I think mercy needs BUFF like HANZO, more complex play & more return

See Hanzo’s thing.
Every one blamed he is cheesy Especially SCATTER arrow.
Then they changed him more difficult and overall better stats.

Same as mercy.

More complex & difficult
and More return she needed.

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Hanzo still needs nerfs

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Some would argue he still needs buffs

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They removed hanzo “cheesy skills”.
Mercy should do same. Not cheesy. but high return.

Hanzo isn’t more difficult than before. They just buffed him in like 3 different ways and removed a cheesy ability. He has better stats because they made him stronger. With the arrow dropoff decreased and his added escape, he’s actually much easier to play (less skill required in aiming, less skill required in positioning). The thing is, winning is fun so him winning more makes him more fun.

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Think before cooldown nerf. when storm cooldown’s 8 sec.

He WAS high difficult - high return king.

We just LOVE to EXCLAIM on random WORDS for no real REASON

You didn’t provide a counterargument to a single thing I said…