I tried Open Queue

All these “OQ sucks, thank blizz for RQ” threads are exaggerating. There’s finally two options but people still feel the need to push the “DPS bad” narrative by dumping on a mode they’re not gonna play.

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Literally the (truthful) meme complaints were what everyone was angry about pre-RQ and now that RQ has created one little issue of waiting an extra 2-5 minutes for a single match even though it fixed a lot of what use to be wrong with OW, everyone is now saying those complaints “weren’t that big of a deal.”

It’s just flip-flopping BS.

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Flexing was never a healthy way to approach the game anyways.

You were better off selecting one particular role with multiple heroes within it and just sticking to it.

Makes everyone’s job easier.

No one is asking you to like it or play it.

Nice to see that someone gets it.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people post something like:

“Oh, I tried QPC. 5 DPS my first game. See? We were right about pre Role Q. It was 5 DPS every game.”

It’s like, first of all, one game isn’t a proper sample size. And, second, QPC doesn’t have the same playerbase, as pre Role Q did. It’s in the Arcade, so less people play. And, a lot of the people that do play it are the DPS players that don’t want to wait 10 minutes for a match. So, of course you’re going to see a decent amount of them, in there.

And, like you said, a lot of us Flex players left or decided to role specialize and what have you. There are a few of us that do still flex in QPC. And, there are some tank and support players that do player there (as they didn’t like Role Q, either).

But, you can’t look at QPC or Open Q Comp and treat it like “it’s the exact same thing as pre-Role Q OW”. It’s not for the reasons I mentioned above and for other reasons that have been said in other threads, as well.

So, yeah, it’s nice to see that someone else gets it.

Yeah, Who really got screwed with the 222 Role Lock was the quick play crowd. The last time I checked the numbers (Which was right before Role Lock came to the full game), QP was something like:

20% to 25% Tank
40% to 45% DPS
30% to 33% Support.

As you can see, the only role that was even close to 222 (a 33% split) was Support.

Now, I know some people might say “Well, if Comp was 222 before Role Lock, why aren’t the Q times equal, now?”

Oh, that’s pretty easy to answer. After Role Lock’s ntroduction lot of the old Fill/Flex players decided to main a role (since their play style was soft deleted from the game), and many of them chose DPS. I also heard some Tank and Support Mains moved to DPS as well, due to poor balence decisions for their (previously mained) role.

And, these were just the people that still decided to play Overwatch after Role Lock came in. Plenty of them just ended up quitting, all together. Which, also increases DPS Q times, because there are less Flex/Tank/Support players to help fill those roles and keep the Q times reasonable.

Yeah. RobotWizard has made this point a few times. But, I will say I don’t really agree with his logic on it.

I suppose if you look at it from a very ridgid statistical viewpoint, you both may be right.

But, for me, it wasn’t just about playing DPS and only DPS. If that’s all you care about, then I guess role q is better. because, then you never feel like you have to play a role you dislike (as long as you’re willing to wait, that is)

But, for a lot of us, that’s not what Open Q was/is about. It’s about just that, the openness. We knew that, at any given time, if a certain Comp (like 222) wasn’t working, we could switch it up to 132. Or, We could swap roles with someone when we switched sides or what have you.

The one thing I have to say that I really dislike about playing in Role Lock, is some of the information is taken away from me. You see, in the old days, you could get into a match, see what map we’re on before you picked a role. I liked having that info, because I might determine what role I would like to play, what Comp I would like to use and so on. Then, I would see what my team would go for, and try to work it out from there.

Too many times now, do I get put into a match, I see what map we’re on and I’m like “oh, crap, I would rather play [this role], on here”. And, I can’t tell you how many times I’m playing and I think “I wish we could swap roles/team comps, right now”

Honestly, playing 222 v 222, I just feel im banging my head against the wall, more than I ever felt/feel I did/do in Open Q. If something isn’t working, we all have the ability to switch up who plays what role, or switch up the team comp overall (to maybe 132) or what have you.

To try and put it as plainly and simply as I can, 222 Role Lock just always fell to restrictive to me. Especially, when you add hero bans on top of it. I never felt that in the old days. And even with hero bans in the Open Q Comp, I still feel Like I have more freedom, because I can still swap between roles.

Yeah. You feel like you can switch up roles or the team comp as a whole. You feel like the match is in your hands a bit more. Whereas, with 222 versus 222, I just feel like it’s too restrictive (especially with hero bans on top of it) and your options are limited.

I mean, I get it, I know that some people thrive on that restriction and that feeling of a safety net. There are people who go into standard QuickPlay now, and are happy that they always know they’ll have another DPS with them or another tank or another support. And, that’s great for them, but I never felt like I needed that.

Also, I feel that there is a bit more transparency in the Open Q, than in 222. The reason is, the Q times. 9 times out of 10, if I get a Support in Open Q, I know they want to play the role and will heal me. In 222? They could just as easily be a DPS Q dodger, that’s just going to play Battle Baptiste and never heal.

I have a similar feeling with DPS. Yes, I might have 3 of them, but 9 times out of 10, I know they are players that like and know how to play the Damage role. Whereas, in 222, I swear that some of my “DPS” are just Tank or Support Mains “trying out” the role, or are just looking to place in Comp for points and don’t care because it’s not their “Main” role.

How much you want to bet that their definition of “Flex” is that “just flex within your role, bro” crap, that a lot of us were told, when Role Lock/Q was first introduced.

Honestly, I can’t tell you how many times I heard/saw that stupid “Just flex within your role, bro” crap, back then. I’m surprised my eyes and ears didn’t bleed from it.

Honestly, I think it’s because they fear if the open cue is popular, The developers might put it alongside 222 Comp. And, then these 222 Supporters will realize that when give the option, not as many people will pick 222 as they think.

Take me, for example. I haven’t touched 222 QP (except to get my daily loot box) or 222 Comp, since Open Q became available. And, I was one of the people picking Tank/Support, when I was playing it.

But, now I’m in the Arcade (and so are other Tank/Support/Flex players). And, the more of us that go there, the less are in 222 modes, which means Q times might be affected and some of their Tanks and Supports in their games, might have a higher chance of being DPS players in disguise (the ones that want a 222 structure, but don’t want to wait).

Basically, it boils down to player choice. And that’s never what most 222 supporters wanted. They wanted to strong arm the whole playerbase to play just like they do. But, now that there is a (competitive) options to not do so, they’re upset, for the reasons I mentioned above


LOL! Not playing serious and yet we apparently get more decent comps than you do in Competitive.

Five and Six DPS teams are exceedingly rare even in Quickplay but people tend to mentally not count offtanks like Roadhog as tanks so they remember it as a DPS comp.

Yeah, thanks to 2/2/2 OWL is down to 25K viewers on youtube. Clearly the game is doing great now :rofl:

Before role queue existed, it really wasn’t that bad. It normally was 2-2-2, but people could switch roles and what not for what was needed. (And this was in bronze.)

But now, I think it’s just letting people play what they want while getting comp points for it. They can play a DPS character without having to wait 15 minutes to do so.

I don’t think this is an accurate representation of what things used to be like.

Pretty sure there’s a lot more to it than that.
Character changes, new characters, the fact that the game is 4 years and there really isn’t anything new…

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Probably balancing the game for a small section of player base while the biggest player base quits


I mean, I get where they’re coming from - they have a lot of experience with the characters
But at the same time:

  1. Not everyone can play like them
  2. Those players also have characters they really don’t like or really do, and can be swayed one way or another because of those. Like Mercy. Why should they have changes made for them simply because they are popular?

you know, a lot of times i didn’t mind solo healing…but many times what would piss me off was the 5 insta lock dps who couldn’t even hit a turret and still had the audacity to gang up on me bc i couldn’t get to all 5 of them at once to heal

or, even better yet, they had the audacity to tell me what support to play, usually mercy so i could damage boost and help them take out the turret :rofl:

i would just go straight dps moira, or sombra and play my mini game of pestering one enemy the entire match, “y’all can heal yourselves” was my moto by the end of old ovw


I have been a stalwart tank main for almost four years starting from Season 1 to now, but in the space between the release of the game leading up to Season 1 I was a Genji one trick. During Season 1 I’ve spent only two hours on Genji, and the rest mostly on Rein and Zarya. Back in those early seasons my nature, one of a team player, won out and game after game I would fill on tank (and less frequently, support) because, well, it was needed and I was the one willing to do it.

I’m literally one of those people from :robot::mage:‍♂’s posts, and I’m far from the only one.

Well, I wasn’t trying to say that your experiences aren’t valid. They are. But, I just mean that not all of us felt that way or had that same experience.

It’s not a blanket thing, either way. That was what I meant

How do u get to 700 SR? Did u throw?

Never was an issue for me, for two main reason.

First, because I always have more than one character I want to play. While I did considered myself a Sym/Torb main, I would still have a lot of fun playing Rein, Brigitte, Mei, Moira, Winston, Pharah and Roadhog. As long as I was playing one of those, I would consider myself “playing for fun”.

Second, because I usually set a LFG and made a trio of flex players to play around. As time went by, I started to friend some of those players, and invited them instead of relying on two randoms from LFG. Having two people to back you off, in that odd situation where I just had the urge to “play X next match regardless”, they could cover for me by playing complementary heroes.

As I said previously, I didn’t gave a rat tail about my SR. I settled at ~2200 during season 3 when I tried my hardest, and stopped caring. I peaked around 2900 (not trying, just by slow raw experience earning), and then they deleted Symmetra and I completely lost any desire to investing more time “giting gud” at the game.

I got an actual mental breakdown during season 6 from online harassment, and from season 7 onwards I started playing comp with voice and text chat muted. I only spoke with my friends via discord.

I get the blaming burden being an issue. But I got it solved, and the game was fun again. As I said, the fun part of Overwatch to me was becoming proficient in as many heroes as my time allowed, and swiftly being able to tinker my way through the match selecting the most efficient tool to win. Voice chat was affecting my capacity to exercise proper judgement, and thus, it was removed from the equation.

The real irony is that by doing that, I climbed from 2300 to 2700 during season 7. So while it may not be for everyone, voice chat was really holding me back, and the numbers are there to prove.

Has anything really change from past open to current open Q.
You probably get the same issues.

That is clearly because they stopped giving tokens for just watching the matches.

To be honest, I don’t think 222 or Hero Pools are a bad idea for OWL and Contenders. My main complaint is about shoving it down the casual players as well.

Eek that’s a chore. Thankfully I only had one person like that. And they were the tank who kept charging in. facepalm

Let them die.
Spam ‘somebody call the whambulance’.

;^; Thank you for thinking I’m not trash and have to throw in order to get the rank I am.