I Prefer Having Leavers In My Games

Leavers are almost exclusively the worst players on their teams. It’s usually a net positive to have them leave and be replaced. And it helps prevent having throwers on your team. I’d rather have a thrower just leave and go next than to AFK and/or feed and really screw us over.


Not even close to true.

As evidence by waaaaay too many players doing this but not leaving games at all. I soooo wish you were right, just so that all these clowns would leave, but no, they stay in our games and ruin them to the end.

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This is sooo true for QP. Usually its the worst player that leaves and we get a fighting chance afterwards. Theres only a few maps that entirely ruin the game when theres a leaver (Flashpoint and Clash). Otherwise the backfill is better 70% of the time.


I was told that the QP leaver penalty was a good thing and I was delusional that there was a marked increase in throwers since it’s implementation.


I kinda have to agree. Ive had games where almost all or all of my team leaves due to losing and their replacements were actually really skilled! So skilled, we actually when the game! Its a special feeling :smiling_face_with_tear:

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100% true!
20 cats and bunnies


The leavers who decide childishly to throw instead of leave are handled by the overall process.

Throwers get reported, and with enough reports get suspensions that are much much much longer than the ones that habitual leavers get

Its a process, and it takes time

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I prefer that habitual leavers be penalized for doing so

Hopefully, they will make the leaver penalties far more severe

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There is no evidence for anything that happens in this game.
The only people who might have reliable statistics on these things have implemented penalties for leavers.

I suspect that fewer players are leaving the match early since the introduction of this penalty, but overall players are spending less time in the game.


And in my experience it’s usually the complete opposite. The mm makes a lobby from low gm to high diamond, a player leaves, a plat to low silver players backfills half the time, gg you lose because you essentially have a dead weight on your team.

I’ve seen someone throw rather than leave a single time that was noticeable

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Ya the people here won’t agree but I had way more fun back when leavers left, backfill often did way better.


I can only count on my hands the number of times a backfill WASN’T the cause of us going from losing to winning

So is this like you KNOW they’re throwing intentionally? Cause lots of people seem to think someone going 0-6 is throwing rather than just having a bad day…

Hm I agree.

  1. They miss all shots
  2. They get mad
  3. They leave

is better than
3. They blame the other roles and throw

EVIDENCE: My replays

Blizzard somehow thinks that forcing players to play against their will is a good idea.
The match quality implications don’t matter.

There is already a “serious” game mode called ranked. Unranked is supposed to be more relaxed.

OW2 is all about obligations and restrictions, even for the most casual players.

Blizzard prefers to simply put strict rules than to actually fix their game and make it more enjoyable.


I have no bone to pick with you specifically, but…the problem with this statement is that in order to become a leaver, one has to have queued for the match in the first place

ie the player specifically requested the match they are leaving

so no, this isnt ever a case of “against their will”

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I understand where you’re getting from. You talk from a “legal” PoV. You are talking terms of service.

But when we speak here on the forums, we’re no lawyers. We speak the everyday language.

When I say “they force”, I mean they give no other choice in the case you decide to play that mode.
They force you as a “unranked player” to do that.

This is basic common sense and it doesn’t need to be explicitly explained, because we’re not in a court.


First, I havent used any “court” or “legal” language in any of my statement(s)

Second, the leaver him/herself specifically chose to queue for the match that they are now leaving. Nothing was or is forced in this regard. The leaver leaves by their own choice, with absolutely nothing forced

the common sense here is that if one intends to leave, one should not queue for a match in the first place

with this now fully clarified, I will not be addressing this specific item any further in this thread

evidence or I’m calling that rage bait

it’s 2025 and people are likely still throwing

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You’re assuming the intention of leaving without any proof. Many people don’t want to leave, the impulsively leave after experiencing an unpleasant set of events. It’s deeper than you think it is.