Ah yes, you already quit, that’s why you bought four copies and want a refund,lol
4 copies thing was long time ago. 2 of them permabanned. (well deserved) and i dont use one of them. and i dont care about refund. but i have right to it. i wouldnt buy the game if i knew they add heavy restrictions to the game like this.
pretty sure im not the only one thinks like that.
They told you as much, when you agreed to the ToS (the S stands for service…you bought the rights to play the game as a service, you do not own the game or have any claim to it whatsoever in as far as ongoing development is concerned).
Don’t really need to hunt that much when the devs provide the easy prey.
You bought 4 copies of the game… to play the same hero on 4 accounts?
TeamGaMe bruh why is everyone so entitled?
Misery is a choice, regardless of the ease
what are you talking about?
Humans choose the path that has the least resistance and is easier.
It is currently far easier to find something negative about that game than to find something positive.
Is the dark side stronger?
Yes, they have cookies.
Seraph, I see you on many threads and all you do is post a quick, snarky remark that offers zero help, insight, or any significance.
AKA: forum one trick.
Yes, you have figured out my angle.
Thank you for proving my point.
No one told you to.
It’s not like your main will be banned forever. It’s literally a week, and you can’t even say if yours ever will be out of the hero pool anyway.
potential 1 week ban for me. for nothing.
For only playing one character, actually. You are absolutely free to play a number of other characters, and not behave like a gigantic toddler.
people like you are gigantic toddlers. too ignorant to understand some people dont have fun while playing other characters. sure i can play other characters. but its not fun as my main. not interested with game if my main is banned. its simple and normal.
Because of stale metas, people are already forced to play characters they’d rather not, or risk losing matches and SR and teammates yelling at them for picking someone off-meta. Lucky for you, up until recently, Reaper has been meta. This solution gets rid of aaaaall that toxicity, and makes the game like new every week.
Over all this change will be better for the game and force meta changing. No more of the same 6-7 heroes being MUST PICK for 6+ months.
I have nothing against one tricks but this change is for the better. There are FAR more flex players than one tricks. Blizzard can’t cater to the minority.
If the game is dead for you then so be it. Sure your support that you don’t like it by quitting I guess.
then balance the game properly. hero pool is a terrible attempt.