I Said this before, and i will say it again, Torb does not need a rework

If you base your position on something like that it is already wrong. I mean, with same success I can say that you are blind if you think that Torb is fine as he is. See how much sense it makes.

Sym had design problems, not balance problems. Devs solved design problems by reworking it and now her design is fine. But they failed at balancing this new design. Old Sym could no be fixed by number tweaks. New Sym can be fixed by number tweaks.

Because before making any statements about heroes and their viability you should learn the difference between balance and design. Some non-viable heroes had good design, but their problems were in balance and numbers. These heroes were made better but simple number tweaks. But some heroes has problems not in numbers and balance, but in design. They have core flaws in their design. These problems cannot be solved by tweaking some numbers here and there.

Torb is that kind of hero, his problems come from his whole design. Numerically he is a good and balanced, he has okay damage numbers and other characteristics. But he is still trash-tier hero with almost zero viability. And now matter how you buff him in his current design - he still will be a trash hero. You can give him X2 damage, or double his projectile speed, you can completely remove his critbox - he still will be non-viable troll pick.

I understand why people are afraid of reworks after Sym rework. But they need to understand that the main goal of major reworks is to solve design problems. Balance problems, if they are there, could be fixed later if design problems are solved.

My issue with the rework is exactly how Megadodo put it:

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Maggy stop

He needs those changes
dont you wanna see torb on attack legitimately used?

If that means he gets the sym treatment then i may have to say no

I just dont want more of the characters i enjoy to get ripped out of their playstyle

first mercy, then sym, now torb, same is coming for bastion, It has gotten annoying

also my name is with only 1 G


You don’t know that, maybe they will do good this time. I would like to play with a fast torb at my side while i shield his problems.

most reworks already done did the same thing,

so, until i get delivered the oposite, i will belive in what i saw as of now

But setting a lvl 2 turret by just throwing it could come in handy.

I dont like to watch torb hammering all day.

Well, judging how the devs said it, the turret will upgrade itself slowly,

meaning, he might be even less viable on attack, because i will have to wait 5 - 10s (my prediction) in attack with a puny 150hp turret and somehow keep it alive for that long

You throw the turret in the back and continue to push with your team.

but i can already do that, what would be the point of that if i can do the exact same thing i do now?

I only dont like the beam currently.

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No, you hammer the turret while team goes in 5v6, new torb you slam the turrrret and spam the tanks with bullets.

I dont do that mid attack though as it puts my team in a disvantage, it all depends on the situation,

i sometimes drop a level 1 and go in to fight, and leave the turret slowly pick up the enemy 1 by 1, a ignored level 1 turret can be useful

See? And now you could throw lvl 2 and deal double the damage

at the cost of molten core, and at the cost of beeing able to use a turret defensively well,

im not against the throweable turret as of now, but im iffy about it, depending on how they do it, and im assuming they will pull a sym

Is kind of like the new Sym :frowning:.

As for Torb, I hope they keep the armor packs. I feel that that is pretty good design wise.

Accidentally deleted my post, whoops. Stupid phone.

Blizzard prefers reworks to rebalancing. torb rework incoming, regardless of any tweaks that could fix him.

Throwing his turret would give him far more angles than he currently has. If you want a very precise placement, just throw it at your feet.

The beam could use some work. It is super cool in theory. In practice it is pretty lacking. I guess you can use it to damage that DMing D.Va

I’ve become a hardliner against reworks.

I get why you would want one for Torb, i really do. But i just don’t have faith in the dev team to handle it competently and respectfully.