I want midriff Mei this summer

Theres a concept art with Mei in a short tanktop, can we have it? body positivity is a big thing these days and im sad 7 summers later we have no Mei with tummy pride!

Like, go to Fortnite and look at the Opal skin. cant post images but its a chubby girl with her tummy completely exposed. if Fortnite kiddies can look at chubby bellies, so can us Overwatch fans. skin was crap but it goes to show we can have body positivity of all sizes

Tracer also robbed her of a Lesserafim skin, best opportunity…


Well there is roadhog…


When Mei is Cool and Hot at the same time u to the wu

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I thought Mei wasn’t that overweight? Isn’t it just the outfit? I mean she doesn’t look that big in the other skins. Now Roadhog…


Same here. She was never chubby to me. Just all the other women are sticks with overarching spines. Except Brig and Zarya, and now in OW2 JQ and Sojourn with her robothighs.

Mei was never chubby to me, just curvy.



well that just means there is no excuse then :heart:

I always thought she had a bit of a tummy in her Honeydew skin. Either way, Mei showing midriff would probably be too powerful for some people’s brains.

Though, “My son’s head exploded like a watermelon while playing Overwatch” would probably be a 5 on the Blizzard controversy scale.


hehe well Opal is widely hated in the Fortnite community. but mostly due to the design itself and whining about “wokeness”

I just googled her… Do people actually think she’s fat?

Wth? That’s a healthy body weight, not overweight. Skin doesn’t flab over the shorts like an actual fat persons does… Stomach is flat.

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there was this one post a while ago…

if that artstation skin ever made it to overwatch i think it would be TOO HOT

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Nice fetish-post lmao. I saw that “daddy” comment below.

I hate representation for the sake of representation. I also do not trust Blizzard - given their extensively spotty track record with other social issues - to handle the concept of body positivity in a healthy way.

If they want to put Mei in a bikini, I am absolutely here for it, but only if they do it because it’s something Mei would actually wear. It needs to work with her silhouette and her personality, and it must feel natural, design-wise.
By “natural, design-wise”, I mean it needs to fit in with the general design of her character. She has very smooth skin all over (see: that one waitress skin where she’s wearing shorts). If they were to add flab or stretch marks in a midriff-showing skin, this would be jarring and would be too blatant an attempt at “representation” rather than an attempt at designing a new skin for MEI, if you get what I mean?

YES I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! I know Mei is hiding the absolute cutest chubby belly under that coat.

Mei has a somewhat plump belly and this can be seen in her pajamei and honeydew skins

Mei’s not big enough to have stretchmarks or flab. Her belly would probably look more like Opal’s from fortnight

There’s no “minimum weight” for stretch marks. I got some on my thighs a few years ago when I put on weight too fast - despite never looking anywhere near as big as Mei. My last boyfriend was tall and slim, but had stretch marks on his back from growing too tall too fast in his teens. Stretch marks happen when your skin has stretched too much in too short a time frame. They often occur during pregnancy or growth spurts for that reason. Overweight people almost always have stretch marks, because they go through puberty like everyone else, plus the unhealthy lifestyle habits often result in rapid weight fluctuations.

At Mei’s size, I highly doubt she’d have a flat stomach. Female bodyfat distribution almost always results in a bit of a pooch when women get overweight. Even at low bodyfat, women tend to carry a small amount of fat in the area. A flat stomach while obese is VERY unlikely.
Opal, on the other hand, looks more ‘chunky’ than fat. As in - she seems to be a healthy weight, but has body proportions that make her seem bigger. It makes sense that her stomach would be fairly flat.

If they’re gonna do a midriff-revealing skin for Mei, they’d have to add at least a little bit of ‘bulge’. Giving her a flat stomach is unrealistic. If someone wanted to design a Mei skin according to body acceptance values, they can’t really get away with skimping out on the realistic details. But then again, adding stretch marks would be lowkey weird, given the art style. It’s best to just focus on creating skins that work for Mei, rather than skins that work for IRL fat people.

Tbh, Meis’ bodytype is just normal, a little bigger than normal sure but i don’t necessarily think so as “tummy pride” and “body positivity these days”, but thats another topic for another day.

I DO agree with her lack of skins like that, i get she’s the “comfy character wearing big comfy clothes” but i would 100% like a summer skin or something, “Reverse Winter” (thats a freebie name for it) if you will.

And also i feel strongly the same about Brig.

Not what you meant but i’d totally take midriff Mei as a pride skin, the gays will eat that up.

I am very sorry, but my personal opinion is that people should show their body only if there is something to show. Healthy is not a bad thing, and promoting an unhealthy form is something that is wrong with the current industry. People should work on themself and not say “nah its fine”.

you have my attention…

This is such a strange thing to say? Mei isn’t overweight, she’s chubby which is a normal and healthy body type for a lot of people, especially a woman in her thirties.

Anyone at any weight can wear a cropped shirt in the summer, it’s not for “showing off”, it’s to keep cool.