I really hope some kind of role queue comes to OW soon

maybe i’m just unlucky but my past few games have been filled with players locking in 4+ dps. I try my best to flex and work around my teammates and managed to break even on wins and losses, but the games just didn’t feel like OW to me.

The fights were all chaotic and basically we only won games were my team and I had superior enough mechanical skill to out play the other teams (usually) superior comp.

I feel like if I wanted to play this style of game I could’ve just played team death match in arcade, or loaded up a shooter like COD and not worry about teammates.

idk ima go take a break maybe try my luck again later LOL #unlucky

It will change absolutely nothing in terms of enjoyment.


Go Wrecking Ball. It’s been working well for me. 3 dps, 4 dps, who cares. You can still make an impact and give the selfish dps players layups to help give them value in a match.

People will lock tank or support and just play them like a dps to just reduce Q times. It will just be another way of trolling


What it will do, is have the people who select first and lock characters dominate selection, since it will be harder in the time before the match begins to coordinate switching, even when someone talks it through and agrees. And it would make switching mid match even more of a nightmare.

Role que is not the answer. Balancing characters is. That’s a harder job but that’s the job Blizzard has to do.

yea ive been playing a lot of wrecking ball lately, although admittedly it gets hard against certain comps and paired with certain dps.

I feel like power creep has made this game extremely hard to balance. Also no one knows for sure whether or not Role queue is the “answer”. You don’t know how blizzard would implement role queue. I’d just much rather have the devs try implementing something to improve the way the game is. The game use to be basically “no-limits” until they implemented the single hero selection restriction that it is now.

then those people can have fun playing dps tank and dps support in bronze and I won’t have to deal with them? LOL their play will reflect their rank

I will never play competitive again if a role queue is added. I might even uninstall.

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Yeah a good Mei or Roadhog is what always gets me to switch, although I’ve had some pretty good luck baiting out Hogs cooldowns. Mei much less so, stay away lol.

This is literally a meta comp that I play in both high ranked play and scrims…

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sombra also D:

Its played in OWL also(:
but from what i’ve seen its pretty map dependent and only works well with certain dps. I’m only an average ranked player, but that’s just my 2 cents.

Good. This is the sh*t that matters, winning due to mechanical skill and game sense rather than hard countering the enemy. Everyone knows the counters in this game, not everyone knows how to win with 4/1/1 or 3/1/2.

I dont think overwatch is about skill these days anymore. As you said almost every game starts with 4 dps. Right know i am at 27xx and after yesterday gaming session i am confused. Day before i was trying hard to win picking my best hero but i lost 4 games. Yesterday i was in bad mood, i picked 3 heroes i am totaly bad at. I mean really bad. I had even 29 deaths as wrecking ball. Had fun funny kills but overally i did nothing. And yet i won 3/4 games, like wtf. When i am not trying i am winning and when i do i lose? I guess it was all about team comp or i am lost.

I agree that game sense and mechanical skill should be the reasons why games are won, but i think knowing when to switch heroes in order to “counter” your opposition and knowing what characters have synergy is part of that game sense.

Also imo not all 4/1/1 or 3/1/2 comps are equal and these comps can’t win against every comp no matter how well they are played. I think the OWL has shown this time and again, but this is ladder and ladder is a sh*t show, which is why i’d like to see something changed, possibly role queue.

I agree skill can’t always carry games anymore. There are plenty of top 500 streamers on youtube who have done video series on their smurf accounts placing in like gold or plat and climbing back to GM. Obviously these players have superior mechanical skill and game sense yet can’t always carry their team. I feel like with a system like role queue at least I’d get some semblance of what im getting into every time i queue for a game rather than some mystery box team mates lol.

I also think the power creep of the game and and the addition of characters that hard counter other characters has eliminated a lot of the skill based outplays OW used to have

This is precisely WHY these comps CAN win. It’s ladder. The enemy team is gonna make mistakes, just like your team. If you’re able to capitalize on enemy mistakes, you can and will win with non-ideal team comps.

Not role q, it would honestly not work in my opinion. Forced meta 2 2 2 is the way.

if you’re lucky any comp can win in ladder, but I’d just like to see more structure in ranked so I don’t have to try to pull magic out of my butt to win games. To often I feel like some games are won in the hero select screen.

Like I consider myself a decently flexible player but there are heroes I for sure cannot play at competitively at my rank lol and well if I gotta play one of those heroes for whatever reason then well gg go next we taking a fat L

Im honestly down to at least try either role queue, forced 2-2-2, or some combination of both. Maybe even hero bans idk, ranked just feels like a crap shoot and that sucks cuz sometimes its just really good and other times it just flat out stinks lol

Exactly, this is how a lot of people think. Say you’re 2800. You have a high plat level hanzo main on your team, along with 2 other DPS, and if that hanzo player plays something else, he’s gonna play really poorly on something like his low-gold level reinhardt just cuz it fits the team comp better

this is another reason why I’d like role queue b/c the devs have mentioned that if they were to implement it, people would have role specific SR. At least with this I know the people who are playing with me at whatever role they are, are playing a role they’re appropriately ranked at.

Role queue wont fix the issues you have with this game even if you think it will if anything it will compound some of them.

What they need to do is make more people want to play tank or healer.

At the moment most players play the game like QP, so tanks are useless.(no one plays around them) Making the players that still select tank feel very useless.

They dont need to make people swap their main role to tank role. They just need to make it so everyone wants to play tank, healer and dps from time to time. (next ot making tanks feel more useful -> force team play). Like you cant raise higher SR for dps(queue as dps) if you healer and tank are more then 1000 SR below them -> forcing players to first raise healer and/or tank SR.