I need some MEME STRAT suggestions please!

Ive been very bored after half a year of watching tanks run at each other, so recently me and some friends have been trying some ‘meme strats’ (harbleu mei strat, Sym/Bas strat etc.).

We’re starting to run out of decent strats, so does anyone have other strats for us?!:slight_smile:


Oh my god, that first one is amazing :slight_smile:

I’ve run that second one.

Moira Tracer flankers. Let the other four pick what they want, and go full sneak, Moira throws in a healing orb and you both burst down Ana/Mercy and murder their backline. If you look in danger you fade and recall away to heal until the next attempt. Surprisingly effective and really fun for the meme.


yeah its very fun, team uk did the mei stall on first point junkertown in the world cup, and gen did it on first point route 66. :slight_smile:

Symm / bastion is a legit strat not a meme strat. I thought it would have risen faster but I guess it needed the bastion buff to be effective. IF you want to meme, go something like 6 supports. It was a fun strat back when symm was support so you actually had some dmg, but now its even harder to execute.

I’ve played 6 support before, its surprisingly good fun. You need a good Zen and a good Ana to really pull it off though.

Oh, and yes, we won :smiley:

that actualy sounds pretty fun, you could even add in a lucio instead of a moira? :confused:

Lucio tracer flank combo is not that meme tbh, I would play that for real… That reminds me tho when my friends mouse broke or something and he was playing on track pad we went QP I was on lucio and he was pocketing me with mercy.

Oh and for some reason flanking moira is a strat at least on low ranks there is so many moiras who think moira is made for flanking :smiley:

Not as stealthy. Lucio music is a surprisingly big giveaway. Plus his escape ability isn’t as instant and his burst damage isn’t as reliable. Would definitely recommend Moira in his place but if you prefer Lucio you do you.

Say wat?

Ooh! Or Roadhog hooking tanks into Reaper blasts. Flank as Roadhog and pull the key enemy (Rein/Brig/ into a room where Reaper and Roadhog blast them in the face. Reaper heals by shooting, Roadhog heals himself. They’re one down and the rest of your team deathballs onto them.

He’s a noisy boy :musical_note:

Yeah expect enemies dont hear the music :man_facepalming:

I mean, meme strats usually only work well at lower levels so i guess you’d be expecting them not to have the awareness to notice a loud DJ on roller skates and a skreetchy British woman running around behind them

Lucio doesent play music to enemies… Hello? Wtf? Unless you spam some voice line lucio can be stealthy…

You can hear his rollerskate sounds though. Not his music sure, but those skates are blastin’. Easy to find a sneaky Lucio contesting just because of the sound.

Not sure about music? Lol. Also have you heard this thing crouching?

My mistake. I was watching the Korean Contenders final and the casters mentioned something about a Lucio playing one of the two songs to be “extra sneaky.” Must have just assumed wrongly other teams could hear the music.

6 Supports. Or Lucio and 5 DPS.