I want to hear from the Mercy haters themselves

I don’t think this thread is intended for people to wait until someone says something they don’t like and call them out.

And, again, why is everyone lumped as a mercy hater? That’s inherently a pejorative.


And not everyone in here agrees on what should be done, even if they stand on one side of the camp. Some say she’s fine and other advocate for buffs, the details of which are again varied.

The same could be said about the threads I’m talking about. Yeah, I get it. Mass Rez should come back. Oh look a link to Titanium’s thread. It’s the same song and dance.


Your being rude and doing what OP explicitly asked you not to do. Just stop. Let people vent about mercy without getting lectured.

Gurl if i have a nickel for every time a rebuttal was just an unnecessarily-long quote from that OP


Actually this is new. I can see the opinion from “the other side” without conflict and it helps me to be subjective. This thread actually is useful


I don’t think she’s bad but no. I think Ana has long-deserved this time, however.

I’m a D.Va main. No but fix her bugs. like. Let’s go

Rez should go


And, again, calling everyone who disagrees with aria rose and titanium and xavvy a mercy hater is a pejorative.


Wasn’t calling anyone out, but I was frustrated by the several posts I saw about entry level hero that It was either that or find myself posting a completely new topic ranting about it.

Lets just keep the interactions civil guys.

Please keep the anger and argument provoking to a none. If you don’t like the thread, the best you can do is ignore it and not participate so it dies sooner.

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I’ve said my piee. I had to it was either that or make more of that “mercy spam” that people hate so much to address that common complaint that should be obvious why it’s a problem.

This reads like a threat tbh.
“If I don’t rebut this I’ll make more spam”
Sorry, just how i see it.

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Not a threat, just me saying how it was, I was that frustrated by the stupidity and I knew what I’d do with said frustration

No, every hero should be viable, not in every game but in some ranks.

Yes I do feel like Ana has been pushed aside because of Mercy. I don’t hold a deep grudge because of that. I just hate how Mercy players cry about it when Ana mains had to endure it for close to 2 years and I lose my mind when they blame Ana for it now.

Its way to simple and boring. The thing is: It was always too simple and boring. Nothing that Mercy did was fun or exciting, not even a Huge Rezz. She just flew in and pressed a button. Nothing you could be proud of because she never demanded any mechanical skill. Nothing that made your heart pump hard because you just absolutely nailed something so much.

No. She is at the right place now though (bronze to plat) but even there she is too weak. She was always boring to play so I don’t bring up that argument.

It’s just people’s opinions. You don’t have to call them stupid just because you disagree :frowning:

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Thank you everybody so far for giving your opinion is in the civil and clean manner. I would like to continue avoiding argument provoking.

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To me Mercy shouldn’t just be an entry level hero she should be just as viable and impactful across all levels. Bronze to GM. Do I think they overnerfed her? Yes. Is it bad that she was overnerfed? No it allows for other supports to shine. But for someone who is a support main. I really don’t want to be playing Ana, Moria, Lucia, and zen cause to me their kits are lack luster.

I respect what you feel for the character but this thread is more for people who have a dislike of the character to vent it in a peaceful way. Not really a thread for balance or how we think she should be balanced.

Skill-wise, I think Mercy is a really easy hero that provides too much value. I mean this was one reason why there were lots of Mercy mains bloating up the higher ranks because let’s be real, you only hold down one button most of the time.
I think her nerfs since then was justified because she can’t always be the viable healer at all times, because might as well just stop adding support heroes then.
However, I do think that her rework was plain stupid. It does solve the problem of concept of a healer not supporting the team by hiding, however the solution for this is a very unengaging ultimate.

Her recent nerfs was uncalled for, instead of nerfing her, devs should be focusing on bringing the other supports in line with her.

I’d be down to try out 55 hps or 60 hps. Outside of that I think shes fine rn.

Do you: Think there is a justification for her to currently be bad because of how long she had the spotlight?

No. Nothing can justify a bad hero but, bad heroes will always exist. That’s why we have a meta.

Do you feel like your main has been ignored or pushed to the side because of Mercy and hold a deep grudge.

No. I flex, I enjoy playing all heroes and whatever the team needs.

Do you have a problem with her kit, or think it’s still too simple to hold the value it does?

Yes and yes.
Mercy’s kit was a huge letdown since day 1 (coming from tf2). Mercy is one of the simplest heroes. None of her skills are transferable.

Healing beam is extremely boring compared to tf2 medic (and I see no reason why they can’t make it more complex).
GA movement is too predictable.
Not enough consequence/reward for switching between heal and dmg buff.

There’s nothing inherently complex to warrant such dependency on a hero.

Rez is tricky. Commit to the design, make it work.

Do you think she’s fine now?

No. There are plenty of reasons why already. Valkyrie as Q is bad game design since it only ‘enhances’ what she does already (doesn’t even).

But sometimes the community is the worst part of mercy (haters and lovers). Be reasonable and open-minded.