I took the forums advice - I stopped flexing

For example.

I have played this game since the open beta. I have sunk 100+ and even 200+ hours into each Comp season since I started playing Comp back in Season 3 after I felt confident enough in my skills to play Comp (which is something I wish more people would understand). I flex. I do very well. The main problem for me is when other people refuse to do whats best for the team and we lose because our Winston keeps dying to a Reaper, or a Widow cant land their shots and make ideal picks. I have been at the Plat threshold half a dozen times.

How many hours have you spent in each season?

Yes actually in many cases it IS the system. Why? Because the MM system purposely places you with people on loss streaks. Why does it do this? Because Blizzard thinks that by placing loss streakers with win streakers, that will offset the loss streak when in reality all that does is turn someones win streak into a loss streak.

Anyone who plays Comp to “practice” is not helping that situation. There are a dozen other game options for you to practice heros in. You can go to the arcade or the browser and find a suitable environment in which to practice.

It doesn’t matter how good you get, when the game itself works against you by placing you with people who have a lower skill set than you do.

I have been at the Platinum threshold half a dozen times, on win streaks, at 2496, only to get a leaver and have to 5v6 and lose because now the team morale is broken or we have a thrower who feeds the enemy.

The ONLY scenario in which the “get good” montra works, is in a fair match where there are no leavers, trolls, throwers and toxic people who tip the scales in favor of one team or the other. And that is only the case about 25% of the time because the SYSTEM does not take players actions or personalities into its calculations. All it sees is the numbers.

Thats actually wrong. Why do I know this? because even as Hanzo, I get 30+ elims per patch, top damage, I pick off healers and DPS left and right, I often have 40-45% weapon accuracy and my KD ratio is insanely positive. If I have 30 eliminations, at least 45% or more of them were from direct headshots or solo kills on healers and DPS with Storm Arrow or successive body shots, and yet I STILL get placed with lower skilled possibly loss streaking players who do nothing but act toxic, throw and derail matches. Players who have to be babysat and educated on how to play their heros and at this point, its getting increasingly tiresome when I can perform consistantly and yet people complain for the sake of complaining that I am playing Hanzo just for the purpose of trying to tilt me.

Those are players like me who are on their way down. We do still have to get matched with someone you know. Best we can hope for is that the system stabilizes quickly and make us drop faster.

I agree with this to an extent. I flex to great effect in comp, but I don’t follow the team comp to a T.

Learn multiple heroes in a role well. If you play Hammond, learning Zarya and Roadhog as well as you know Hammond would open up and enable many teams.

Then maybe you branch out and learn a healer really well. I learned Ana a long time back, and being able to flex to her in times of need has made life so much easier for me and my teammates.

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Here is a very basic analogy.

Lets say you are a janitor at a school. You are at work early in the morning cleaning the floors. You just swept, mopped and buffed the floors and now they are all shiny and clean. You look down at the floor and you feel accomplished in your fine work…but then…RIIIINNNGGG…the school bell sounds and a flood of children with muddy boots come stampeeding in the doors from recess and now that pristine “so clean you could eat off it” floor looks like there was a mud wrestling contest…despite it being your “job” to clean the floor, people should still have the courtesy to wipe their feet.

That’s exactly what it feels like when you are at the 2490+ threshold and you feel so confident in your progress, and then you get leavers, throwers and topxic players who undo all that progress.

No, blizzard is not risking their mega-million dollar esport baby by looking to rig match making games to keep a random gold/silver/whatever player down in some low SR range.

The way the system works is players have to win games to rank up. If you can do that on a one trick, then one trick. If you need to flex to win the game, then flex to win the game. The wins mater more than anything going on with the performance SR system.
The reason most players can’t flex that well is they just don’t have a deep enough hero pool.

Yet in the end it just comes down to wins and getting them anyway a person can to keep a 55% or higher win rate of all games played. Then play 100s of rounds to buffer the unwinnable “Well that’s a loss” sort of games due to throwers/leavers/horrible teams/one’s own random dumpster game play out of no where and there ya go.
That’s comp in a nut shell.


It’s funny because I tanked at the end of last season because I was tired of playing D’va. I lost 500 SR that I still haven’t gained back. I’m experimenting with new heroes. I’ve played D’va some this season, but not a ton.

I like flexing, but I hate playing mid-gold games because there is a lack of game knowledge at this level.

Bottom line: I feel like I am a better player now that I don’t one trick D’va. There is a satisfaction when making an impact with Widow, Tracer or Sym that cannot be matched by healing a Rein through an idiotic charge though the choke or peeling for your healers as an off tank.

The “just win games” ONLY applies to Diamond and above. That has not been implemented for lower tiers yet.

I have better win percentages than most pros on multiple heros and I still cant climb because even though I get 30-40 elims, do a ton of damage and perform consistently, its the variable of other players that makes it worse when you lose because despite performing well I still lose more SR based on the calculated percentage that was supposedly as close as possible to 50/50 based on the matchmakers decision to group people up.

And please do not erase the quotes reply. You are taking what I said out of context.

No it doesn’t…
Performance SR only helps lower SR players and the people who think other wise, even if this sounds harsh, don’t understand what is going on in game. They think their 9 kill gold medals is worthy of a performance boost or whatever, it’s not, at all.

The problem is people are tracking their SR moves from game to game and start to think that +12 for this win and then -24 for a lose means performance SR is the problem. Then they over look their 44% win rate or the fact that they only played 30 games in a season.

Players can’t rank up without a much higher win percentage than people seem to understand and also playing a ton of games. 51% doesn’t move the needle. PSR doens’t mater if a person isn’t pushing 55%+ or so anyways over the course of a ton of games. I’ve been poking around stats for players for years now, I’ve only see maybe 3-4 players who have ever ranked up into 3k+ on the back of a losing or barely over 50% win rate record (PSR boost only) or who fell in SR when having a high win rate over 55%.
Even then all of them did something funky that explained why it happened. Big loss streak at the end for example.

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and side note, that a trap…

your win rate on certain heroes doesn’t mater, only the over all win rate in total. Unlock your profile and I’m willing to bet it shows high win rate with this or that hero and terrible on others for a grand total of a 53% or lower total win rate of all games played.

that’s why you’re not ranking up.
One of the biggest lies in Overwatch is that anything over 50% ranks a person up, it doesn’t for some reason. At least not at rate anyone cares about.

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Win percentages don’t mean anything when you lose vastly more SR than you gain. When you have to win 8 straight matches to regain the SR you lost in 4 losses despite performing consistently in each match that is completely absurd. It is absolutely ridiculous and needs to be changed.

SR gains and losses should be based on your personal AVERAGES not the global average of every player in your tier playing that hero. If I get a consistant 45+ elims and 15k damage every match I should gain more SR.if I dip below that average I should gain less or lose more.

and yet I’m willing to bet almost anything your over all win rate of all games played is either under 50% in total or at best some where in the 51%-53% range.

That’s why you can’t rank up. It has nothing to do with PSR, at all.

Wrong. I have at least 56-60% on almost all the heros I play most often.

Part of your problem is that you are making a wild assumption.

Season 12, I played Doomfist quite a bit. I maintained a 60% winrate on him.
Also played Hanzo, 58% winrate. I played 200+ hours that season. Still ended up mid gold because despite losing fewer matches the SR loss based on the matchmaker is what pulls you down especially when a lot of those matches have leavers and throwers who make things more difficult.

and as I said a few times, I’m sure it’s well under that in total when looking at all games played. Something in the 53% or lower range.

It doesn’t mater if you win 75% on this hero if you dumpster fire 35% on this other and then in total end up some where under 55%.
One will just go 50/50 and move a few 100SR up and a few 100SR backwards.

You are “sure” it’s well under that? Thats hilarious since you arent looking at my stats window in game and I am. Again, you are making a LOT of assumptions.

The ONLY heros I had 52-53% winrate or under on, was when I played a healer for maybe 2-3 matches, and when I play a tank or flexed to counter when switches were necessary mid match.

Season 5, Season 7, Season 8 and Season 10, I was less than 10-20 SR from Platinum. Guess what happened< Leavers, throwers, trolls and toxic players get matched up with me. Players who have lower skill sets than me, and loss streaks ensued.

Matchmaking is a complete crapshoot. No matter how good you are in Gold, groups are a dice roll.

Lol wut. It’s pretty obvious your other heroes that you’ve been flexing to are way worse than your Hammond. No sh** if you flex to heroes you’re bad at you’re going to gain less Sr and win less often

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yes… 98% sure your win rate once placement rounds are removed is going to be some where under 55% of all games played, as in why you’re not raking up. Either that of you DO have 55% but did not play enough games to hit your SR goal. It’s one or the other in almost every case when a player bring up PSR.
It’s possible you’re the very rare case that breaks the stat pattern we have seen for a few years but I doubt it.

The magic number seems to be winning 55% of all games played and then playing (grinding out) 100s rounds.
Make sure to remove the +/- of placement as they warp the numbers too at the start of a season. As in 10-0 in placements and a 50/50 record is really a 40-50 record post placements.

I mean it’s possible you are pushing 55%+ and not ranking up but yeah, I really, really doubt it. It’s why people are bailing on comp so much as they can play fine, see decent win rate with some heroes and play 40 games and… nothing. NOTHING changes, it’s annoying and makes players give up on comp.