I think McCree needs his 225hp

Maybe he should just shoot a little slower?

Read my comment and you’ll realize we agree on soldier.

Mccree is a better option then soldier sure. But compared to a competent ash, widow, or even a sick hanzo mccree is a sad counter. Hell if your ana, bap, and/or zen are dope I would argue they are as good or even better depending on the aim of the mccree player and the ana player.

Only real saving grace is pharah is an easy ult target.

No, he doesn’t need it. He has too much going on despite not having mobility (which got buffed a bit).

He can absolutely take a nerf and it should be his health.


Completely crazy idea but how do you guys feel about 60 damage Peacekeeper and 30 damage Flashbang? I wanted to try it out on some custom workshop games later but it’s a little annoying to code in separate damage values for melee, abilities and primary fire atm. (this is while keeping his HP at 225 but he can still deal with 175 HP Ashe with headshot + body shot but struggle against Widow a bit)

Mcree also has some of the highest DPS in the game
a .8 second flash bang
he is a glass canon
him having a .8 second flashbang, basically instant reload and 25 extra hp breaks this
it might not seem like much but his 25 hp changes break points
you need to have a damage boost to 1shot firestrike him through a window (good example of his breakpoint in action)
so no he is not ok with 225 hp

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McCree has neither the highest sustained DPS nor the highest burst DPS.

Those numbers go WAAAAY down at a distance.


As if stats have ever convinced anyone that McCree was anything less than the most oppressive hero in the game.

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These numbers are mostly incorrect as they take into account reload time. Mcree does 140 dps because his recovery is 0.5 and he does 70dmg. That is not including FTH however.

It’s good you bring that up, because I’ve been thinking about it for a while.

Has anyone actually brought up a valid argument to his winrate? Aside from the usual “bUt hIS wINrAtE” (which isn’t an argument at all, it’s just childish). I mean, to be fair, it is not a bad winrate right now, and I think there are some things to consider for winrate (i.e counterpicks generally have a lower winrate, like sombra and mcree), but generally winrate is a solid argument to bring up.

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You are incredibly biased and do not keep your biases in check, as far as I can tell. Same with the other guy who keeps making “gut mccree” threads over and over.


Because there are no stats to back up your argument that he is oppressive. So you have to make up stories that are objectively untrue in order to suit your narrative. It’s a sad way to live.


id be down for 35 hps on harmony after the discord nerfs. sounds totally reasonable to me

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Then just shrink his hitbox and tweak his ult a bit

What’s wrong with high noon anyway

His reload rate buff broke his fth limitation honestly. 225hp is fine and imo needed for breakpoint reasons.

FtH is designed to have that reload in mind imo. The reload speed buff needs to go, as it enables spamming and unrestricted FtH use and allowed roll to be used a lot more offensively which also broke flashbang’s interal restrictions.

Everyone’s issue as far as I understand it is his tankbusting potenial. Nerf flash and his secondary fire and if you want compensation buffs look at his roll or even his ult…

Well you see he killed me this one time and um NERF!!!

I honestly don’t think either should be nerfed directly as nerfing reload speed back or a bit more solves both of these issues actually.

This hero’s abilities are too interconnected so nerfing indrectly can work, as buffing indirectly already worked (see current mccree) unlike a lot other heroes.

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Generally, tanks like Winston or Ball smoke any dps hero with couple exceptions.

While many dps heroes had their ways and chances to escape, Mccree could only heroically die when dived. I think he needs 225hp

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I like the hp, just not the roll and flashbang buff. They should be prioritizing making his peacekeeper feel strong. Not the cheesy side of him.

Roll is a really versatile mobility ability on a low cool down though, even if it is in no way the strongest one…

I would suggest we finally Nerf McCree’s low skill / high reward FtH to actually realistic levels of DPS, revert his HP to 200, shrink his hitbox a bit and let him Roll while mid - air.

And we balance from there.

You should only have 200+ HP if:

  1. You’re a melee hero
  2. You’re mainly close-ranged

That’s it. This is also why I feel Brig needs her HP nerf reverted