I want sigma to be meta again

I never got the double barrier complaints, I really enjoyed playing sigma orisa doomfist reaper etc


Same wasn’t getting instant deleted from Hitscans at that time like right now.


I would rather relive launch Brigitte than double-barriers again.


Was fun to play before the slaughter


That’s was the highlight, not being melted by the overtuned heroes.

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Too much MOBA, not enough FPS.

But you are on to something.

The counter to DoubleBarrier, should be going through the barriers

Exp Card ideas to Fix Tanks
Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"

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No way. Double barrier was the worst meta ever for me. Even op bastion and goats were better.

Sadly you are incorrect even though it’s your own opinion so you technically can’t be incorrect


He’s cool and skillful and all that but his kit is bloated as heck


Yes this is true and they have to be careful with buffing him and orisa.


They don’t really.

They just need to disarm a handful of antidive capabilities that DoubleBarrier would have.

I.e. Brig, Mei, ImmoField, Accretion, Ranged Knockback

Me too m8.
He’s not as controversial as Zarya and not the feeding, onetricked mains playing D.Va.
This is coming from an avid Genji/Sombra/Reaper player.


A Doomfist otp wants Sigma to be meta so he can bully him. Sigma being meta is the worst thing in an fps, Double shield is terrible

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I think sigma has one of the best kits in the game but I agree that these heroes need nerfs for sigma to be buffed

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The heck?
Seriously. Sigma is not that bad the hate for him was unwanted. And why would JasonBent want sigma meta to give him more pain??? Rofl.


Doom otp? I’ll flex to any dps if I’m losing or if the comp doesn’t suit doomfist. I also started my tank experience when sigma came out, he brought me back to the game after 2 years off because he was new and exciting. I practically one tricked him to diamond in the role queue beta, he’s one of if not my favourite tanks to play and play against. Is the mccree otp scared that he will have to actually try against shields instead of getting automatic value by existing?
I can bully rein just fine in brawl meta so idc.


Dooms best meta was double shield, because hitscans were useless. They were playing Doom in OWL with double shield.

As soon as Chipsa got picked up they nerfed Doom :rofl:


Yeah, for only 3 months max.
Compare that with hitscan ruling for over a year now…
BTW aren’t you the mercy hater? No pressure.


Yes and he’s an advocate for mccree buffs… lmaooooooooo imagine more Cree buffs, but hey what would I know I’m just a doom otp right? I clearly want sigma (my favourite tank) to be meta just so I can fist him…

Ofc I hate Mercy, easiest hero in the game stacked kit.

Double shield was a cheesy meta and made the game skill-less.