IDDQD very frustrated with Genji

If he is playing more than one hero, he is not a 1-trick.


Learn to code. Genji is a counter to McCree. We have to accept it. Take the good with the bad. I will still play McCree. Why? My inner American cowboy calls out to me.

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No dude, that is called a Hitscan specialist.
A one trick is a dude that just plays ONE hero. He doesnt do that. He plays around 10 heroes pretty well.

Also Genji and Widow are well known to be overtuned heroes. The main issue is that Genji has that swift strike combo with the triple which is virtually unavoidable unless you react in 0.1 sec and the server favors you? and even then, you have Deflect, with 0 queue sound/animation that acts instantly and can be cancelled instantly.

Hitscans have the upper hand if genji is 20mt away … otherwise, they are always “behind” in turns for that battle.


“Genji isn’t and will never be balanced.”
-IDDQD, circa 2018

He has been frustrated with Genji for many years now lol. He hates Genji almost as much as this forum, almost.

Widow shoots you in the head and you die.

Genji gets into point blank range and uses his cooldowns to “one shot” combo you.

Solution, don’t allow Genji to get close.

If you watch his stream, you will see Genji kill off all squishies of his team, not only him.
Genji vs. McCree used to be a skilled matchup, as McCree could easily win (depends on him landing his FB of course). Now with deflect cancel he can’t win.

Which most players can’t even dream of pulling of on a moving target? Which is countered by 20 healing? Which has been around for 4 years?

He was always frustrated with Genji.

The goal was to make Genji more effective against hitscan, so of course he’s going to be even more frustrated.

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ya, that’s a good solution. It is going to be easy, seeing that he can dash 15 meters (!!!). Are you going to stay 15 meters away from all possible positions he can come from at all times? I predict you will not ever leave spawn then.

Same thing as saying “Just dont walk in without cover” 4Head.
Yeah no. Remember its a dude that climb walls, like LITERALLY you cant hide from him.

Amazing how many things you got wrong on this one buddy:
1 - I can pull it off and I am an awful genji. Just needed the proper sens and be able to measure distance.
2 - Its a “melee” combo so you basically go through shields
3 - That healing has also to happen in 0.1 sec so, good luck below GM
4 - That tight spread that makes the triple so easy is not been around for 4 years pal.

Seriously dude, no offense but … take like 30 sec before replying to things because you are in a roll. A bad one.


I think he gets blade too fast for his increased reliability outside of it.

Oh and the deflect sound still isn’t fixed iirc.


Any proof?

And? It’s Genji’s time to shine. Relax, it’s only a game. Right now with double shield, ashe and genji, McCree has to earn his kills. That’s what makes him fun.

So when genji wins with relative easy it’s not fair, but when mccree can kill him with no brain it’s skill based???

… really?
Thats what you have? Do you have any proof that combo is REALLY hard to pull off and “most players can’t even dream of doing it” ? Dont be disingenuous.

You think nobody is able to pull a regular shot, press Shift then turn 90º-120º triple + melee? Im sorry to bust your bubble but really … its not hard mate. Ghost dash is a different matter though, thats insanely hard to pull off.

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It’s just people foaming at the mouth. One must adept and overcome. To me, I enjoy the challenge. McCree players stick with him through thick and thin. It’s the American Spirit personified in a video game.

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And iddqd cannot be biased?

so iddqd is biased but samito not?

Humans always have a bias. It cannot be helped.

Ashe isn’t broken she could use some of buffs reverted that’s it, Mccree is far from broken he’s solid but definitely has flaws, widow i agree very broken.