I was loving the dev update until i hear hero pools

That sounds like a you problem then, not a game problem :confused:

They don’t want to encourage one tricks

its only in comp, if you want to play a specific character for fun go to qp. the comp environment is meant for people who are willing to switch and manage the team comp to come out victorious. not one tricks

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The developers arent discourage it :slight_smile: You have no right to tell this. I will play whatever i enjoy. This what video games for. Having fun.

He said they haven’t discouraged it. But now they are. Indirectly.

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How can you say that now when we are getting a hero pool?

I was saying they aren’t going to encourage it because they’re not going to make changes specifically so one tricks can have a better experience…

For sure, go ahead (Though not in competitive because you won’t be able to :smile: ). You will just have to suffer the consequences.

consequences of what? i did nothing wrong.

Of playing the game in the way it wasnt intended…

So im doing wrong while playing specific hero that i enjoy. Good mentality. wont bother to answer your further posts.

Not necessarily. Youre just not playing how it was intended and are now complaining that you are being forced to.

Just play QP for a week if your hero gets locked, its not that big a deal :smile:

Sweet. G’day fine person.

I like the idea overall, but there are some serious questions:

  1. How will Blizzard determine the weekly hero pool? Will stats such as hero playtime/win rate influence it? Or is it GM/OWL feedback? Or are they flat out random? Additionally, how many heroes will be in a pool? Are heroes selected on a role by role basis? Will we see the same amount of heroes be chosen for each role or is it totally arbitrary/random? The fact that we waited this long and have zero clue how the pools work is concerning.

  2. Next, people have complained about how Blizzard has balanced and updated this game for so long to get us to this point. Is it good to leave something like the hero meta entirely up to Blizzard?

  3. Finally, how does this influence OWL? Will OWL hero pools align with Competitive Play hero pools? One of the biggest concerns was how the patch differences from live vs. the OWL patch became.

One of the biggest pros of hero pools is that it doesn’t slow down queue time. Hero bans would only make queue times longer due to games lasting longer.

In OWL they choose the most meta-defining heroes at the time that are most-picked most likely, one tank, two DPS and one support, but it could work differently in live.

aren’t the bans random though? what if, by sheer chance, 4 supports get banned? people wouldn’t have much to pick from anymore, would they?

They’re probably not going to be random in live either, but I could see them not restricting to number per role necessarily like it is in OWL atm. I can’t see more than two supports getting banned at once though and that would be in a really extreme case, 3 or 4 would be too much.

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Same… I literally talked to my computer screen : “oh no… why… why would you do that ?”


I think it’s time to make a stand. They said hero pools can be removed for season 22 if people don’t like it. I’m not calling for a boycott but what I’m saying is that not playing Competitive for the whole season 21 would send a pretty significant message :man_shrugging:.

I don’t like doing this but I don’t think I’m gonna do my placement, not even on my secondary account (I bought to learn other roles prior to Role Queue) during this experimental season.

Edit : Also, don’t forget to make daily threads against Hero pools. That’s how people that complain on these forums got Role queue, map pools and hero pool… It’s pretty effective.

Fun fact: Blizzard dont care.

The “I play what I want” argument doesn’t really work in the scope of competitive play. The whole point is to pick a hero that will best work with your team. If you one trick a hero then your chances of winning will likely not be optimal and you will likely be soft-throwing. Yes, you want to have fun, but others do too and OT players ruin that experience. Hero bans will hopefully mitigate that and people will now actually start making serious picks. Play to win and to have fun.

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We’ll see. I’m trying to remain positive. Like I said in another post, the only thing that keeps me hyped on OW is the new maps and heroes to come even though I know there won’t be many in 2020 unless OW2 is suprisingly getting released by the end of the year.

If hero pools is to say, I’m simply gonna stop playing Competitive altogether (maybe just keep doing my placement matches to secure my rank).

QP and PVE Overwatch will be sufficient for me to care (I hope).

You’re well within your rights to dislike the idea but frankly you can’t know whether it will kill the game for you until you try it. As Jeff said: if it’s a failure they’ll be happy to discontinue it, so I don’t see what warrants the melodrama. Just wait for it to come out, give it a go, and if you really do hate it, then feel free to make this kind of complaint, but right now it just looks like you’re being negative for the sake of it.

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Better then a hero ban tho so no hero will be permanently banned.

Another drama queen…