I Really Hate Pharah Now

She was always super annoying. Pharahmercy, forcing a hitscan swap, making certain characters like Junkrat utterly useless…
And now she’s even worse.

Sure, she has less uptime in the air I guess, but she is much more evasive and mobile while keeping the same lethality. She’s able to get the drop on you much easier, flank much easier, evade things she normally wouldn’t have, and be much much more of a threat then before.
So she forces the hitscan swap even harder and makes characters like Junkrat even more of a throw pick when she’s played. If you don’t have hitscan against Pharah you are literally throwing and WILL lose.

Except now the hitscan have to be very very good compared to how good the Pharah has to be, so I regularly see her go 22-1. Still usually has a Mercy glued to her behind as well.

I didn’t dread seeing a Pharah before. Now I do. Now when I see a Pharah I know it’s going to be an extremely unfun match.

I really don’t know why they buffed her. I don’t know how she plays in higher elos, and I don’t really care because I don’t play there and primarily do QP, but she is a demonic entity here and I cannot stand her.

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biggest annoyance for me is that as hitscan she can chase for a very long distance, due to all her horizontal mobility.

so when i run away on soldier i actually cant outrun her anymore, and in enclosed spaces its actually harder to shoot her because shes always bouncing from wal to wall.

my accuracy and hit rate on her have actually gone up significantly on hitscans, but that doesnt mean i can kill her faster than she can kill me as shes closer now and lands more often.

i think she needs a primary fire damage nerf to make up for being closer.

edit: oh and her concussive blast is a viable damage option now.


She’s a highly situational mid-tier hero that’s hard-countered by 3 of the top 5 meta DPS…

And you want to nerf her?

I like new Pharah more. She’s definitely better than she was before, but also definitely doesn’t feel like hitscan is required nearly as much despite that.

The issue with characters like Junkrat, Mei, or Symmetra is that they are not getting better while Pharah did. Make them better or hitscans worse, and they’ll have more of a place. Do both though, like seriously hitscan needs to be worse.

Atleast junk and sym have never been too good for long.

Mei used to be kaplans pet hero and a super monster for long time it’s sad to see how much they have reduced her power level.

When mei and hanzo were good , along with mid pharah and ok genji your projectile cast could always match up hitscan.

Now apart from genji no projectile cast is anywhere near as good as hitscan cast.

I blame the tank role whiners who ruin the game of unique hero identity.

This role needs to be removed and go pre rq

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Hehehehehehe I’m sorry…. But honestly… a soldier player complaining about pharah?

I just can’t muster any compassion for a soldier player.

Your entire life is handed to you in OW2 when playing soldier, especially against pharah. You simply must understand.

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