I think armor should be less impactful

I placed an edited sentence in the end to establish that I am not being serious. The fact that Reaper is supposed to counter tanks, and does quite well in that department from my experience, is not what I am debating.

I am talking about why armor exists and how Blizzard failed to implement it properly.

Gotcha. It’s really hard to tell on the official forums.

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It only occurred to me after my proofread.

This is an unwarranted nerf to all the wrong heroes. Take a look at how this would change the amount of damage a hero like Sombra would have to do. (each bullet from sombra does 8 damage, so 4 damage to armor and now 5.6 damage after this nerf.

Reinhardt: 700 damage to 585 damage (-16% health)
D.Va: 800 damage to 685 damage (-14% health)
Bastion: 400 damage to 343 damage (-14% health)
Orisa: 600 damage to 485 damage (-19% health)
Brigitte: 300 damage to 271 damage (-10% health)

Orisa and Torbjorn get hit the hardest from the nerf and brigitte gets hit the least. This only affects brigitte more in the case of Rally and armor packs. Honestly, you wouldn’t even notice it considering the popularity of Hanzo and Widowmaker who receive only 5 points of damage reduction on body shots.

Armor is designed to compel you to use burst damage like widowmaker, McCree, Pharah, hanzo, junkrat. Let it counter what it counters. Like saying Widowmaker is weak in close range, therefore we should buff her SMG to do double damage. Let her have strengths a weaknesses.

Agreed. 50% damage resistance is the same resistance that nano boost gives, except Brigs armor gives it to EVERYONE. It’s bad enough that armor gives extra HP, but the resistance is too much

How about only to additional armor? Then torb gets buffed to give out 100 HP armor?

My first thought when I saw armor (day one, this was before Brig) was: “this is only fair because barely anyone has this.”

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Or buff heroes with burst damage, all of whom had been nerfed (Hog, Junk, Zen, etc)

Burst is a huge counter to armor, and people seemed to forget that when Hog was nerfed and Brig came out

Hog? He uses a shotgun you know, he is actually one of the heroes most effected by armor!

my friend, its called hanzo. you dont have to thank me

Light shade armor gives 30% reduction, Dark shade armor bar does 50%, capisce? Torbjorn will give the heavy armor while Brigette gives light armor.

incorrect. http://overwatch.wikia.com/wiki/Health,_Armor,_and_Shield

according to that link, the only difference between light shade armor and dark shade armor is that dark shade armor is permanent (such as Reinhardt’s armor) and can be healed, light shade armor is temporary (such as armor packs and Rally) and cannot be healed.

Symmetra, Winston and Moira are the ones who suffers more with armor since they have low DPS they do half of the damage in armor.

Symmetra and Winston dealing 30 DPS
Moira dealing 25 DPS

They do 1.3 ~1.2 damage per hit.

“Symmetra does 180 DPS fully charged”
Against armor is 90 DPS, Zarya beam does 90 DPS by default, against armor is 45 DPS.

to clarify, Moira only gets a 50% damage reduction against armor when ulting. Her secondary fire does straight damage per second.