effectively. Skill is rewarded but lack of it punished.
  3. Allows for more counterplay that isn’t just “is lamp on cooldown”

You know what it really does? It makes the ability clunky and unreactive. Eliminating your ability to use it reactively doesn’t do anything but kneecap it’s efficacy in various situations. Makes it binary and less interesting.

Immo field is fine. I’m sorry that sometimes a support ability does stuff. It’s got room for error in the execution of it and clear counterplay.

The reactivity of it stays the same, deploy time and projectile speed all remain the same. The “clunkiness” is the point, it just makes him unable to shoot while immortality is deployed, yknow, similar to how zenyatta cant shoot while providing less than immortality to his team? Because back then the developers understood that strong abilities need drawbacks =)

That’s the point. If a flanker surprises you and gets you to 10hp you should die. Not just say nope by pressing 1 ability. Same situation with ults, your tanks misplaying, etc. The ability wouldn’t be clunky, it would require significantly higher gamesense and awareness to get consistent value out of. It also wouldn’t be able to save teammates from situations that should guarantee death. That’s how an ability with such huge value should be.

Should the rest of his kit get nuked then? He’s basically a must pick in high ranks now. Pick one.

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