I think this is the first time

That a meta has made me consider quitting. Not permanently, but until Pharah is nerfed into the ground I might just be back on Dead by Daylight. It’s just ridiculous how she’s in every game and hasn’t been hotfixed. Like, you already know the second Sym is viable she’s nerfed within two days, so why is Pharah allowed to literally run the game for this long?

I genuinely think Pharah takes the spot of most oppressive DPS in OW2 from Sojourn. That’s how bad this is


For me it’s her projectile speed, the rockets fly so fast. I’ve been seeing pharahs play without flying, only using boosters to evade dying.

Just run around rocketing people while being shielded, it’s unfun for sure.


She is now Junkrat and Genji hybrid and I have zero idea what to do to contest her. Hard to hit even for hitscan and the rest cant even touch her.


I’m not saying you’re wrong but it’s just how the game is. Once they nerf pharah someone else will become the hero that needs to be butchered

Its Tracer, because they dont nerfed her either and just made Pharah more OP. If they would really nerf characters instead of buffing others, it would not escalate so quickly.

They’ll never nerf tracer properly, high skill ceiling hero that I imagine struggles in low ranks.

Just because a hero has high skill ceiling, does not mean they cant be OP. Even in low ranks, she is very strong, ever since they removed a lot of her one-shots and made the weapon easier to aim with (bigger bullets).

I mean I hope she gets nerfed. She terrorizes my high elo games. Just knowing blizzard, I see no way they ever nerf her right.

That’s just objectively not true. Pharah is the only hero being picked almost every game with a 58% winrate. No one else needs to be butchered. Cree can get nerfs too but even he doesn’t need massive ones. Balance isn’t about hard nerfing everything at the top all the time, only hard nerfing stuff like Pharah when it pops up.

Tracer isn’t meta for the first time in a while, so…no.

But once pharah is nerfed tracer will more than likely be meta all over again and you’ll see threads about her on here. That was more so my point, I agree pharah needs nerfs her movement especially

Yeah but there’s something about a hero who completely invalidates over half of the roster by her mere existence being busted that makes the game notably sickening to play though. It’s cancerous. Absolutely cancerous.

No hero who hard counters so many heroes should be anywhere near the meta. She should be niche at absolute best or fully reworked to allow other heroes to actually interact with her.


I’m on your side in this one, my games right now are whoever has the better Pharah or pharah in general wins

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I’m sorry, but Pharah’s success in every match depends very heavily on which team actually bothers to look up into the air.

Most players in this game are tunnel vision robots too conditioned to ignore anything not right in front of their faces. I’ve played Pharah and died on a ledge that was literally right above an enemy that my Ana was dpsing.

This game trained players to have terrible game sense and just dps things on the floor first. That’s why Pharah gets away with too much.

Not an excuse when I’m talking about GM games. Pharah is busted.

Tracer isn’t meta because of Venture. So nah, she’ll stay the same

Tracer is way better than venture lol

OK well in those games it’s absolutely on the enemy team. I’m sorry but an equally skilled hitscan still shreds Pharah right out of the sky. And if Pharmercy is involved, Mercy is another easy to shoot target in open air, plus the rest of the team is only 3 players.

And yes I have played Pharah and Mercy at that level and hitscan have the skill.

The armor changes gave Pharah a stealth buff.

Dva use to be all you need to shut her down, but now her mech cracks like an egg if you go that aggressive at her.

The other stealth buff, which they should have fixed last season, is that when Pharah does her extra mobility she’s strangely quiet.

It’s way to easy for her to position from your team especially if you are already blinded by Mauga, Illari, discord, and anti-nade effects.

I’d rather Pharah counters get buffed, armor reverted, and fix her audio before nerfing her.

And Venture is the first direct counter to Tracer to ever be released

Is that why Pharah has a 58% winrate?

You’re lying or incredibly biased

Every game, without fail, there is a Pharah on both teams.

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We should nerf the support role instead. That’s why the game has so many problems at all.