I think I'm done

Yet another quitting post.

I just got reported for throwing by two different people in a game where I had three gold medals, single-handedly cleared the first point, and worked and pushed with my team the entire game. In quickplay.

Now, I know I did nothing wrong, but it just doesn’t feel good.

And it’s really not the only thing that doesn’t feel good.

It doesn’t feel good getting killed by the same hero over and over again because they don’t have any real counter.

It doesn’t feel good getting placed at such a low rank every season that the task of getting to the next one feels too big to even try.

It doesn’t feel good winning or losing before the game starts based on the roll of a die.

It doesn’t feel good watching as every hero I enjoy gets either changed beyond recognition, or left behind by rampant power creep.

It doesn’t feel good loading in too slowly to play the game the way that you want to, and getting stuck on tank or something else that makes me want to go to sleep.

It doesn’t feel good trying to talk about any opinion on this forum ever only to get called stupid by 800 people who can’t even be bothered to make an actual counterargument.

It doesn’t feel good to get shot through a wall because the person shooting at you was lagging and the game always favors the shooter.

It doesn’t feel good to watch Doomfist’s dinky punch hitbox go right through an enemy’s center of mass for no reason.

It doesn’t feel good playing in the same game as a Brigitte ever under any circumstance.

Same with Roadhog, Widow, Hanzo, and Pharah. All heroes who used to feel fine to play as or against, until they were changed for no reason at all. (except the whole “Hog’s hook can pull you around corners” thing. Glad that’s gone.)

I don’t know why Orisa can still use Zarya’s ultimate every 10 seconds.

I don’t know why Moira can still delete people on the other side of the map who she can’t even see just because they’re at low health.

I don’t know why Bastion, the worst hero in the game, got a nerf instead of a buff, and then got nerfed again three days later before being ignored for at least a year but probably more.

I don’t know why Mccree’s Deadeye will just not kill people in plain sight with a skull on them and no defenses at all 90% of the time.

I don’t know why Zennyatta can still unhappen a perfectly placed ult with no risk to himself.

I don’t know why Blizzard thought we needed another stun hero.

I don’t know why Mercy couldn’t just have her rez invincibility reverted instead of forcing half the world’s mercy mains to quit.

I don’t know why the massive balance patch to make the game balanced around a hero limit after the hero limit was added to the game never came.

I don’t know why it takes Blizzard a hundred times longer to make new heroes now, when all the new heroes’ abilities are slight tweaks on older ones, instead of any of the wealth of interesting options that they’ve never tapped into.

I don’t know why the game hasn’t been improved more than it’s been damaged in more than two years of patches, even with all of the bug fixes.

I don’t know a lot of things, but I do know that the game that I thought was worth spending money on has been patched out, and without some seriously massive changes or an option to play the game as it was when it launched, I can’t see myself enjoying it anymore.

It’s great that you’re trying to reduce toxicity and improve matchmaking, but next time, try doing it two years ago when you made the patches that caused either of these things to become problems.

I haven’t deleted my account. I haven’t even uninstalled the game, but now that I’ve written that all down, I can’t honestly remember why I didn’t quit a long time ago. Good night.


I feel you. A lot about this game’s development is just pure frustration. I gave up on this game after Mercy’s embarrassing and failed rework was called a “success”.


I honestly wish we had this. =/ I mean I know it’ll never happen, and Blizzard devs probably view “balance” differently as the playerbase evolves. I get that. But … yeah, I wish I could go back to the OG game. =/

I know some things were broken (150 Widow bodyshots, McCree melting tanks, etc.) but I honestly feel like the game is worse off balance-wise now than it was then. At least for low-mid tier players.

I fully realize original Widow would destroy pro scenes. I get that 150 HP Zen would be unplayable there as well. I get that Lucio was too easy, Roadhog’s hook defied physics. Yada yada yada. But I’d still like the option to play that mode casually.

Maybe one day they’ll add it in. I mean, hey, World of Warcraft is getting classic servers. Miracles happen. XD


Still play but play casually, I auto lock dps now and just play. Golden.


I just want to highlight the guy that joined today that took his spot rendering this post completely pointless…

Welcome to the game new person!!!


You must be fun at pity parties.


Reported? Or actioned upon? I mean … I’m not gonna invalidate every complaint you have because… you’re having a bad day obviously. But if you’re getting downed by someone saying “we’re reporting you!”? It’s nothing, really.


Takes a lot more than 2 votes to get you suspended…Now I’m not saying what happened today was just or unjust…Just that it takes a lot of votes to actually make something happen. I’ve never been suspended or silenced and I’ve been playing since beta. You’ve gotta be doing something that’s annoying the hell out of your teammates.

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Not actioned upon, no, but it wasn’t the first time I’d seen that happen, and I’d rather it be the last.

Same, actually.

Ah so nothing has happened yet. Well then I don’t think you have to worry about anything tbh. Half the time people are like “I’m gonna report you!” but it’s BS and they don’t either out of laziness or the fact they know that by reporting falsely they can get themselves suspended. Plus, as stated earlier it’ll take a ton to actually make something happen. Either way I’d suggest shrugging it off and take solace in the fact that those two will actually likely be suspended or silenced far before you are.

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I hope the next thing you decide to do is much more fun then Yo. We’ll see ya if you ever come back.

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Try TF2 it’s another FPS that you may or may not find fun. It’s free and maybe it will be a good thing to fill the void left by Overwatch. It’s free and you can always uninstall if you don’t like it. At this point this game is more about how people act than the game itself and the forums are plagued with people asking for an LGBT character, saying a hero needs a nerf, saying a hero needs a buff, and telling everyone to shut up. Honestly the community and the game have gotten worse. I’m only around for CTF, which btw can take like an hour in TF2, fair warning. That’s the only thing they’ve permanently added to the game that I would love to play all the time, but you can’t play it anytime you want, I’m not gonna be able to play next week, tomorrow is my last chance for it to rotate in, if It doesn’t it will be a lot longer until I get to play it again. CTF is the only thing got right so far since the first few months after launch, besides Sombra, she’s my fav.

Some of the replies to this post shows just how bad this community is. Instead of realizing the game isn’t in a great spot and that the community isn’t good, they just assume you deserved it for one reason or another and troll on you by saying things like, you’re replaced so it doesn’t matter. Blizzard cultivates the toxicity rather than fight it. They claim to make the game better, so when people say it’s worse, they’re hated. They bend to the community’s will, so that way they say they listen, even if to bad ideas. They train their fans to take the entirety of the game as serious, so you can’t troll and have fun in a game, not talking about comp either, people legit get pissed in quickplay and arcade when you play for enjoyment, not victory. Newsflash people it’s a game, we paid for it, we should have full access to play how we want in non-competitive settings and choose how and what we play.


Like I said to another OP in the other thread.

Overwatch is not in a good state because of game masters and the community not being rational at all. Less patience overall which creates a total mental meltdown.


Look look just take a full day off from playing my guy . . . . . . . . or girl. We will still be here when you get back. Go clear your head.


Maybe you should expand on this a bit. How the heck did they think you were throwing? Hell, I love playing Symmetra on attack anytime I’m attacking on Junkertown, because it’s actually overpowered. People in QP usually just roll with it, and they’re rarely disappointed.

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Followed by…

I think we found out who’s making the community this bad…


I feel the pain brother. I too have also joined the “I quit” group recently. The game just isn’t fun anymore it’s more frustrating than it is a fun. A year and a half ago you would’ve had to pry me away from Overwatch. Now, It’s just a memory. The game is severely unbalanced and the toxicity is more rampant than ever.

Witness before your eyes the death of a video game.


It’s not how they thought. It’s how they know to get a player silence / suspended easily. If a player does not like you they will put up any false legit message to get ya a penalty. Remember it’s all automated and OP appeals will be rejected.

No one wants a challenge or truly to have fun anymore. Their mindset does not truly have the patience for it. There’s no fun or challenges if you can’t play your favorite heroes you like to swap to especially for the ones that’s constantly hated by the community. They made the game for what it is and now they’re reaping what they sow.

This also includes the people who invented this policy.


I have tried tf2 before, and it just can’t stand up. Like, comparing Junkrat to Demoman, Junk’s bombs are easy to aim and predict the curves on, while Demo’s bombs seem to shoot out of his crotch at random velocities. Just doesn’t appeal to me the same. I appreciate the suggestion though. :\

Playing Doomfist. Using my ult to take out a torb turret early so that Torb would be busy during the team fight. Etc.

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