I strongly expect them to revert role lock

Odd because my friends list is more active then ever with OW players many of whom had quit months ago… maybe you have the very same small perspective you accuse others of having


It’s a nasty cycle we have here.

Players: “Tanks are boring and weak. No one wants to play tank.”

Blizzard introduces wicked powerful tank Sigma to aquire more players interest in tanks.

Players begin to play new tank.

Other players: “New tank is busted, nerf it!”

Blizzard nerfs new tank.

Players quit playing new tank/tanks in general.

Players: “Tanks are boring and weak, no one wants to play tank.”

I understand Blizzard wants to keep the game balanced. But in reality, wicked powerful tanks are going to be the best way to attract tank players.


Casuals do not have 20 minute queues. My queues have been on average less than half that and they go as low as 5 minutes.

I am much happier waiting 5 minutes to play what I want than spending 15 minutes in guaranteed toxic games that are not remotely playable.


I literally have 0 friends left who play Overwatch.

I am the last guardian.


No one’s stopping you from playing this game.

They’re not gonna revert it like they didnt hero limits either.

222’s here to stay either you threw temper tantrums about it or not.

People like you will always cry about anything to get things done like you want dont ya? Even in real life.

If anything this thread is just one other anti-222 and bait one.


How am I crying or throwing a tantrum?

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You okay? This is a lot.

I have had the opposite effect. More people (including me) have been playing again.

I love not having 4 dps on my team.


yikes dude calm down lol

This is me. I’ve come back to OW and am obsessed with it all over again after taking an extended break starting around February of this year. Came back for RQ beta and have been playing regularly ever since.

The game is certainly in a transitional phase with RQ dropping. It’s a huge shift for the game, so it’s sort of expected to come with some pains while they try and right the ship. They really need to do something about putting updates live faster, but there may be considerations we aren’t aware of that get in the way of that. I expect people who are upset about the current state of the game to come back once the dust has settled a bit.


Blizzard react to something in a reasonable time? Are you sure?


People on these forums are dumber than rocks.

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My friends list has stayed the same at 0

Do you have any evidence to support that claim that pro-RoleQ folks are the vocal minority? Every bit of evidence I have seen would suggest they are in an overwhelming majority. Even Blizzard has stated that the feedback has been generally very positive and has signaled their intent to iterate and improve upon the system rather than discard it.


How do you come to that conclusion? They have had many extreme problems they have sat on in the past for months at a time.

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quickplay is supposed to be for casuals aswell

arcade was their attempt to prevent players from picking dps all the time, as “there is a place for you to pick dps if you wanted to”, place

they added in deathmatch, freeforall, all to help curb down the amount of people wanting to play dps

they have done alot to try to fight this wildfire, yet manifestations are oozing out in 222


Well, when it comes to very certain things they are quick. Remember LoS requirement addition to Sombra’s Hack?

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Hi everyone this Jeff from the Overwatch team. So we are going to be introducing single role queue as we felt it was the natural progression for overwatch to take.

What this means is a team of dps will only play against another team of dps, tanks against tanks and supports against supports.

We know some people might think this limits creativity but we believe it’s the best for the game in the long run. Good luck and thanks for playing Overwatch.


but that’s because they meant qp to be a place where you can actually play the game, and practice for ranked

Well, I guess you’ll be strongly disappointed when that doesn’t happen :man_shrugging: