I quit ow in bronze,

If you been there you know how it is. Any role i play we get decimated or steam rolled or whatever you want to call it oh and trapped in spawn too.

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I’m there, it’s literally the best rank in the game no matter what your skill level. I don’t know why you’d quit. I’d probably quit if I got to gm and had to play the same character over and over and over again.


you do realize that every time you state this

you are stating it to a competitive player
that deserves to be matched against players of a similar skill rating

but bronze has long been infested with troll/throwing/greifing accounts

and with your attitude towards that it’s nowhere near “the best rank” when it’s barely overwatch at 1200 sr

make a support live chat about overwatch
on the not listed here option

and ask them why is the game quality soo poor in your bracket ?

doubt they would have a real awnser

or they would just close it and cite some blah blah blah reason

See you understand bronze rank well

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What you say is not true. There are more trolls, throwers and griefers in gold. I find bronze players to be less arrogant, work together more believe it or not, and actually use all the characters in the game. They also don’t report you for taking a pick because they think they know what you should be playing.

I love it. I think everyone should play in Bronze.

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What is point of your post, or do you just want to share that you don’t play OW anymore ? Like someone seriously care in here do you play or not :smile: ?

Less arrogant…team work ??? Are you playing a different game?? For the point is all bronze might as well quit trying to climb as its almost impossible solo queuing especially in role lock. Example hanzo and widow wouldnt switch and tanks were getting lit up if attempted anything. The healers tried the most

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Well personally i played a bit RQ Beta and i glimbed with Zenyatta from 1100 -> 1500 or something like that, started play Ana and dropped to 1300 Sr. Also glimbed as Rein from 1100 - > 1500, but after that i tested Roadhog and dropped to 1300 Sr, at season 17 when 4-6 Dps comp teams was a " thing " i glimbed with Soldier from 1000 Sr to 1800 Sr, switched hero and dropped back to near a 1000 Sr. So basically it is possible to glimb up ( even bad player like me have done it ) from bronze if you want, but personally i like Bronze games, just chilling and hanging around :slight_smile: I have no intrest to glimb somewhere in Master where ppl start whine at start of game when you are playing " off meta " and don’t do as they want, getring whole team to report you as throwing, but i hope that you chill a bit and take video game more like as video game than tilting and mess up personal life.

Generally i am chill , but it just gets so annoying in bronze after a while. I at least wanted to hit diamond once as ps4 2814 sr is my record…oh well :joy:. Modern warfare be out soon so i can free for all FFA and have fun naturally ^^

So generally you are chill, but right now you are reboot your PC against wall bcoz your " teamates was bad " and bcoz of them " you can’t glimb up " and whole life have lost a meaning ? Or at least it sounds like that :smile:

because that’s usually where new accounts place
and there there for awhile on their way down the ladder to bronze

new account level 25 can almost afk placements and get 2200-2500 placement

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:joy:no life hasn’t lost meaning. I like your sense of humor haha

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but the opponents steamrolling you or trapping you in spawn are bronze too?

Idk about you, threadstarter but i am currently in Bronze and although it can be frustrating with Healers not healing and DPS players not getting enough eliminations; i am kind of fine with it.

It just makes me up my game as a Tanker, getting Gold Elimins and always looking to see how i can help my team Win. Played about 10 games in RQ Beta, not counting placements and went from 1043 to 1240 in the 1 evening after placement until i had no time to play further.

I think my head just exploded. I’ll take low rank OW over the camping in cod any day of the week.

Why someone thinks the are good at a game because they can camp a corner is beyond me.

Just heat up a grenade and throw it in the corner or flash bang the room and move in. Campers are generally easy to kill.

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Maybe, but Bronze is still the best rank for whatever reason.

might be the best rank if you are trying to waste your teammates time

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So someone suggested just lock 1 role and not care about the teammates. Play like free for all