I want my Torb rework

Did Jeff give any timeframe on the Torb changes?
I know we should see Hanzo in a few weeks and Sym might be a couple months away.

Hope we can get the Torb changes sometime in between he’s needed some love for a long time now.

He mentioned months ago that it would take a while to do what they want to do with him. We’ll likely see Hanzo’s leap and Symmetra’s rework sooner than Torbjorn.

Honestly though, the longer it takes, the better. Torbjorn, along with Bastion, is in a relaunch-worthy state. He needs a ton of work.

Symmetras sooner than torbs?

Damn I was hoping we would them after Hanzo’s…

It’s just my guess based on what Jeff said here:

We at least know that they’re trying stuff with her, whereas there has been complete radio silence regarding Torbjorn.

I see…
Well I can kind of see them coming to PTR at the same time given that they like to balance them close together.
It’s gonna be interesting to see what they do
With them.
Hopefully after uprising we’ll get some details.