I think Zen's Nerf is unjustified

This seems to me like something that will pretty much only effect professional play. Pros used it a lot to great success and said that it was an issue IIRC.


Check his winrate. Thats not okay for a high skill hero.

People still use the goold ol’ winrate? Lol


Unless you’ve got something like sonic arrow or Widow’s ultimate in use, it’s hardly a guaranteed kill.

Source: 280 hours of Zenyatta gameplay


honestly, i also feel that way. It would be ok for me to trade some of his damage to have more survivability

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One of the weakest heals, something that requires no barriers being up, both of which also require uninterrupted LoS to maintain, and the enemy not trying to kill him makes him that good?


I didn’t say guaranteed. But if someone is unlucky and happens to be rounding a corner whn you volley it, they just die with no chance to react.

You can say the same thing about several heroes. I’ve been Hanzo, shootin’ arrows around a corner, and gotten a kill before. I’ve also been on the other end of getting killed the moment I peek out, and it’s never by another Zenyatta. People are blowing up an issue that doesn’t exist in an attempt to justify this nerf.

He didn’t need it, and professionals have been spoon-fed once again.


Zen and DVA didn’t need the nerfs. How did they get nerfed before tracer? I’d rather see Rein, Zarya, and Ana buffed. Reaper should have had shadow step buffed somehow as well. The mei buffs are interesting but she might need even more, like some QoL changes on her ultra. Still, the updates are pretty solid.

  • Orbs have extremely long range so even if he isn’t immobile he can still help with dives
  • Discord turns Winston from a backline harasser to a squishy killer and lets D.Va get kills more consistently while her missiles are on CD
  • Harmony patches up Genji’s lack of self healing, makes Winston slightly more tanky, and makes Tracer even harder to kill
  • Lucio (the other support commonly seen in dive) has great synergy with Zen as he can peel for him to give Zen breathing room to make magc happen
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A consistent 30 health per second is considerable, and shields don’t have 100% uptime, especially in a meta mostly composed of D.va and Winston as far as tanks go. And even if you lose LoS, it’s still applied for two seconds. If it weren’t an extremely potent dive tool, it wouldn’t be run in every dive comp and he wouldn’t have a 90+% pickrate in OWL.


Zen is the core hero of dive next to winston.


It IS an issue in professional play. However this is also a nerf that will barely even effect lower ranks. I consider myself slightly above average if not just plain average and even then I barely hit any of the orbs in a volley. Heck a lower rate of fire might actually HELP me. Would give me more time to adjust my aim.


So then what should be nerfed is Harmony and Discord. Half their effects and have them immediately return upon LoS loss.

There have been a bunch of people who wanted Zen nerfed, by saying they wanted Dive nerfed. Not only that, but the dev team also has stats which would show them if Zens alt fire has been a problem.

…And then Zenyatta is useless and underpowered. Nerfing a hero =/= making them worthless. I think this nerf is a great starting point, volley is personally my biggest issue with Zen.


D.Va and Zen enable dive. If you want dive to be less popular both of them need to be less effective.

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If those are the problem then fix them. I’ve never had any problems with his alt fire.

Zen and DVA are much bigger factors in Dive than Tracer. But I think if any hero in dive should get a change, it should be Winston.

Agreed. I’m of around average skill level when it comes to this game and this 15% fire rate nerf doesn’t really effect me at all. It’s extremely minor but has a much bigger impact on higher ranks.