Idea for a Sigma buff

Him getting countered by his counters is normal :man_shrugging:
but when I pick sigma I atleast expect to leave the widow struggling alil as sigma. literally sigma isnt that great making widows life hell when widow understand simple conscept of moving away first then grappling somewhere else to have free reign on me.

He is supposed to be like that doe.

I think he gets runover pretty easily due to the fact your shield sucks, grasp has such a smal hitbox that any stun from right or left is going to hit you. He is supposed to deadly at range and weak at close range but he feels like a joke in both

good for you :man_shrugging:
I dont mean it in a sarcastic way. but his shield is stale to me and does nt really serve much for me.
Countering widow or high ground heroes? :man_shrugging:/10
helping my team? :face_vomiting:/10
good for me? :man_shrugging:/10

Yeah, but is Sigma’s counter experience normal? Compare it to Rein:

Rein has 5-7 heroes that counter him. Besides Mei, they do it with high damage that overwhelms him. This makes him harder to play, but not impossible.

Sigma is countered by every beam and melee hero, and some stun heroes to boot.
Most of them are really hard match ups for him to become his kit just doesn’t work against them.

It’s like trying to play Hammond but 2/3s of the roster has Steadfast, it all feels so futile.

I don’t know, I think deathballs would just charge through it even if they reverted the cooldown. It never stopped them, it made the barrier worse against heroes like Widowmaker and Ashe, not Rein or Zarya.

Speaking of Widowmaker:

You gotta recall it when the enemy is occupied,for Widowmaker, that means whenever she’s not scoped. Now her charge time is the same as the barrier cooldown, so just keep practicing and you’ll figure it out. It almost feels like bullying sometimes :sweat_smile:

i haven’t played the past month at all, so, accurate

either way, i’ll still stick to my original comment that i don’t think his KG should be buffed, “just because” it’s useless against certain heroes

i just don’t feel like that’s a good enough reason, at least not as long as the “switching” aspect is still their focus, which, i mean, again, can be questionable if they even still believe that, themselves

but, if those “certain heroes” weren’t played as much, like beams/melee, then KG probably wouldn’t be as useless, and by extension, Sigma overall, right?

i mean, weren’t people complaining KG was too powerful, in the first place?

we’d just need heroes that puts more pressure on beams/melee to keep them off of Sigma, or even make Sigma, himself, have a different way around them, while keeping KG for projectile hate
though… that might be… too much to just bloat him like that, but, you know, spitballing

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I don’t think anyone complains about Grasp.

Actually, mains did because its like defense matrix.

Yeah, but its useless against most heroes, and because of that, so is Sigma.

I play a bunch of tanks, I am not at all against switching between them. There’s just one problem:

That means I should never play Sigma over Reinhardt unless im against 3-4 Rein counters and none of them are Mei.

Thats the only situation where Sigma makes sense at all as a pick.

He used to be better because you’d have Orisa as opponents sometimes but still, nobody has so many hard counters. I’d like to play Sigma sometimes and not worry so much about “well, they picked X, my hero is useless now, better swap.”

Its not like he’s good, this meta has sent him to Bastion level, clearly he is too oppressed by his counters.

I’d just like to play Sigma, my main, Idk, maybe half the time?

I wish that wasn’t so ambitious.


well, not anymore, yea, but i meant when he first came out, and for quite a while afterwards, when it was nothing but orisa/sigma everywhere, i thought it was basically considered broken because it was “just as strong as DM”, even ignoring the cooldown/hitbox for it

i apologize, i didn’t mean to keep bring up “swapping” as an excuse to say “you can’t play your hero the majority of your game time”

i just mean, the rock/paper/scissors aspect was what they seemed to want the game to be

and no, i don’t really agree with it, and neither do i think if they want it, that it should mean 100% swap off because something is too overbearing if they win the matchup, but i just meant that it would make “more sense” following that logic, to continue to design ways of letting your team get around what’s pressuring you the most, rather than adding more heroes who also continue to counter Sigma
(buffs/reworks included, not just adding “new” heroes, directly)

I hear you. I see this proposed Sigma buff as being more about consistency personally. Hammond gets 100 guaranteed shields when he pops adaptive shields, even if there are no enemies around. Makes sense to me if Sigma experienced the same.


countering and completely shutting them down are two different things.
Sigma doesn’t get countered by beams or cc…he gets ANNIHILATED by them. It’s basically a death sentence if the enemy team pushes super hard with a brig and zarya bc you lack mobility and defense to do anything against them


Nah, only haters and mains actually believed that. Its always been very gimmicky. I love it, but its become a problem now that Sigma is so defined by it.

I appreciate your understanding.

Nah, they said back in GOATS that they want to tone that down. Nobody wants to be forced off of their hero without say and the devs recognized that.

I don’t think Sigma would even be immune to his counters with this change anyway. Hopefully, he’d have a few more even match ups, but its not like Rein wouldn’t be a hard counter anymore.

The idea is just to make Sigma more consistent. Less counters, less countering, it’ll go both ways and make him more reliable.

Coolusername gets it. Its just to make Sigma less gimmicky.

I still expect to get countered and swap off Sigma, just not so dang much.

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The one thing he has to defend himself from beam heroes is his shield. You can very easily shield dance to kill them, or run away and shield as you’re running back.

To me personally, the 100 shield upon initially using it would actually be an annoying get out of jail free card. Hammond already has something like that and he’s very annoying to play against.

His punishment for using grasp without thinking is beam heroes. You have to remember that it needs counters, just like D.Va’s matrix.

I don’t think Sigma is good at shield dancing, the way his hitboxes work make him exposed.

I get that heroes need counters but Sigma has a lot of hard counters. And I don’t think beams punish bad Grasps anyway. Stuns do that, beams punish you for picking Sigma in the first place.

Besides, Symmetra would just melt him either way.

This would help against heroes like Moira, Brigitte, Reinhardt a bit, maybe Mei.

He can shield dance fairly well in my opinion, he may not be mobile but he can still do it. I don’t think his hit box is the problem in those situations but rather his spheres bit being consistent at close range. He really isn’t meant for close range to begin with really.

He does have quite a bit of hard counters but so does every other tank?

They definitely do punish him for bad grasps as he’s basically defenseless to only them and some CC (given if he’s close enough).

I feel like he should be able to deploy a shield while he’s ulting, but that might be too much imo. He spheres also just need to be better at dealing with targets that are right in your face.

Grasp isn’t the problem if you know how to synergize the cooldown of it with your shield. You won’t need the initial 100 hp if your shields health is always kept up.

But I guess it depends on play styles? Cause I really wouldn’t see this as a buff if we lose the overs shield gain from getting good grasps.

This is kind of true. One of the reasons his ult was useful was because you put people up in the air and hit 1 or 2 of them with the orbs to get them to half health. You knew that if you died you would take a minimum of 1 and maybe 2 people with you. Now you ult and run and thee chances of actually killing anyone has gone way down. You still may die yourself before the drop which means it’s a suicide mission with little upside even when successful.

I mained sigma and orisa as a new player. The issue I have is his shield delay and his mobility. I am now learning hog and when I see a sigma I just head straight for him. When he does his KG and starts backing up I just keep coming. He can’t do anything else while he does his KG and the delay on the barrier means I’ll get in at least 1 shot then a hook before the barrier comes out. He is almost a guaranteed kill for hog. I would assume for Zarya too. Dva just flies straight into him too. Thankfully a lot of people don’t realise this and back up.

A buff I would like to see is a 10-15% speed increase so that if something like a hog, a rein, a zarya, etc. walk directly at you there is something you can do to get away. And get rid of the shield delay - that is the cause of more deaths than anything else for Sig.

I think guaranteed instant 100 shields from Grasp is a good idea. What Sigma needs is more durability.

Whom does Sigma counter though? I can think of heroes against whom he stands a chance, like Junkrat, Zen, Ana, McCree, Hanzo, Hog etc, but he doesn’t rly counter any of them. It’s rather even matchups where both parts can counter aspects of the other.

Ok he does counter Bastion. Yey.

Even only within the tank role, Rein, Winston, Zarya counter him, and the rest are more or less even matchups.
Why should Sigma be so comparatively weak?

That also assumes all enemies are grouped up and cant CC/kill him from other angles. And it needs to be at a tactical moment to use the ult. There are so many things that need to occur for Sigma’s ult to be useful. I’m ok with the ult change too, but he needs some compensatory buffs.

I think removing the CD completely might be too much, but I’d like it lowered to 0.6s or something. And I find a CD preferable to a cast time.

It would make sense, as he flies. I’ve thought about this kind of buff to him too. Would be nice, but not sure it would be enough by itself.

Just a heads up, Sigma can cancel KG with Accretion.

which has a cast time in which he almost stands still.


Sigma needs that Orisa nerf to her damage to go through completely (10 to 9), a Rein nerf, and a lower ult cost.

You can’t buff Sigma a whole lot since he has an insanely overloaded kit, much like Orisa.
Neither of these characters can be strong because they do too many things at once.
Look at the original cast, like Rein and Zarya.
They can excell in certain things because they can only do 1 thing at a time. Hell, for Rein to do ANY damage he has to put down his shield entirely.
Orisa and Sigma don’t face this problem, they are jugglers, which means they are stuck in the “Jack of all trades, but masters of nothing” category.
If you want either of them buffed, you need to gut their kit.

What’s even the point of an ult that makes you float if it punishes you for floating with it?

They might as well keep him on the ground at that point.

Here’s the conundrum, though: if you nerf a loaded kit, its no longer loaded. However, you can’t buff the kit too much, or it becomes overloaded again.

Really, I think micro buffs are what Sigma and Orisa needs. For Sigma, they need to remove the 1 second delay on his shield and either give more damage to his rock, or make it easier to stun people with the rock.

I never feel right when I use Accretion now because I’m just wasting time that I could be using to deal damage to the enemy or protect my allies. At this point, I ought to just leave the stunning to people who’re better at stunning.