Ok click on that link…click on the subheading for matchmaking…and read everything on there
There’s plenty of info on matchmaking (not sure how up to date that is but I know Wyoming updates that thread from time to time)
But I do want to stress that MMR, the thing that basically decides what matches you get put in, is a number…
a number that tries to define everything about you as a player…ie, your aim, your game sense, how well you communicate and work with others, are you grouped…are you having a bad day…etc etc…
it is never going to be accurate for you or anyone else…so people need to understand that it is limited in what it can do (not just OW…all games)…and it’s doing this for 12 people…even if you had the same MMR it doesn’t mean your = players…it means you’re = to it based on its calculations (2 very different things)
Like people understandably get frustrated with how bad matches can seem to be sometimes…but I go the opposite route…I’m more amazed at how many good matches I have considering what it’s trying to do…especially in something like QP where it’s an absolute crapshoot with the grouping and such