I quit overwatch sorry to say it šŸ˜¢

Sadly, Play of the game are not a proof. For example, my nickname is a usual one, so I can just contact to other ā€œNightsā€ to give me their plays and claim that these are mine.

In general, blizzard never returns cosmetics and stuff like that even if you have solid proofs.

Example #1: when the achievement system developed at the end of The Burning Crusade, the majority of Vanilla players did not have any questing and dungeon related achievements. For example, my character seemed like he leveled up magically.

Example #2: Before Diablo 3 release, there was an offer to get it ā€œfreeā€ if you subscribe in wow for 1 year. After 9 months or something, my credit card expired and I lost Diablo! I contacted with the support to let me resubscribe and have Diablo or even give in cash the remaining amount. In short, I bought Diablo again!

Thatā€™s not handling it. Thatā€™s passing the buck.

However, one cannot have the same way of spelling as the other. For example, we clearly can see his name in the vid and the way itā€™s spelled. If the video was from someone else, the name would be different as it does not allow the user to have the same name in terms of spelling at all. The vids were under his name.

Videos are just common files. We can conspire to change my name to the evil ā€œNovaā€ and then give you a couple of games with my skins. Then, I give the videos to you, you change the file names accordingly. Itā€™s pretty easyā€¦ You can do this with any real life friend.

Edit: Even date of file creation can be modified without special software. Just reset the clock of your PC and it can look like you had the skin during beta :wink:

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Really? Hmmā€¦I didnā€™t know this. Ugh, Iā€™ll check it out xD Thanks for the heads up.

Hey, evil? :confounded::joy:

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To many people to quotes to write here.
Going for main ones so sorry.

Their called bugs for a reason, it frustrates me seeing these type of posts when Iā€™m guessing you havenā€™t even looked into the matter? Knowledge is key.

Do you really think people would go to an external site like overbuff and find people with the same user to join in on some ridiculous scheme to no benefit of the other guy if they even exist?
Also how is a POTG not proof? Dark provided video footage and showed the hero gallery. What could have been done more would possibly the battle tag which CAN NOT be forged.

Provide a source please or this can literally just be taken as a theory. In all of my documentation and things I have witnessed. There is no records that would fit this statement.

Just want to lend a hand Nova, surprisingly people can have the exact same wording. However, the way Blizzard does things is give each created user a unique numerical battle tag. This is what is used to differentiate between accounts etc.

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This needs to stay around so it can be fixed. Someone lost their skins, has video eveidence that he had them, and has taken the proper steps to get this sorted out. Itā€™s up to blizzard to figure out a fix for this. Heck I would maybe quit too, because he now has to wait a year if he wants those back. Iā€™ll give you my like and try to keep this going as best I can. Good luck dark.


Ermmā€¦what? You canā€™t ā€œloseā€ anything in this game, once you have it, you canā€™t sell it, or give it away, nothing, itā€™s fixed.
Either you are making this stuff up or you are logging into a different account. There is no way to ā€œhackā€ those things out of an Overwatch account.

Again, another opinon.
Where is your source, information?
At least Dark provided video footage.

Please go familiarise yourself by reading


Rule of thumb
"First, use your brain. Then, answerā€¦"

They are called real life friends and smurf accounts. I can change my name to anything I like.

Rule of thumb
"LITERALLY everything can be forged."

POTG can be easily forged. I change my nickname to whatever I like and then I give my POTG to the one who does the petition. This process is irrelevant and it does not include ANYWHERE the playerā€™s battletag. You can even do this with a smurf account i.e. use the same nickname in the second account, move the POTG from the first to the second and claim that your skins were deleted.

Code of conduct says that we should be polite, but stupidity is not a right. Both of my examples can be asked in the relative forums. There are hundreds of people who lost achievements in that process. There are hundreds of people who have lost mounts. What kind of reliable source am I suppose to give? Reddit or an academic one?

This guy plays on console. You think we care that much to forge a video. You can tell by how low quality video that he isnā€™t very good at these things. You really think heā€™s forging and editing and creating perfect replicas of play of the game?


Oh geeze Iā€™m not even going to waste my breath on your ignorance.

This is OW not the games you speak of even if they are the same company.
BATTLE TAGS can NOT be copied.
Youā€™re also just assuming that an individual would have friends with exactly what they need. Otherwise they would have to spend time to set up this whole scheme your day dreaming of. Now think to yourself. Would be people do all that work in just an ATTEMPT to get some free fcking cosmetic.

Any attempt at further converse with me will be ignored. End of.

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Didnā€™t Blizz give that guy a noire skin for being insulted by Jeff? Why canā€™t they do that here, but with the skins he lost.

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Personally canā€™t comment on this as I have no clue.

What has irritated me the most about cosmetics / purchases being effected by something, with the worst case scenario having them completely vanish despite being owned.
Is there simply has been no input, not even acknowledgement to any case that Iā€™ve read these past 2 months or so.
Such a thing as this has also made it VERY hard to get any information either because itā€™s such a ā€˜smallā€™ issue in the sense of it being ā€˜focusedā€™.
Or there are people who are not speaking up and willing to invest time into the matter. Which in all honesty, I donā€™t blame them for doing so.
Simply because I can understand just how much more frustrating this can be to users who lost a lot and as a result of that frustration most likely think ā€œWhat is the point anymore?ā€.


First of all, I NEVER claimed that the thread opener tries to commit a fraud. I just explain why it is not a proof.

Hereā€™s a short guide how to create a fake potg:

  1. First, POTG does not use battletag, but your name
    a. Night = name = not unique
    b. Night#1234 = battletag = unique
    c. Your name can be changed through battlenet. It is free the first couple of times and then a paid service.
  2. POTG are saved in the following path as .mp4 files \documents\Overwatch\videos\overwatch\
  3. There is free software to edit the creation date and time if your ā€œfakeā€ POTG needs adjustment to make sense with your current overwatch level.
  4. As long as everything is ok i.e. the name of the player in the fake POTG is same as yours and you have modified the date, there is no way to find whether itā€™s fake or not. Even if there are hidden information in the file, which I doubt, you can search with a hex editor.
  5. You put the ā€œfakeā€ POTG in \documents\Overwatch\videos\overwatch\
  6. Operation ā€œfake POTGā€ completed

Note #1: To be more accurate, steps 3 and 4 may not even needed if the fake accountā€™s level is close to yours (100-200 levels).
Note #2: This can be happen to xbox as well through a file explorer.

Conclusion: As long as there is a way to fake it, regardless if it is easy/hard or it is worth the time, it is not a solid evidence.

About blizzard and refunds: They refund anything that is in their servers i.e. if they have logs in their servers, then they can see whether you are telling the truth. There are a lot of players who have used ā€œchinese boost servicesā€ in past and had their accounts back. The reason is simple: Blizzard keeps track of the IPs, therefore you can claim that your account was stolen. Thatā€™s why these services change your password. Any video can be montaged and it is personal data (i.e. Blizzard needs permission to check its validity). Also, Blizzard is a gaming company, not NSA to perform tests whether your video is fake or not. Finally, ask in wow forums why they lost their mounts etc. Support explains that ā€œif we do not have record of these actions we cannot helpā€, which means that if a mount isnā€™t linked with an achievement (Amani Bear, Qiraji etc) and the logs have been deleted (itā€™s around 3 months or something in wow), thereā€™s no evidence to claim the opposite.

Jesus I get back to the forums and this is what I see. Iā€™ll make another video than itā€™s not that hard to take my phone and go through my Xbox and btw I canā€™t change a game clip unless I use a mixer app or some crap and you think I got time for that because I donā€™t but Iā€™ll put up another video with the battle tag not a issue
Putting The video up now itā€™s called ā€œproof itā€™s the same battle tagā€ real creative I know itā€™s under the same YouTube account

There was a post long long ago about someone with a similar problem. Not sure if he was hacked, but he suddenly found himself without all of his icons/skins after many hours played and MANY purchased loot boxes. He was also a console player (donā€™t recall if it was sony or microsoft).

He had to jump through many many hoops with both Blizzard and the console company, both saying the other was at fault. Eventually he got to some higher level of support and was able to get Blizzard to basically give him a ton of lootboxes or something.

You could try searching that guyā€™s problem, I know it was on both the old forums and reddit. Donā€™t blame you if you quit though. Not really worth it to go through so much red tape for a video game.

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