I took the forums advice - I stopped flexing

You probably are just getting better on the hero my doggie. Flexing on paper is good, but it usually ends with people being mediocre on a bunch of heroes. You chose to specialize and get real good on the hamster, so now you are climbing to the rank you deserve when you play hamster.

Eventually you might reach a point where you find it hard to climb purely off your skill on that boy, and that is when you might want to consider swapping around again and learn more heroes.


Doesnā€™t matter, you have these win/loss ratios against players that arenā€™t pros. If you are genuinely performing better than your rank and have a 50% (and sometimes even less) win percentage, youā€™ll climb. You arenā€™t performing as well as you think you are


I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding. Switching isnā€™t and shouldnā€™t be this automatic"I pick this, i win." If the other team has a pharmecy for example, it may be tempting to go a hitscan. But if you suck at hitscan heroes, the switch may hurt your team more than it helps.

Most counters in the game are soft ones. Even hard counters are overrated. As easy as brig is, if you are really bad at her, the tracer/genji will still beat you. In that instance youā€™re better off playing your best hero and outskilling them.

That doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t have a diverse pool of heroes youā€™re good at. But they key thing is you have to be good at the hero to be an effective counter to whatever youā€™re trying to counter.


See but there is the problem. You can learn how to play hitscan better. Someone like me CAN be proficient on more than one or a few heros in differnt roles and thats not a factor.

By default you should at LEAST learn to play ONE hitscan hero so you CAN switch when needed to for the benefit of the team. Making the choice NOT to will bite you in the tookus eventually. Especially when the heros you play are all insta locked from you by your whole team. It does happen.

Players who limit their skills to one hero will not benefit their team mid match, and the team loses their momentum because of that.

I donā€™t exactly care how close someone is to their ultimate, if they arenā€™t putting themselves in a position to use that ultimate because they are being selfish or being countered by an enemy, they are just as pointless to play and are no better than an AFK player.

Oh knock it off with that ā€œhard counters are over-ratedā€ nonsense. There are plenty of hard counters if you know how to chain your abilities properly. There are at least 6-7 heros that can knockback, knock up or disengage enemies from a fight. You dojnt have to eliminate someone for it to be a hard counter. Sleep dart is a hard counter to almost all the ults in the game save a few that are either healing or defensive buffs.

Idealy, everyone should be able to play at LEAST 2 heros of every class, which includes and is not limited to 2 tanks, 2 hitscans and 2 healers at as MINIMUM. Anything on top of that is butter. I for example can play almost any hero at the same skill level I am, except Genji.

Winning matches happens when people coordinate their skills. That cant happen when people are arguing, trash talking, being selfish or feeding the enemy.

Continued from aboveā€¦

it should never be a question of who is better or who is worse, it should be a question of what works mechanically for the situation you are currently dealing with.

Foir example. Lets say a level 4200 Tracer gets paired with a team and the enemy team has a Brig at 4350 SR. If that Tracer gets focused by the Brig and keeps dying, is she gonna make a switch to counter Brig so she can be of benefit to the team as apposed to being dead? In that scenario, that Tracer player would have no grounds to seek Brig nerfs when they are making a choice to not switch to a hero that Brig doesnt hard counter.

Sooner or later, you are going to be in a situation that REQUIRES a switch. Its unavoidable. Whether you are countered or you get teamed with a solo queuer who insta locks your main hero, its GOING to happen. And if you havenā€™t nbuilt up your skills on other heros to that same level as your main, you are up a creek without a paddle because then you suffer for it.

I do think learning many heroes and being comfortable will obviously make you better, but realistically we canā€™t be equally proficient with all heroes as you said. You brought up genji. Well Iā€™m horrible with Winston for example. I tried to get good with him, but I could never figure it out.

Now if Iā€™m playing D.Va which is my best tank, but the enemy genji is killing my team, switching to winston will hurt my team even though on paper I made the right switch. In that situation I might ask my other tank to play winston or do something else to try and counter to him but as for me, Iā€™m just bad at winston. Not from a lack of trying. For whatever reason weā€™re good at certain things and bad at others.

Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. Donā€™t treat switching/countering as this clear cut thing. If it weā€™re that simple, climbing would be easy. Know youā€™re strengthens and weaknesses is all.

Well hereā€™s the thing. Iā€™m not good enough at the game to be higher than diamond, I already know that. Iā€™m 28, so my reflexes arenā€™t as good as all the 14 - 20 year olds playing. I donā€™t have the time or the capacity to learn more than one or two heroes.
Donā€™t get me wrong, I like playing what the team needs, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve tried to get competent with almost every hero in the game. Read my first thread

Ranking up feels good, no matter the rank and it feels like the only way to do that is to try your best on one hero to try and eliminate all the variables of solo Q matchmaking


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m afraid of, this is all an illusion then suddenly Iā€™ll be useless on everything compared to Wrecking Ball.
I am competent on other heroes. It really depends on, wellā€¦ EVERYTHING really. Solo Q is an untamed beast, especially in Plat and below where PBSR still chokes everything. Thatā€™s why I think if you genuinely want to feel like youā€™re climbing, you almost HAVE to one trick your best hero to get past the system

PBSR exacerbates this problem

perharps a below average performance from Lucio would save the game, but it would never save you from the SR penalty

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Neither are Bastion or Junkrat! Cries in Junkrat main

Thatā€™s what I do. I can play 1-2 heroes in each category pretty well, the others Iā€™m adequate at or donā€™t play at all because I hate them on principle (Iā€™m talking Genji, Hammond, Doomfist). If Iā€™m just adequate at them, I wonā€™t play them because itā€™s often a detriment to my team. If Iā€™m pretty okay at them, Iā€™ll flex for my team. This has led to more wins than when I was flexing to players I was just adequate at, but less losses when a team comp really needs a second support or off-tank.

Well, I have played this game since the open beta, so I know my way around the maps. But thats the easy part. I have a pretty intuituve mind so its not too hard, for me at least, to figure out what heros can do. Ashe is kind ofā€¦kind of like McCree crossed with Widow? A little closer to McCree though in terms of mechanics.

The changes they made to Symettra were really good. I already knew how to play Zarya so that just made the adjustment easier in terms of aim tracking the beam. Throwing turrets was a really neat idea and that increased their effectiveness like 5 fold. Used to take forever to walk up, place 3 turrets in one spot then run across the point and cover another flanking path!! I also play flanker DPS so I know their attack patterns etc. Thats what you get from knowing how almost all the heros work. I played Genji just enough to understand what his ideal attack patterns are movements are.

Same for Roadhog. The hook changes didnā€™t really bother me much. In fact they were great changes that benefited everyone, not just the Roadhog.

The reason why I make these transitions so easily is because I spend a lot of time on the PRT as well getting used to the new maps, new abilities and messing around. Trial and error is a great way to find a rhythm.

And its actually funny that you mention a WInston V Genji cause I have a funny story that just happened a little while ago!!

This guy was playing WInston. He was so horrible at it, Genji killed himā€¦

Genji was chewing out our back line and he was asked to jump back and assist. Problem is we only had one tank, Winston, because we had a Moira who was DPSing instead of healing group fights, an Ana who was trying to flank an Orisa, a Reaper who was trying to 1v1 and me on Hanzo getting as many picks as I can (with gold damage and elims btw. mostly headshot kills on heals etc as it should be)

Even if I had switched to tank that would not have done us any good when the other players are making such questionable decisions and refuse to coordinate their abilities! We were already losing, people were frustrated, and changing heros at that point would not have made a difference.

I didnā€™t start playing Competitive until Season 3 because they had made the Season 2 changes and I still wasnā€™t confident enough then to risk playing and not performing. Once I spent maybe 100-150 hours experimenting in QP, I was confident enough to play.

I have the same mindset here in Overwatch that I have in WoW when I queue for Dungeon Finder and LFR. If I go in and fail the first time, I evaluate my performance based on how the group reacts etc, and if my gear is inadequate or my abilities as a specific role are not up to snuff, I donā€™t enter those queues. If I am sure that my gear is high enough and my rotation is sound and my combat awareness is good, I donā€™t need top worry about failure because I know that anything that happens, 9 times out of 10, will not be my fault. I will certainly have screw ups, for sure, but remaining consistent is one of my strengths at any game. As well as being very intuitive and having exceptional reaction time.

Thatā€™s completely not true. I probably have double the time invested every season, with higher stats than some pros, with higher winrates than some pros (specific to certain heros) and it is still a problem to climb because all it takes is one match with a leaver, thrower or griefer to throw off your positive SR gains.

You can have them give us the option to reset our SR and MMR to zero and skip the whole deleveling thing. Then youā€™ll never have to see us while we start from the bottom again.

An option like that would either A.) Cost you more money than its worth, or B.) Would get abused by every player with poor decision making skills and bad game sense simply because they are unhappy with their SR.

There would have to be seriously limits on this. Even doing that once per season would be excessive because if you had bad placements and people stole your main heros or left matches youā€™d still end up with the same if not similar SR than you had before. it would be no different than buying a new account which is what people already do for an extra $40 is buy an MMR reset.


ā€œIā€™ve seen comments like ā€˜I just won three games in a row, so the matchmaker put me in a bad stomp to get back to a 50% win rateā€™. It doesnā€™t do anything like that at all. It just keeps on trying to find fair matches. If you do win more than you lose, your SR will slowly go up. As that happens itā€™ll also put you up stronger opponents that match your new SR. Thatā€™s not so you lose, itā€™s to keep your matches fair.ā€ ā€“ Scott Mercer Overwatch Forums

ā€œAt no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain numberā€ ā€“ Jeff Kaplan Overwatch Forums

In the days of open profiles, people would often claim awesome statistics, but a casual glance at their profile would reveal that they were selecting for their best matches, best heroes, not actually analyzing their own play, etc. So if youā€™d like me to believe that these numbers are in any way representative of your average, not best play, set your profile to public (or friend me in game, Kaawumba#1133, PC-NA). It is your average play that is most important as far as your rank goes.

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Solo Q in a nutshell:

  • terrible incentives which are contradicting the game design (performance based SR)
  • no transparency (be it Matchmaking, SR, MMRā€¦)
  • no control about anything. Bliz even gets to decide the max time youā€™d be willing to wait for a match. Once theyā€™ve thrown you into one, youā€™ll have to finish it. Even if itā€™s filled with groupes that wont join the team chat. Because Bliz knows best.

I have been tracking my wins/losses SR adjustments. So far I have been averaging 23 per win and 25 per loss, so even at a 50/50 out of 100 games I will still be down 100 points.

Well done. Iā€™m 42 (damn near 43) and my Reflexes are crap. My 2 GM friends are 16 and 18. But I persevere.

Thereā€™s a YouTuber named Rag Tagg whoā€™s pretty old and has a neurological disease that cripples him and gives him double Vision. And he was just recently in Masters. So donā€™t let crap Reflexes put you off.

Iā€™ve got Lucio, Moira and Orisa as my mains. Iā€™m also learning Dva for when my dps are unable to hit a Pharah. Also learning Hog for in case I ever end up in a team where those heroes are all taken and we need dps.

I also used to main Mercy, and will again when sheā€™s not a bag of crap.