What does SR gain/loss depend on? After a good 10 winning streak of 25 SR each game I took a break and then played another game later and lost 46 SR. I feel uncomfortable playing overwatch and not knowing why the numbers work the way they do. I usually get 20 SR per win and that goes up passed 25 on large win streaks. Does SR depend on if you play healer/tank/dps? I heard their was a XP limiter for people who curse and get reported and I feel helpless not knowing if they do something similar for SR.
Ok so you’re in gold so if you’re saying you won 10 games you must have climbed from silver? Regardless the more you win the more SR you get as long as you’re performing really well at whatever roll you play. So for DPS that means popping off and getting lots of kills, for healers it means supporting your team really well and winning those team fights with good ult usage. The better you do on whatever character you play well the higher the SR gain. On the flip side if you aren’t winning your SR loss will be big after big streaks. If you lose you only want one loss per how many wins you can streak. At your elo there’s a lot of people going up and down you just have to play through it if you want to climb
Holy smokes, I’d gain -2 SR per win if cursing was a factor.
above 3000 SR it only depends on your SR, your teams SR and the enemy teams SR
below 3000 it’s performance based and has a million factors influencing it. but in short it compares your stats to other players of your rank and then multiplies your SR gains with how you performed compared to those stats. if you get high transcendence heals as zen for example you gain more SR
in addition there is a hidden mmr rating your account has, if your SR rating is way above the mmr rating you will get less SR for wins and lose more for losses (basically the system then thinks you are boosted or had a lucky streak)
I wrote a general explainer here: How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 10)
Either you made a mistake in your notes, or you ran into some funny business related to win streaks. Possibly this:
(22) Overwatch Forums
(29) Overwatch Forums
Thank you all for answering me. I have a deeper understanding of how sr works. I don’t know how to resolve the post though like you do on other forums.