(Idea) Mercy beam to a Zarya beam

You see though mercy is the go to support for new players, her lack of aim beam was good for those, it’s just the fact that she has been overturned a fair bit. The current nerf I believe will make her better.

NGL Skimmed the post. My idea is similar…ish… Keeping mercy’s beam how it is now in terms of lock on…but having it do weaker healing if mercy isn’t looking at her target, and stronger healing if she is. Depending on how close she has to be looking the numbers could vary.

My bad example : So like 45 hps if mercy’s target is off screen (behind her or w/e), and 65 hps if the target is within a similar hitbox to moira’s damage beam on an enemy.

mercy shouldn’t have to aim with her primary IMO. as a mercy main with good aim, aiming isnt the issue with her. mercy’s playstyle literally relies on you being able to dodge rapidly while healing your team, calling out things behind you, etc etc. locking yourself in one direction isn’t good for her flow at all.