I, too, have tried out la nueva Sombra

I never even took Spanish classes. I blame the Mexican Spanish summoning ritual meme for the title.

HJCTJN - New Junk City (Charleroi), Victory.

Eliminations Assists Deaths Damage Healing
22 6 5 6 877 1 109

So first of, I believe Sombra is now less cancerous in general. She isn’t free to move wherever she wants anymore, is required to think and plan carefully AND she in turn has the ability to even become a major threat to tanks.

And that’s also where the problems begin. She has the uncanny ability to melt distracted people away within just a second. Virus + Hack is already bad enough, the damage buff to her gun lets her even melt tanks to half HP. Though most of the time, she just shoots you. It’s rare for her to actually do all three things in a row successfully unless you’re deaf and blind.

What irritates me is how much power is now bound to a single abilty. It feels clunky to not just have the translocator, but also be forced to turn invisible. It makes her commit to her excursions, which is fine. But I don’t like how, by design, the Sombra player does not fully control the character. Is it too much to make Invisibility manual?

Overall, it’s acceptable, at least in my field. This was QP, so who knows what the average rank was, but I think Sombra hasn’t been curbstomped as some people claim - you just need to think a bit. And she also isn’t insanely OP, just don’t hang back 40 m behind your team.

Speaking of which, I never tried spawn camping. I still have enough self-respect. Though it’s likely she’s now twice as good as it.

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You don’t just need to think. You need to be able to see 5 seconds into the future, or hope somebody seriously stays far away from their team for 5 seconds. If you try to engage earlier than her invis allows and even one teammate notices, you WILL die.

“I played her 1 match, look, she’s viable”


The goal is not to show she is viable, I’m just giving my opinion on the rework. That the result is not something you were hoping for is not exactly what I could’ve predicted.

Whats sad is the original Sombra from overwatch 1 was the best design

-No virus, but manual invisibility (with a 7 second cool down)

-Translocator wasnt awkward and you could use it freely (with a 5 second cool down)

-Passive opportunist ability (20%+ dmg to hacked players)

She was actually the best version in overwatch 1. But then she was reworked till nobody wants to touch her with a 35ft pole.

OP: “we don’t want sombra to play in stealth”

Devs: “ok she is now soldier 76 with more vertical movement”

OP: “Noooooooooo you can’t do that, she can’t be a functional hero”

PFFt. Like her winrate was trash before be it a buff for better sound que when she was just in her ideal range. Would have been enough.

Now you all have to deal with her being none flanker DPS, have fun with that.

That version was 100% team dependent, and was considered trash anywere that wasn’t like high level OWL style constant communication.

As you werent setting up your own kills, just kills for the team.

You’ve actually gotten to PLAY her? I’m STILL updating and have Been since 1600 eastern standard time…it’s 1723 right now.

In qp no less. At least she’s honest.

This seems to be a kneejerk first try reaction. I think it’s dishonest to say that this is OP’s final “everything” take on Sombra. This is their take after trying one match.

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