Makes 0 sense that I won more than I lost and derank 3 ranks and I played really well in all of the matches…so I do not believe for one second that this is not a bug. So stop saying I deranked and that its not a bug. (I am not saying this in a mean/angry way even if it come off as that. I am just saying this so more people wont say the same thing.)
Did you leave a match? Pretty big SR penalty.
The explanation I gave is the only one that makes sense to me, and it makes perfect sense.
This animation bug also persists on the competitive queue screen, the career profile, is displayed to other players, and very likely has an effect on matchmaking, but that is difficult to determine given the state of matchmaking this season in general. The majority of those experiencing this bug also seem to have a persistent rank cap, which if surpassed, results in the rank being demoted not by one, but by five subdivisions. Somehow, I think this might be more than just a visual glitch.
Blizzard actually removed performance based mmr adjustment in this blog post: Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining matchmaker goals and plans, part 2 - News - Overwatch.
Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?
A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill.
From what was said by Blizzard themselves, the more you block the movement of an object or the more you help it move, the better your MMR will be, because this is the goal of the match. And if it really true, I don’t understand why was demoted.
No, I did not leave a match.
It might make sense to u since u have not experienced this yourself.
Yesterday i was diamond 3, when i ranked up today, i randomly went from diamond 3 to plat 2? what is happening…? never left a game and had like 6L /5W ?
Yes I have experienced it myself, because I have ranked down. The only part that doesn’t fit is the anecdote about how well you did, and the most likely explanation is only that part is wrong.
same too!it happen for three times!what are you doing Blizzard?
I’ve dropped from Gold 4 to Silver 4 even with outperforming the other players and a strong win/loss ratio. I had a 5-2 w/l on my last rank up and dropped 2 ranks.
I have had this happen, a few times. It is normal if you derank. It is purely visual.
I did not say that performance affects your MMR. It does however affect Rank gains or losses. MMR and rank are not the same thing.
If you win 5 games but perform really poorly you won’t rank up nearly as mush as if you won 5 games and performed extremely well.
Unfortunately most of the people in this thread don’t know what it means to perform well.
It’s like they believe as long as the have the most damage or the most healing then they should just keep ranking up.
If it was that simple then all dps could just get to GM by playing bastion and getting the most damage every game. Or just play mercy and get the most healing every game and climb your way all the way to the top just because you have lots of healing.
Yeah, this is what I’m trying to say. This has been a thing since season 1 and it’s a known visual bug. But as soon as people experience it for the first time they panic coz “muh rank” and they believe they couldn’t possibly have deranked and it must be the games fault.
Since you are so smart in this regard, can you enlighten us on how you need to win back for a good MMR, what needs to be done? Looking at the current situation, I am very interested to know what good performance rly is.
I have the Same issue, i was Diamond 4, and INBETWEEN my rank up matches that i was 3 wins into, i lost FOUR ranks and went straight down to Plat 4, INBETWEEN THEM. there was no notification why there was nothing at all. I was just sitting there flabbergasted that i wasted so much time over my break for nothing at all. NOTHING. i just want my ranks back
the worst part is im the same ELO so my games are still just as hard but without the ability to really rank up at all.
Performance how much your rank goes up or down. It doesn’t affect your MMR. MMR and your rank are to completely different things.
Probably the best way to make sure you get the most out of your wins and make sure you don’t drop too much with your losses is to stop dying. Not dying is one of the most important things you can do yet it is often overlooked while people focus on stats like elims and damage.
That means you lost 10 games unfortunately… It will derank you if you lose 10 games before getting 5 wins. It doesn’t necessarily notify you that you have deranked either.
Does blocking or capturing a point not count? That’s the main goal, so…
And if in the game I have to just not die, that’s stupid because you can just sometimes pew pew on the enemy team and go afk if you’re losing hard. xD
Small things like that will have little effect. Just because because you block more damage than the enemy tank doesn’t mean you will gain more if you win. Obviously it is a combination of things.
Now you are just being silly.
If 2 opposing players have similar overall stats but one is dying half as much as the other they would naturally gain more if they win.
Also, the less you die, the more time you spend actually playing. If you die 12 times in a game and it takes you an average of 15-20 seconds to rejoin your team that means that you are essentially “afk” and not doing anything for 3-4 minutes that could have contributed to winning.
By blocking, I meant preventing the enemy team from capturing the point.
After all, it’s kind of silly to just look at the number of deaths. I had moments when our team was worse than the opposing team in all respects and we died more often, but in the end we still won. So, following the logic in this game, MMR will decrease due to the abundance of deaths? Or I misunderstood the idea?