I think genjis in a good spot now

At first I was a little weary but he seems to be doing well right now.

You might ask “why? his pickrates still pretty low”

Firstly, although that is true, we’re in a rush meta, which isn’t genjis one. I would be concerned if he was meta right now, his winrates pretty good tho. Overall, imo the devs did a good job with the genji changes.


They are super unlikely to change anything until OWL, and see how he does there.

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Genji feels better to play, that’s for sure

I do not think he is really that viable in GM but we should just focus on toning down the power of the meta and damage Cree before touching him

Also if Ana is not meta, genji sucks and we are in BAP meta. And Bap counters him while not synergizing with him

He’s better in low and midranks for sure and he feels smoother to play but there’s still 0 reason to play him in GM because you play for oneshot which he can’t do, he can do barely enough burst with blade but since that’s nerfed he’s off worse than he was (in higher ranks and pro scene)

I’d say we nerf his spread and add +1 dmg to shuriken

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In korea we have a Winston/Ball Meta and he is trash there too

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I think he’s probably gonna still suck, but there is the possibility that devs will force a Dive meta. So that might be his time to shine.

Although likely it will just be Tracer and Echo instead.

he is probably the worst dps in the game right now
and I don’t even play much genji anymore

why touch his spread? his dps is lower than sombras smg and has half the effective range. reapers old spread before his buffs was 8 and is currently 6. genjis spread is 9. he needs to be closer than reaper to deal maximum damage.

The only reasonable buff they could give him in the foreseeable future is +1 shuriken damage. I think they should wait a while before doing so because as you said, this obviously isn’t the optimal meta for him.

i’d say remove deflect buffs but we both know they’re never removing those so spread is the only reasonable option

He can’t have both fire rate and spread, it just doesn’t work like that.
He’d be too oppressive in lower ranks unfortunately and you don’t want them to start whining again so he gets gutted

Regardless the spread could go to 10 or 11 imo considering only genji players with bad aim need the buff (hence why diamond genji on stream made spread go from 9 to 8)

People say this for years now, never happened

In KR you already play Dive on some maps and guess wich Hero you dont play

Yes he feels good to play

That being said I wouldnt mind if the opposite was toned down a little

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I think deflect buff should go, maybe nerf his ult charge a little more and see what more damage would do if he still underperforms

Well devs are gonna have to solve Tank desirability one of these days.

And soon this “Rein Jail” meta is gonna get pretty sour when OWL turns it into WannabeGOATs.

And they don’t wanna go back to another Bunker comp.

And they don’t want another ZeroBarrier meta like SuperHog.

So Not Deathball, Not Bunker, Not DoubleOffTank.
What else is there besides Dive?

Yes, its called Overwatch 2. They already confirmed that.

I dont say people dont want dive, I just say the devs wont force a specific Meta. If they want to have Dive meta they wouldve done this already

Btw, people dont hate Brawl outside of this forum

Because that reduced spread on genji allows him to outrange tanks while also doing full damage to them, not to mention it allowed him to also engage other heroes at a longer range while also having the benefit of deflect change that helped him in 1v1 even more.

Imo it was THE single change that sorta made him more bladebot, cuz why bother assasinate squishies through the peel and healing when one can farm blade semi-safely and apply pressure on tanks as blizzard helped them to and basically instructed them to.

Lol. As if that solves anything and doesn’t just make another bees nest of issues.

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Of course, but THEY don’t know that. All they know is they don’t need to balance tanks because it will all be undone once they launch the sequel.

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Okay…But then why can I see the issues a mile away?