"I would rather lose as dps, then win as tank/healer"

I dont understand this mentality in silver/gold ranks.

Now i know im not the best player in the world.

I believe my accuracy with hitscans is ok, but i dont mind switching when i have to. If two people instalock dps, and two others instalock healers, ill pick tank. Because i want to win.

I just had a game with 4 insta lock dps. Hanzo, Ashe, Tracer, and Mcree. On offense on Hanamura, with no barrier tank.

My choice was go healer, which was sorely needed (our tank was a dva) or go a shield tank, which was also sorely needed.

I sugested going goats, and none of the dps were willing to switch. The hanzo even said, trollingly, “hanzo is the only hero i own”

Suprise suprise, we lost. Our hanzo never even used his ult once, and nothing ever died, because our team would get shredded to pieces as soon as we approached the choke.

Yet my entire team (except the tank) INSISTED on staying dps, and just repetetively running into the choke and dying like lemmings.

I really don’t understand this mentality. Why would you rather LOSE as a dps then WIN as a tank/healer?

can anyone explain it too me? Can anyone offer tips/tricks on how to get a team to be more cooperative?

I try to be friendly, and make suggestions like “i could use some help healing” , or “i think we could use a barrier tank guys” but to no avail.

I know that MMR is representative to how well YOU do, because if YOU constantly do well, you will rank up… but i feel like ranking up as a tank/healer, ESPECIALLY in gold/silver/platinum is an exercise in futility.

For every game where you get cooperative DPS who can kill things, you have 2 games where you have uncooperative insta lock dps who refuse to sswitch, and can’t kill things. They would rather lose as DPS, then switch. I mean, i don’t even mind them STAYING dps, as long as they pick a WISE dps.

In the case before, the enemy team had a DVA, Winston, WB, Moira, lucio, and tracer. As such, the enemy tanks would dive the crap out of our 4 squishy projectice/hitscan dps who rely heavily on tanks, and there was nothing we could do to stop them.

Literally every fight went like this:

1)approach choke

2)winston/wb/dva/tracer dive strait to our hanzo/mcree/ashe/tracer and start racking up tons of aoe damage, usually kill someone right off the start.

3)my entire team would scatter in different directions, trying to stay alive

4)we would all be systematically killed

  1. #endfight

this happened for four minutes strait. and no one switched, despite that suggestions of even DIFFERENT dps, something like mei/reaper/junkrat, just anything that ISN’T hard coutnered by dive tanks.

It feels incredibly frustrating and like there is nothing i can do. /endrant

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Your title describes most of the player base, not just silver/gold.


there’s nothing you can do other then just take the loss.

To give some perspective,

Many people play this game as a shooter. They want to get better at killing enemies while playing their favorite heroes. Since they are low elo they are likely not too worried about losing games. They are choosing fun over optimal strategy.

This can be very frustrating to someone in your position. I would recommend trying to have fun in these games as well. If suggesting a better comp/strategy doesn’t work, there’s really not much you can do. Just try not to let games like this tilt you.


it just sucks cause im trying to rank up.

It feels like i can only play DPS to rank up, which is cool. But then me and a large portion of the playerbase feels this way and then we get games like that >.<

Its a self reciprocating cycle

well seeing how if you lock dps stay dps and lose you usually lose like 16-18

where if you flex to healer or tank the sr loss is usually more 20-28

get the dev’s to fix this

or change how sr losses are calculated and distributed

I think the message here is if you play tank or healer and are resentful for it, you shouldn’t play tank or healer

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Im silver.
Most ppl who say this are on alt accounts & dont care about winning. They only care about playing what they want to play.

Overwatch is a team game which does poorly as a team game.

You have better teamwork in games with zero roles whatsoever, like Fortnite.

But Blizzard wanted roles, and then came all the problems with it. You typically solve those problems by really balancing all the characters well, but that hasn’t been done since launch. It’s not going to happen ever, probably, not with adding two characters a year and making changes in tiny increments (or when big changes are made, like with Symmetra or Torbjorn, just making them awful and selfish to play when they were more helpful if bad).

Honestly, that’s why I love playing in Bronze now as opposed to high gold. The game is just not good for players playing what they want to play, and so you have yet another reason that this game is super, super toxic.

Ironic, because Blizzard says they don’t want toxicity and I believe them. Yet they keep blaming players for toxicity than core mechanics of the game which lead to it.


I get it. There’s certain things I refuse to do even though they may help me win more games. Sometimes there are more important things than winning.

Welcome to comp i just did my placements 2 wins 7 losses and a draw. every loss we had 4 dps allstars that couldnt get a kill. But hey you climb when you get good 20k heals or 40k damage blocked clearly means you are the weak link on your team.

I think the bigger issue is that you have teammates that don’t want to play as a team.

Also, i heard the last 2 weeks of a comp season are filled with players who want to derank etc… for all you know these players might be soft throwing before a new season starts.

As for your title regarding “rather lose as DPS then win as tank/healer”… perhaps their main is a tank/healer and they feel it would be unfair for them to play their main roles at a level much lower than actual SR. It’s a complicated relationship between what constitutes smurfing, trying to expand one’s hero pool, wanting to maintain high SR on main, whether alt accounts are unfair. I don’t think there’s a correct answer to this, other than hope your teammates are willing to play as a team (preferably by grouping up with friendly players as a stack)

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… and so does everyone else, which is why they go DPS. This feeling is only reinforced, because if your team will go stand in the choke to die and never press Q (and you should get your Ult eventually even without doing damage)… and if you had a sniper, a flanker, a mid-range that loves the highground, and an immobile short/mid range all in the same spot to be dived together and they couldn’t pick off tracer or focus down winston or D.Va…

Even if one of them had switched it would still be a loss. A few experiences like that convinces people that switching roles is pointless.

Also if you wait for people to let you or ask you to play DPS, you’ll never play DPS. When you hear demands to switch constantly, you tune them out.

That’s not to say someone shouldn’t have switched, especially when you could really have used a Sombra for hamster and a Reaper for general tank-busting so they didn’t even necessarily have to switch roles (they did have to do something other than run into the choke and die though). A Brig and a Rein would’ve been even better.

Anyway, it’s not good, but there are reasons people are conditioned to play that way.

Hi,gold is hard. Make it easy with off tank, i doubt someone who is not M tracer or dps would pass it with dps, play tank or main healer but main healer has 50/50 while a tank has 60/40. Just learn to make call out. If i were your tracer i doesnt mind if we were 6 dps.

What i meant is sometimes is better 6 ppl playing their main than having a 30m rein, sometimes i just wanna play tracer and past Gold right away, they are… special it is like bronze 2.0

There’s nothing you can do

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I’m a DPS main but I don’t mind off-roling, I mean… Hammond is one of the most fun heroes in the game, Ana/Lucio/Zen as well…

Nothing is more satisfying then having a 20k damage game with Zen showing the real carry potential of a deadly healer or boop people around until they tilt.

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Well there is only one thing to understand :

For the majority of the playerbase,
DPS is fun,
Healer/Tank is boring and unfun.
This isn’t blizzard’s fault nor somebody else’s fault, since this issue exists in other videogames.

Ofc we could say “but it’s comp. if you want fun, stick to QP”.
The thing is OW isn’t our job and we are all just casuals who play this game primarily to have fun, even in comp.
Comp is just a mode where we tryhard while having fun.

Personnally i understand this mentality since i think a bit like that.

I’m Plat, but I would rather falling to gold playing heroes i’m having fun like Sombra or Orisa, than climbing to Diamond playing Reinhardt.

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I recommend trying to get into a LFG with good and nice people.

Use lfg, trust me give it few tries, those problems with ppl picking 3 dps and not playing tank will disapear

  1. Pick one healer that can do some dmg if resuired (moira, baptiste, zen, lucio)
  2. Play only that champion no matter what
  3. ignore whzt your team picks or what is on enemy team
  4. wun or lose, stomp or not stomp, for whatever reason (comp, afks, throw…)
    ONLY think about whzt YOU did that game and what YOU can do to be slightly more effective in the game (during and after)
  5. apply your own remarks to improve your gameplay
  6. slowly but surely you will climb