I still think overwatch is about to make a 180

To be fair that talking soda can did make me laugh a bit

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Hey, in the entertainment industry it’s not wrong to give the audience what they want. D.VA is popular, if I don’t like her that doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t have gotten her short yet.

Popularity should never be a reason.

It would have more of positive feedback if it was not so badly written. 9 months of waiting for something that gives no progress.

If we had a poll between D.Va in her casual life and serious lore progress, I believe we all know what the majority of the community would choose.

I didn’t mean that it’s an actual popularity contest. People, even lore heads, have been demanding D.VA lore. Here’s the thing though, she’ll never have a lot. D.VA’s not reaper or moira, her story isn’t about the rest of the overwatch world, it’s always been about her struggles and her home.

This is why you give such heroes comics, not animated shorts of thousands of dollars. Zarya’s comic was amazing even if she is not ‘popular’ or too engaging in lore, until she got with Sombra. Now she is in the lore game too.

Mercy, one of the most popular ones, does not have a single one-shot comic. She is tied to Overwatch though. It would make much more sense to have her in animated short than characters like D.Va and Lucio.

Maybe, but I believe that comics are better for handling REAL lore. Shorts a are great way to show as things, the menace of the sea omnics, the MEKA forces in action. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that the devs have been using the right tools for the right jobs.

Honor and Glory nailed both action and emotional part.

This one feels hollow, unfortunately.

I feel the same way. This last year has been a big disappointment but I’m hoping blizzcon is going to be huge and announce a lot of cool new stuff, and hopefully less owl focus.

What I’m really hoping for is an announcement of a PvE DLC campaign mode. Basically archives but a lot more of it and the present story of overwatch, not the flashbacks that archives makes up.


They managed to actually get the balance into a decent state. That’s a kind of 180 already.

They’d be giving us to much. Blizzard doesnt spoil their fans that much!

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Honor and glory had to be a short, crusaders are too glorious for mere ink. Of course Reinhardt has way more lore to him than D.VA, he’s got a whole life time’s worth of service that can be explored, is a core member or the OG overwatch, and has a lot of issues. D.VA doesn’t have that kind of lore potential.

Aren’t we all? It’s going to be a long wait for that though

I think they are in conflict over how much lore to expose in what they feel is the first game in the OW universe vs. what to hold back and introduce later… if they lock themselves into some kind of lore that makes developments in later games hard I think they are fearful of having to retcon their lore…

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I mean part of that leak back in March (that accurately predicted a new game mode/maps, highlight intros and skins, and said we’d get a D.va short) said the lore would be SERIOUSLY picking up this year and there was an Overwatch movie coming in 2019.

I’m not saying these things are gonna happen too, but it’s fun to speculate after the dude was right.

They should have made TITAN real and not that ripoff called OW. Imagine OW as an mmorpg

Go to youtube and check out “Arby n The Chief”.

If you already know, better for you.

And better than Red Vs Blue.

Hmm i hope so - things I dream about:

  1. Blizzard World is now under construction in California
  2. Overwatch adds story mode for each character - with unique item reward per story completion
  3. Overwatch adds daily quests
  4. Overwatch adds new Guild System
  5. Hammond Plushie reveal :hamster:

Daily quests would be a reason to log-in daily. I doubt they would add such an obvious feature. Maybe if it was exclusive to the arcade, I guess.


Arby n Chief was pretty funny but I still think RvB is better, it’s got a place in nerd history too