I want to play I REALLY do

quick play was SUPPOSE to be casual and there was no pressure to get gud. Now its just people yellin at other to switch even though there is no reason to.

If by this you mean a select few DPS and the entire role of Support, then yes I agree.

I guess it does depend on the dps and the skill of the qp lobby

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That implies anyone’s in voice or text. :rofl:

Weird suggestion that works for me. Smile while you play. Smiling makes you produce dopamine and other feelgood chemicals. Helps you not tilt or get mad. If a teammate is toxic, well you’re already smiling. So you can laugh at them. Laugh at them in voice, or in chat. Or in your head. Easy to treat them like children that way. It’s got to the point for me that I enjoy the banter and it’s fun to talk back to people who’ve lost the plot. It’s funny to me now.

I used to be anxious when playing OW, and only played this game with some booze in hand because of the toxicity. Now I usually play sober (still a couple drinks if im in the mood but it’s no longer a crutch) and have a blast.

Other things. Don’t bother playing or expect much when playing on less than 8 hrs sleep. Eat good, avoid junky food, avoid PUFA.

Good sleep, good nutrition, smiling, all helps to play this game in a good mood regardless of the negative energy sent your way. Take care of your body before during and after.

Also, stop trying to win. Well, try to win, but stop caring about winning or losing. Treat every game as an opportunity to test your current limits and push the boundaries, and improve your ability. If winning is all that matters to you in this game, well you won’t be enjoying much of your playtime. It’s incremental improvements in your gameplay that is the most rewarding.

BTW in my experience (in Aus/Oceana servers). QP is equally as sweaty and toxic as Comp is. No joke, same level of toxicity and tryhards. Just with the added bonus of worse matchmaking, more leavers and more throwers. So comp is a significantly superior gameplay experience, at least for where I am located.