I want people to play quickplay witttthhththth



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maybe someday they will bring looking for group back. although that never worked great either. unless you were spamming “looking for e-girl mercy” groups heh


Ill be your friend

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That’d be nice! though idk how many people used it for not-comp :grimacing:

Beetlejuice#12370 is me :smiley:

game is ded u need to move on

just had a 40ms gue1 server that was more of a fake proxy to their real hosting somewhere on voyager2.


if you play, on the current server, you’ll lose more than you’ll win.

they have so much DDA rigging in this game it’s lawsuit worthy.

every match has different ttk breakpoints. nothing is consistent.
a lucio can ult ur bastion and u normally melt a non-moving hanzo through it. next match? the ult is basically just ivuln frames and they take 0 dmg. makes no sense. they gotta show some numbers or some code.

every gamer deserves to know if DDA is on the menu.


if you lose a match do to damage output registration failure, visit practice range. if you’re able to laser bots nearly instantly, then your match was rigged. to put it another way, match server throttled your connection. insta defeat.



Who cares? I do just fine so far.

odd question for someone who wasn’t being replied to.
but since you chimed in, prove you’re doing fine. stream it.
i’d say screenshot it, as in, your victory history, but you’d likely submit an old image.

Facts! What you just said is complete truth. I have seen so many streamers complaining about this, and dropping the game for this reason. There’s no way for a game to have so many inconsistencies, without something suspicious going on. And for so many different players to experience the same issue? Nah, I’m calling bs.

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you’re replying on MY thread, dodo brain. https ://imgur. com/BFw4dad

take your tin-foil hat off. Here’s a picture since you apparently can’t read.

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every post on thread isn’t for you. in fact, most wont be.
turn your brain up. i get it. you reply to every post on your thread.
regardless of not being spoken to. what a dummy.
“its my thread so ALL responses apply to me” lol. 0 IQ.

Yet, it doesn’t show you replying to anyone at all, and you’re still commenting on MY post. Feel free to take your own advice, & not speak when you’re not spoken to. What kind of person gets their panties in a wad over the OP whose thread you’re under responds to your comment…that you willingly left there?

Then plays the “NoT eVeRyThInG iS fOr YoU” card to try to make it as smooth as your brain is : p

imgur.com/a/ctM2pG6 NUFF SAID

lol and? Still doesn’t change the way it looks now or yesterday. Here’s your first day on the internet award :trophy:

i’m not site admin so how anything “looked” has nothing to do with me.

imgur.com/a/yzdVw4V NUFF SAID

You can see it plain as day, lmao, with your own eyeballs. You can see it literally right now. Regardless of what you “have control over”, you can still see with your eyeballs and not get an attitude when you’re on MY thread sweetpea. Sit down.

can see what ignoramus?

How do I have to explain this again? You’re trying to prove it with your imgur posts. I’m going to leave you to exercise your brain cell to figure it out on your own.

Regardless, unbunch your panties when you’re online. If you want only one person to reply to your public comment, send a DM or a love letter next time.