I think I see where the DPS players are going (am I wrong?)

I dont think they will be heavy nerfs at all. i do think people are going to cry end of the world hero useless now though.


I’ve said this before.

“How many shots do you think a DPS should be allowed to miss before they lose a duel to a support?”


For the new support? Yeah. But I don’t think much else is really going to happen, maybe a lifeweaver nerf? maybe?

sounds more like a skill issue and less like a problematic character…

L + ratio

quote one instance where I do that, I will wait

no he isn’t he was just giving an example

blud wants a nuke explosion per every shot

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I think DPS have a fair point about losing 1v1 one’s, i think the issue is when you have the supports that output a lot of healing and utility like ana, bap, kiriko, and ilari also have a fair chance in a 1v1 against say a genji i think it’s a bit much,

I think Moira, Lucio, and Brig be able to beat them in a 1v1 is fair because they’re suppose to be front line supports in the thick of it so they should die from like a reaper or Rein instead of usual flankers and since they lack strong utility or healing it balances them out

It really hasn’t, but that’s beside the point. If you make a reasonable complaint, you’ll find far more people agree with you then if you simply cry and throw a tantrum every time a Support does their job.

There are people who expect to win every 2v1, because they want to treat the game like it’s Call of Duty. There are also people who don’t like that Supports can fight back, and would find it infinitely more fun if Supports had no mobility, no dueling capability, and no self-utility. They also don’t like it when a Support pockets another support.

This is a team game. 1v1s really shouldn’t be happening unless a player is out of position. You should almost always be working as a team.

That said, I think you’ll find the majority agree that Bap and Ana are too strong right now. People are still making up their minds on what exactly the problem is with Illari and Kiriko. But Zen, Brig, Lucio and Moira are all fairly balanced supports.

They have clearly defined strengths and weaknesses.


Nope, you’re wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

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And you know darn well they’ll be attacking the Ana that’s being pocketed by Mercy instead of vice versa.


I believe you are blind to the truth regardless of what that truth is seeing as you think damage players and the boogeyman are one in the same

You should try not being quite so petulant

Supports are easily killable the problem is people have terrible aim or go at them in a 1v2 situation and that’s why they say supports are unkillable.

But they’re seeing a nerf here soon so let’s hope that it helps. If Supports become to easily killable then we’re going to see a massive drop in support players


Yeah ppl have terrible aim… what about the supports who doesn’t even have to aim? :no_mouth:


The only supports i know you dont have to aim with easily are Moira and Brig (Because she’s melee) But characters like Mercy, Bap, Zen and Illari you have to be precise with to get any results out of. Baptiste if your aim is decent your going to easily score kills same with Zenyatta, but characters like Mercy and Illari it’s going to take a lot of effort to get kills with.


All need to be looked at because their kits do a lot to help them win their fights.

Only bums rank shame because their rank is all they have.:man_shrugging:t6:


Then its not op its balanced.

Bad ppl with the hero lose

Good ppl with the hero win.

An overpowered hero would allow bad ppl to get free value and win.

But what i do find interesting is you believe when you lose the support on your team must be bad.

That says alot about your bias against support.

When i lose i don’t think. My dps or tank must have sucked.


Yeah it’s a skill issue that’s why supports are the most problematic in gm+. Forum cope at its finest.


One time I was playing sombra. After hacking the enemy ana, I landed my virus and proceeded to unload almost all of my bullets onto her as well. I was so close to killing her, but she still managed to survive by nading herself, being healed by illari’s pylon and solar rifle alt fire. Did I get mad? Yes. Did I start coping by labeling all supports being OP? No.

I was mad at my team though for not capitalizing the space I’ve created by distracting both ana and illari while forcing out there cooldowns.


the only petulant people are the ones complaining about supports

look at this quote, very not so hyperbolical if you ask me, very thought of sentence and reasoning and everything:

such great argument, maybe we really should remove guns from supports they outheal Dva bomb anyways

Toast is a smart individual, enlighten me how supports are the most problematic

90% of highly upvoted posts here are support mains crying and throwing tantrums about DPS.

for every DPS post complaining about something similar to that, you’ll find 20 support main posts throwing tantrums with equally moronic opinions. there’s really not that many people who genuinely believe that.

remove damage falloff on all hitscan and supports can stay how they are right now how does that sound

just makes no sense that a support can outrange a DPS.

keep supports the way they are right now and just remove falloff so DPS can contest.

Y’know that a good point.

Does Ana have falloff on her damage and healing?

Even widow has falloff as a sniper, shouldn’t Ana?