I was plat 4, not gold 4

Performance how much your rank goes up or down. It doesn’t affect your MMR. MMR and your rank are to completely different things.

Probably the best way to make sure you get the most out of your wins and make sure you don’t drop too much with your losses is to stop dying. Not dying is one of the most important things you can do yet it is often overlooked while people focus on stats like elims and damage.

That means you lost 10 games unfortunately… It will derank you if you lose 10 games before getting 5 wins. It doesn’t necessarily notify you that you have deranked either.

Does blocking or capturing a point not count? That’s the main goal, so…
And if in the game I have to just not die, that’s stupid because you can just sometimes pew pew on the enemy team and go afk if you’re losing hard. xD

Small things like that will have little effect. Just because because you block more damage than the enemy tank doesn’t mean you will gain more if you win. Obviously it is a combination of things.

Now you are just being silly.

If 2 opposing players have similar overall stats but one is dying half as much as the other they would naturally gain more if they win.

Also, the less you die, the more time you spend actually playing. If you die 12 times in a game and it takes you an average of 15-20 seconds to rejoin your team that means that you are essentially “afk” and not doing anything for 3-4 minutes that could have contributed to winning.

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By blocking, I meant preventing the enemy team from capturing the point.

After all, it’s kind of silly to just look at the number of deaths. I had moments when our team was worse than the opposing team in all respects and we died more often, but in the end we still won. So, following the logic in this game, MMR will decrease due to the abundance of deaths? Or I misunderstood the idea?

Stalling the point will probably make no difference to your rank gain or loss, though strategically you could allow your team to win by stalling.

First things first, stop saying MMR. It is irrelevant to what you are asking. If you die alot it won’t change your MMR, but it will affect how much you rank up or derank.

If your team played poorly and died a lot but still won then they would rank up a little bit. However if your team had minimal deaths and outperformed the enemy team, and won. They would more than likely rank up more vs the previous scenario.

So basically as long as you play well (i.e don’t die often/feed/autopilot) and be as consistent as possible you should rank up easily with a 50% winrate. You should gain more from wins than you lose from losses.

MMR is your ‘Matchmaking Rating’ and it is a hidden value that is used to determine who your team mates and opponents will be. It fluctuates per game and unless you are hard throwing games it isn’t manipulated by stats. However the MMR difference between teams can help determine how much you rank up or derank depending on a win or loss.

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Hmm, thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile:

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No worries. These are all concepts that existed in OW1 but they are definitely more drastically implemented in OW2.

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This happened to me. I provided screen shots from my twitch stream to prove im not making it up. Blizzard response was support(dot)blizzard(dot)article/000127695 which has nothing to do with what my ticket was about. It takes forever to get out of bronze with all the toxic people. Took me two days to get into silver since it bumped me down to bronze 5. They say there is no bug so they cant fix it. I literally provided proof from a live stream!

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I agree, rank and MMR are not the same and while adjustments in MMR are now constant depending on wins and losses, adjustments in rank are not constant and can be influenced by player performance. However, it still does not explain the other aspects of this bug.

For example, if this is purely a visual bug of the adjustment animation, then how do you explain the fact this final adjusted rank persists in other locations of the game, such as the competitive queue screen, the career profile screen, and the screens of other players?

What about the persistent rank cap many players experience in which ranking above that cap repeatedly demotes the initial rank of adjustment by five subdivisions?

How does this explain the situation for players who perform extremely well during the five wins, never losing a single match in between rank adjustments and still experiencing this exact same sequence of first having the initial adjustment rank be demoted exactly five subdivisions below the pre adjustment rank and then having that new initial adjustment rank being promoted as is described by all these players?

If you can, could you provide a link that livestream to this thread?

I have noticed that this scenario is almost always low post forum users that are fairly new to the game. And the narratives almost always “I’m the best player in my lobbies and I basically never lose”. Which new to Overwatch players do you know of are the best in their lobbies and don’t lose games?

I feel like there are quite a few new people trying to make it seem like it’s the games fault that they deranked and not losing matches fits that narrative perfectly.

Not trying to be mean or offend anyone but that’s the way it looks.

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yeah this happened to me too i was plat 3 but it said i ranked up from gold 3 to gold 2

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Pareil j’étais or5 et à la fin de mes parties de classement ça m’a passé argent 5 puis argent 1 j’ai la vidéo à l’appui faites quelque chose

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To me it still makes no sense I deranked 3 ranks. No matter what you say it wont change how I think about this situation. And what do u consider “many deaths” to be? Is it like if u have waaaay more deaths than the enemy team or just in general a lot of deaths? Because I dont usually have a lot of deaths unless my team is sh*t and dont help me if a genji/doom is on me 24/7.

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That is true, the vast majority of players experiencing this bug are in the lower ranks. However, the vast majority of players are also lower ranked. It naturally follows that a bug would be most prevalent where players are most populated. Claims of low ranked players having long streaks of high performance is admittedly doubtful, but there have in fact been such cases where players who still experience this bug despite in fact performing very well. This explanation also doesn’t explain how this bug exists for players for high ranks either and I doubt those players lack such understanding regarding the matchmaker and competitive systems, let alone to then falsify such claims and post them to the bug forums of all places. All together, these aspects lead me to believe this bug is more than just visual. If you do have any counterpoints or other theories, I will gladly hear them.

I just won 5 games and lost 2 games, and I did not have a lot of deaths in these games, never had over 10. I think the highest was 7 in like 1 of the games. But the other games I had like 3-4 and less. And I didnt even rank up. Luckily I didnt derank. I was playing so well in all of the games. So all the people who say this isnt a bug, I dont believe you for a second. I know very well when I am playing so bad, but this time I was doing so well and was expecting to rank up. But no, I just stayed in plat 4 (yes I managed to get back to plat 4). The fact that so many people are experiencing this but blizzard is not saying anything about this is just weird. I hope this gets fixed in season 4.

And also, if you think this is not a bug, competitive does not feel rewarding AT ALL. So it makes no sense that this would not be a bug.

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This is what happens when you hire CHEAP CODERS from THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES.
Non working game :slight_smile:


(Twitch) at the beginning of the video until 38 minutes you can see I’m in silver. At 54 minutes it shows me go from bronze 5 to bronze 2. It happens every time I hit silver. I’m done with this game. It is literally actually impossible for me to get past silver because it sends me back to bronze 5 the five games after I hit silver.

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Thanks for the vod, this is exactly what I’m looking for to prove this five subdivision demotion bug. I’ve added them to the megathread under: Miscellaneous Links & Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated as well.

this is the 4th season and i got this disappointment again (before it happened in the 3rd, where i dropped from plat 4 to gold 4). now deranked from plat 5 to gold 4 at once…

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