I think it's best we revert mercy now

These posts are quite rare now, I have a feeling mercy mains are giving up on these sort of topics, I don’t blame them, but keep trying.
At first I thought it was crazy that mercy was reworked and wanted her reverted (yes i was part of the revert mercy crowd)
Then I changed sides, I thought it was good mercy was reworked, she requires more skill and I thought she was balanced. But now I think about it.

It would help the overwatch community SO much if she was reverted. I mean think about it

  • Mercy wouldn’t be an extremely OP must pick
  • Others healers would be able to shine (i.e ana)
  • Gravdragon would have another counter which it needs.
  • Support mains, (Mainly mercy mains) would be really happy.

Sure it would be annoying, but will it really be as annoying as getting an amazing snipe across the map and for it to be rezzed.
Not to mention you basically can’t play any other healers apart from mercy currently.

Also mercy mains would get what they want.
Reworking mercy removed her play style that people liked about mercy, now you reworked her into an annoying OP moth
She was fun before.

There would be a few changes that would be needed such as:

  • LOS requirements for res
  • No invulnerability
  • 0.5 second cast time
  • Also a new E would be nice, but not a powerful one, we don’t want mercy becoming OP again, I’m sure were all sick of that by now

What do you guys think?


We will never give up!


Rez should go back to her ult. Give her 2 instant rezes on valk. Rez on cd on the best healer will never be balanced. Mercy is mandatory for a year now.


Well might as well revert her then. TBH


So…majorly nerf her into oblivion?

I’m sorry? Do you want her ultimate to be resurrect or valkyrie?


Quite a few Mercy players share your thoughts, a revert would be optimal with a few tweaks. I’ve made some videos on it and though I don’t stick to the forums a lot, my opinion on Mercy will not change unless she is reworked for the better. Don’t worry OP, we’re still here.


This wouldn’t nerf her into oblivion IMO.
The LOS is basically a bug fix
Small cast time gives a tiny window to counter it, not the same 1.75s cast time.
Invun is what made players complain about mercy
and the new E would make up for the nerfs.

Thats great :slight_smile:

By my understanding, Mercy was considered a troll-pick before they gave her invulnerability. And you want that, plus more nerfs.
Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what I remember.

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Eh, good luck.
That involves getting around the DPS mains and streamers that absolutely hated Original Mercy to agree, and I don’t see that happening.

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No, thanks.

9 characters required

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This would make her even more of a must pick. She’s already in the grav-dragon combo because of the damage boost. If you give team rez back she’d be even more solidified because she’s the counter to it. Meaning you’d get more mirror matches of just mercy.

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I don’t believe she would be a troll pick.
Remember she had 50hps and she would get a new E.
The LOS shouldn’t be a problem anyways, it only prevents hide and rez.
The cast time wouldn’t be needed actually, now that you’ve mentioned that.
Also, I think she was a troll pick mainly due to the other healers dominating her (ana, lucio etc). but ur still right

These posts aren’t rare at all

Mercy is fine where she is, I’d say like maybe a slight nerf is in order which I would say remove double guardian when using a corpse.

I agree to be completely honest. At the time mass rez was unhealthy for the game, but literally giving her some nerfs would fix all the problems.

LOS requirement- Prevents the rez through walls.

No invulnerability- Make her easy to counter during rez, but maybe give her damage reduction instead, without invul, if the enemy team focused her down the fight would become a 5v6 and the mercys team would lose a healer too, so there is counterplay.

Sheilds stop rez- make her ult act like a dps ult, most dps ults get countered by sheilds, so make it so mercy can’t rez teammates on the other side of a sheild

e.g- mercy goes onto the middle of a control point, theres a orisa sheild next to her where a teammate died while the other 4 teammates are on mercys side, mercy rezzes and those 4 come back, but the sheild prevents her rezzing that target. This could be a huge counterplay and help the ult to feel more fair, as dps ults work in a similar way. The mercy would have to think about when to ult because, if the enemy team is good, the mercy may end up rezzing 1 target out of 5, staggering her and her rezzed teammate.

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Its not that they’ve given up. It’s that every mercy post gets shoved into the megathread


Yep. You can’t balance a hero like Mercy in her current state without going overboard with nerfs and even this will cause problems as she has received ten nerfs (I think) since her rework. Safe to say, no one, especially Mercy mains, want to see her nerfed again.



Personally I’d be pretty unhappy to have had to deal with this whole rework mess just to have mass rez reintroduced. Nah, steady the course and bring it home. Number of nerfs dm, just a balanced result.

Only if you have full mobility while casting, and somewhat decent range… Statue-mode (rez) is detrimental to the enjoyment of playing Mercy and I would rather have them replace rez entirely than suffer that boring and unengaging ability…