I want to play Pharah

No one expects Land Pharah.

They’re sacrificing their own joy to unwillingly play hitscan just to counter you because that’s how annoying you as a Pharah are, if that doesn’t ring a bell to you then i don’t know what will.
They need to completely rework this character and remove the buffs that allowed her to stay on the air forever, seriously.


Staying in the air doesnt help her.

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Welcome to overwatch, where the enemy team is allowed to force you to swap.

If the enemy team is stacking counters against you, theres not much you can do with the hero unless your team capitalizes and destroys them as they focus a lot of theyr picks on you, they open up other weaknesses, which your tanks for example, might want to abuse.

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Pretty much like they would against a Doomfist. But they actually have a lot more available answers. If so many people switch to her counters is on one hand because some heroes just can’t fight back while on the other hand, others just completely destroy her.

I have no issue with her having counters, even hard-counters. It’s just that right now there are so many it’s becoming impossible to play her.

Though I do agree infinite flight should be removed, everyone should be able to fight her.

What can you do to force me off Tracer, McCree, Baptiste, Soldier or Ana (heroes I play the most after Pharah) ?
I’ll answer for you, nothing. They’re heroes who don’t really get “countered”, they have some bad matchups for sure, but overall the enemy team won’t be able to force me off them just by picking the right heroes.

And I can tell you I’m a lot more proficient as a Pharah player.

Well how about one of these ideas.
𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

In particular, I’d like to make her ultimate less of a suicide button.

This also, this ult is soooo bad. The other days I solo ulted a Reaper who started his TP 5-10 meters away from me (before the end of his tp).

He killed me first. That’s litterally trash.

The damage is fine, I just wish I could move a little, or cancel the ult midway through.

The damage is fine, the immobility and randomness aren’t.

When I play Pharah and the enemy is running counters, I don’t stay in the air. I find high ground with some cover and spam rockets. Or I’ll stay behind our shield and just spam rockets at the objective. I’ll take to the skies once in a while to surprise the enemies, or when I want to try and boop them.

Well, high ground with cover is simply part of her normal gameplay, and staying grounded behind a shield is pretty much deciding to only be half-effective as an already low-tier hero. You might just switch.

Well I’m not staying grounded, I just choose to be more careful. But yeah, I’ll switch of they are running a lot of counters.

It sucks, but no different from Brig denying value to Tracer. Counters exist, some heroes have more than others. It sucks, but we aren’t entirely helpless.

I feel the current counterplay only offers slight disadvantages, not the ‘hard counter’ that some claim exist. The last real hard counter was Brig 1.0.

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Give her jet pack the Boba Fett treatment.

Dunno to what scene you’re reffering but that sounds fun ^^

Battle Front 2 style of flying for her. Make her more functional overall and technically not really on Mercy as much. Right now she feels kinda slow for Overwatch faster pace.

She is undertuned and there’s a whole roster of hitscan and supports to counter her. People complained on console because Pharah was too strong, so Blizzard did the most logical thing and nerfed Pharah on PC instead of giving her a separate nerf on console.

Like you, I picked up Pharah before the nerfs and was heartbroken to see how much they trashed her. Instead of creating a hero that was supposed to have a high skill ceiling, they removed her splash dmg (which is fine) but did not reward her for her directs enough. Her mobility is beyond clunky.

Meanwhile heroes who just point and click are allowed to dominate the OW meta because it took them faster to point and click (“high skill”), rather than prediction projectile aiming used with Pharah/Junk. All in all, Blizzard hasn’t put in a system that rewards projectile players for direct hits. (I’m coming from TF2, a game where projectile heroes got to shine too.) OW just doesn’t work that way because projectiles = spam only and is more effective than putting in a custom damage modifier to reward direct hits/airshots apparently. Only headshots from hitscan/snipers is preferred. Think on that system for a bit.

What works for you doesn’t have to work for everyone, i’m certainly sure not everyone is effective running tracer against moira brig sombra ashe ball zarya and similar anti tracer comps.

Or mccree against 2 snipers without a shield tank.

I don’t think thats a exclusive phara problem imho.
Maybe exclusive to phara for you?

While I don’t have much hope of it actually happening, I’m praying they’ve saving her a nice rework for OW2 and pair it with a small visual rework too.

Good, maybe I can play Junkrat again sometime this century. Pharahs design is absolutely awful and I can’t think of a character pick that immediately forces so many character swaps (except maybe Winston).

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I’m not saying those heroes don’t have counters. I’m saying I personally feel good enough on them to play against 1-2 counters and still be efficient, because I learned how to play around them.
And this statement is also valid for my Pharah, I can even play into 2-3 of my counters and stay efficient.

What I’m pointing out is the huge number of heroes countering Pharah, she has so many that I often find myself pitted against 3 of them before they even know I’m on Pharah.
And the moment they decide to actively counter it easily becomes 4-5. Whatever the role there are multiple solutions.

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