I still think overwatch is about to make a 180

What do you mean by 180?

They are going to make a turn-around. 180 degreesā€¦ You know? Change the gameā€™s stateā€¦ listen to the community, add less telegraphed content. Something different than what has not been working.

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Yeah, guess it comes down to tastes.

I was a kid when i watched AntC, so i guess thatā€™s why it holds a special place for me.(Yeah, discovered Red vs Blue later in time).

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Yeah for me I found RvB first, plus I just love how the story evolved and how we see all the characters grow and change. I guess for me itā€™s that emotional connection, AnC was just a goofy comedy (a damn good comedy) so I donā€™t have the same relationship with it

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I always wonder how many people actually care about the lore in games.

I played WoW for 10+ years and barely paid attention to quest text much less read outside comics/books. I did see the movie.

I honestly had little clue who 80% of the heroes were for HotS when released. I never heard of sylvanas, tyrande, malfurion, rexxar and a lot of the others until hots.

I am playing OW now, but I could careless about a tv series, shorts, comics, lore behind the characters.

I agree I think we are about to hit some big story progression now that meka is in place, those Omnics possibly being talon, the lack of the last event, and rest of overwatch being set in place. I think the story will have something for by blizzcon

Yeah, yeah.

Also, and totally unrelated, this:

I think these are the words i would use to describe Malcolm in the middle. PEGI4nit what a show. Watched it a bunch of times.

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Yeah, Red vs Blue was an amazing example of doing it right.

To be honest I donā€™t know if I agree, but gave you a like because of the pic. I love that spray.

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And most importantly, could Moira help create a Jurassic Park?


She does what she must because she can.


Why do you think she had those bunnies in the lab ? Hah.


What pieces exactly?

You may be right, hmmmā€¦

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Your science is faulty

I just stopped in to say that Red vs Blue is awesome, and if you guys want to point to a disaster of a TV transition you should be talking about Pure Pwnage.

I mean it can kinda just arbitrarily do whatever whenever becasue it was only ever a salvage project in the first place.

No one sat down to make what OW is. Blizz just shuttered one project and wanted to recoup some losses by making use of what assets had been created.
A quick cookie cutter FPV team arena game with the common trappings (cap points, push cart, king of the hill) was never intended to be a flag ship product. So what we got is really kinda of a cudgel recoup project that blew up more than expected.

This is part of why it was allowed to do this crazy untested pile up of unique toons, instead of the established situaiotn of fewer more fixed choices for player team composition. And part of why we keep being so off kilter with toons coming in and out of being reasonable to use, bad to use, or required to use, from one update to the next.

So from my POV, OW is not so planned to be what it is now like so many other games before it. And so is under no constraints or rails that direct what it has to continue to land in the trappings of.
OW, unlike most games weā€™ve seen hit the market kinda is in a position to just arbitrarily do whatever at any moment.

No OP heroes on pc. Relatively balanced support meta (important for comp diversity). Dive doesnā€™t make the low ground irrelevant anymore. Abilities that can alter the pace of comps are coming into relavancy. Bugs are slowly but steadily being fixed. The background for the story has been fleshed out. Characters are on the move. Thereā€™s more but those are the big ones.

Or weā€™ll all get 360 no-scopedā€¦!


Either way change is always welcomed!

Devs admitted we got pretty much nothing new this year because they stole away folks working on other stuff to launch OWL