I onetricked Brigitte for my placements to prove that she isn't weak

So I’m hovering around plat/diamond with 3003 sr from last season. I was browsing through the forums and went into an argument with another player on how strong Brig is. So, in order to prove that Brig isn’t a throw pick, I decided to one trick my support placements with Brig. In the end, I won 4 games and lost 1 game. During the 5 games, I had gold medals for healing on 3 of the games and got an average of 35% as my inspire uptime. I lost the last game due to being stupid and c9ing the point, so I technically could’ve won the last game.

My SR before the placements was 3003. And on the seasons before that, my sr for support was slowly decreasing starting from 3148 in season 19 and scaling down to 3003. However, the placements I did with Brig popped me back up at 3105 sr. Therefore, I believe that Brig is not weak and she can still be extremely powerful at the right hands.

Here are the replay codes for my 5 placements: S2WMD1 7ENW3M 6MTBS4 GDGSYS P24X81

And to prove I did all of this with Brig and if you’re too lazy to see the replays, here is a picture if a level 3 can post it: https://imgur.com/a/bBCQZOW

So yeah, I believe that Brig is still very strong.


Brig is still strong, the people who are telling you are the same people who don’t know how to actually play the game.

The Brig nerfs were needed, armor packs were oppressive, and made targets like tracer unkillable.


From watching streams of gm players It seems like using repair pack to heal rather than overheal has resulted in faster ult charging. Considering Brig probably has the best ult in the game these changes could be a buff in higher ranks lol.


And that’s exactly why I’m trying make the forums realize that Brig is still strong. I went up from 3003 sr on diamond to 3105 which means I earned around 33-34 sr for each win since i lost one to counteract winning one.


Okay so one person has been able to get diamond with her, nothing ground breaking.

I think peoples issue with nerfing brig was that they compleatly removed part of her kit, whilst also having no changes to Ana.

Supports have been out power crept so much at this point, we’ve seen almost exclusivly support nerfs recently, and almost exclusivly DPS buffs. Generally when DPS are stronger, supports get weaker, and vise versa.

There were other ways to nerf her armor packs.

  • make them turn Hp into armor, instead of adding armor on top of HP
  • less armor
  • armor decays sooner

There have been many people that have claimed that she is F-tier and the such. After the changes went live there were several threads claiming she was a throw pick.

Kinda because Supports have been very strong for quite a bit now.

Also, D.va just got what, 3 buffs?


Even if supports have been very strong, they aren’t nerfing the right supports. Ana is basically a must pick in GM, masters, and maybe even diamond. She’s flat out opressive… but nothing has changed within her kit.

I don’t see how this relates… but whatever…


Who’s to say there’s a “right” or “wrong” support to nerf? Just because one might also need some attention it doesn’t mean that none of the others do.

I get it, Ana has been overperforming for months now, but to get upset at the devs for nerfing another broken support hero instead of nerfing the other one is kinda dumb.


I am, they’ve completly ignored that Ana is literally making picking anything other than her in high ranks throwing. If you play Moira against Ana, Whoops! Now you’re useless because you cant heal, Baptiste? Oops same thing?

Brig made other heros more powerful, but she didn’t make players literally useless in the way that Ana does


So, winning 4 games and earning the appropriate Sr for those games means that she ain’t weak?



I edited more into my reply

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You can lose all the placements and still end up on about the same SR and then win the next 5 games. You can win all the placements and still end up on about the same SR and then lose the next 5 games.

Of course she is still workable - however preemptive buffering gave her a defining characteristic. When they took it away the pushed her more towards generic heal bot. The role is called support, not healer for a reason.


People have gotten to GM with Bastion. Is he super OP?


True. A couple of seasons ago, I ended one season at 3555, lost all 5 games, then placed 3600 (support)

In season 11, I ended around 2800.

In season 12, I won the first 9 placements, lost the 10th one tricking Moira, and placed around 2650.

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And what about everybody else? Dva got buffed because she was clunky, and even with that she is bad, the only tank are Rein, Zarya and Sigma, the other perform well only in rare occasion.

Also the pack works like a instant heal. Very annoying. True that overheal was pretty OP

Because tanks are very weird when it comes to balancing. Tanks are super reliant on the meta, that’s why there there’s only ever a few select tanks that are viable. That makes it very hard to tell how tanks are actually doing.

For example, for months Sigma was thought to be a throw pick, yet he is now meta without any changes made to him.


My concern is just how she would play for the people she was originally intended for, which is apparently for the lower ranks. Her higher shield strength and higher average healing with the removal of armor (because repair pack stops healing once armor is applied and doesn’t resume until you’re below max health. with no armor, you get the full 2 seconds of heal if the target keeps taking damage, resulting in more ult charge) does keep her strong, but with people that don’t know how to position with her or use her shield effectively, it’s a stronger punishment than it is for people in high ranks.

They raised her skill floor and allowed more room in her skill ceiling, but it’s leaving lower ranks behind. That’s my concern.


But with the genji buff, all bunker tank with low mobility are next to useless, they are almost considered trow pick

Orisa is actually 3rd most picked tank atm

Plus the meta is essentially a Bunker comp with some variation. That’s what Double Shield is.