I took the forums advice - I stopped flexing

Someone didn’t read the post haha

That’s exactly what I did maining mercy. And made a post recording it as I went. Didn’t get any bumps though.

You CLEARLY did nbot understand what I meant by 50/50. Thats the MMR chance that the MATCHMAKER groups you. It groups people based on the closest possible ODDS OF WINNING!!!

A “casual glance” at someones profile does not compare to spending 6 hours at the end of a season comparing my stats to that of top 500 players, where most of the heros I play I have better accuracy, better Kills per life, better stats overall. That’s just as bad as typing stuff into google and accdepting the first result as the best result. Look at all the info, look at ever facet, look at all the stats. When you “glance over” a profile and don’t look deeper into it you fail to see what matters.

When you look at the time played, accuracy, elims per life, etc etc…as a WHOLE and not a bunch of parts, then you see the bigger picture.

A top 500 will play a hero for 1 hour, win 6/10 games, have a 35% accuracy rating and have a 60% winrate…that BY ITSELF does not mean they are a very skilled player. The system cant accurately determine their skill level when it doesn’t have enough statistics from which to draw a well rounded conclusion.

Example. Scientific studies have to have a certain sample size (ie number of participants of the target group) for it to have whats called “statistical relevance” and be accepted as FACT!! The same logic applies HERE. The limited amount of player stats leads to a miscalculation in MMR, which places a player higher than they should be in the skill tiers.

These are mathematical certainties, not opinions. The numbers dont lie…as long as you read them correctly.

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No one gets into top 500 from 10 games. For one thing, 50 games must be completed in a season to be even considered. For another, a new account can only get to top 500 in 50 games if they win almost every game, many of these against other top players. Most players have worked up to top 500 in previous seasons.

Those stats are against other top 500 players. Your stats are not. If you were dropped in top 500 games, you’re stats would be hit by a truck.

Ok then. Show me the numbers: your profile.

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Here is the problem with that logic bud.

MMR reset didn’t happened in Season 3. That was when Blizzard changed the system to evaluate your new MMR from PREVIOUS SEASON DATA!!! Ergo…previous season data was used as a BASELINE to evaluate a new MMR based on that previous SR/MMR data. So anyone who was ALREADY in any rank above Diamond, stayed there.

Since Season 4 began, Blizzard has told us a hundred times that they intend to redesign the intricacies surrounding Competitive, and there is more than enough feedback in this community forum for them to draw from to fix the issues we face with the currently circumvented system, yet they haven’t done much of anything.

The community is in DESPERATE need of another MMR wipe at this point to even the playing field and re-evaluate player skill.

Blizzard is so “affraid of making big changes” for fear of screwing things up and upsetting people. Well, as you can tell from most posts in this forum, its already pretty bad, and anyone who denies that fact needs a reality check. Change is how a game evolves. They need to focus less on hero nerfs/buffs and focus more resources into fixing the major issues with several things in game.

1.) Reporting. There is an onslaught of false reporting and unjustified suspensions/silences going around simply because of the “threshold” of false reports that cause an automatic suspension/silence in game without warning or cause.

2.) Boosting. Far too many of my matches are effect by Platinum players boosting Silvers into mid/high Gold tier matches. Had a 4 stack just last match. Was a Plat, 2 Silvers and a low-mid ranked Goldplayer. How about you entuire a guess as to how that match went??? Easy answer: Poor decision making Silvers playing Comp on heros they have no business playing in a tier above their own. And you guessed it…we lost because of it. Not only did we lose, the other solo queuer we were with LEFT after they got frustrated because the Silver player who was tanking Winston kept diving a Reaper that was on fire!! And the other Silver player, a Doomfist, kept tricling in and dying to a Brig that had at least some sense of how to play the hero. It is situations like that which keep players like myself in Gold tier.

3.) Leavers, Throwers, Griefers etc: Leaver punishments are not enough of a disincentive to deter people from abandoning a match. 10 minutes is not serious enough to make people bat an eye. It is a slap on the wrist. And anyone who says “harsher leaver penalties will also effect people who disconnect” Ok. Well, maybe people need to be smart and consider how important internet is to staying connected. Yes, people have family connections that they have no control over. That doesn’t mean they can’t try and play during hours that their family isn’t streaming their Netflix on WiFi or downloading naughty videos from the internet. Same goes for playing in harsh weather. You run the risk of getting disconnected if the wind moves the power lines too much and causes a power drop. And you stand the risk of losing connection when the wind puts excessive stress on the wires outside.

4.) Avoid as Teammate: I am getting sick and tired of having only 3 avoid slots! I have to play a lesser of 2 evils game and switch out the verbally abusive troll and replace it with the a guy who is blatantly slinging racial slurs and anti-Semitic in VC and in the chat box. I really do not care if Blizzard thinks that adding more avoid slots will increase queue times!! I play WoW too!! LFR and Dungeon FInder queues are 100 times longer than Overwatch queues. Some of us have the patience to wait for a group thats not full of dimwitted players who make it their business to destroy the social experience of this community.

These are the biggest problems that have plagued this game from the start.