I only ever see 'PC Pool' in QP

There are no options on PC to open it up to crossplay, right? It’s all automatic?


You have to be in a group with a cross play person

That will just bring the crossplayer into the PC pool. There is no way for PC players to enter the console pool.


I’m guessing your wondering “if” console players are in your games.

If so, to find out, you can hit esc, then click the social button to look at the teams. You’ll see a little icon by console players in your match if they are there.

If you’re on PC, and in anything other then comp, your in crossplay. PC lacks the controls to turn it off.

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If you are playing on PC, you will only be placed in the PC Pool.

If you are a console player and you group up with a friend who plays on PC, you will only be placed on the PC Pool (and can only access non-Competitive modes).

If you are on a console player and play solo queue or group up with friends from any console platform, you will be placed in the Console Pool.


i only get pc pools too which makes me sad, i want to play with console players


I solo Q on PC, I get put into the “PC pool” yet still get console players on my team & the enemy team. They might wanna remove the word “PC” since clearly it’s not PC players only in the “PC” pool

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Just wanted to say that I like your battle tag Lumina.

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Thank you Lumin. I like yours too :heart_eyes: looks like we’re almost username twins.

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It’s funny to see PC pool only in reality cross platform players can be in there queue with a PC buddy

PC pool is where console players can end up.

People seem to forget that console players only end up in the PC pool if they are grouped up with a PC friend.
Otherwise, console players never get queued with or against PC players.

For the past week, I have only come across about 4-5 console players from playing hours of QP.
I really don’t know how other people are getting so many crossplayers, to the point of complaining about match quality in the forums.

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Invite one of us to join you. :slightly_smiling_face:

as a PC player you will always be in PC pool, even when you group up with console players. it just means that PC rules apply. you can definitely meet console players in PC pool even if you dont team up with them (though it might be rarer)

Perhaps check the title of the topic.