I miss this game. I miss Mercy

um…they were bugs? Like…you’re praising bugs as some new depth added to her kit.

That’s kinda sad, I feel bad if bugs are the only positive thing Mercy Players can find in this rework.


Bugs that were grandfathered in to become part of her kit to add more depth

Ya know, like the Genji double dash reset bug?


They were bugs but then they were added as actual features.


Eh, they should put in a classic mode for people who want stuff like this. I think it’d be fun to go see Sym 1.0 or 2.0 or armor pack Torb or whatever, even if I think the game is better now.


Still doesn’t change the fact that the most frequently talked about positives from this are things that were bugs.

Not the intentional changes that were made.

Add it as something to do in custom games. There now people can have the chance to relive old kits.

Yes, oh my god. So many people want classic Overwatch. Even if it’s just an arcade mode.

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I would care if she is nerfed, and so would many others who enjoy playing her in her current state

Reverting her would bring back Mass Rez, which I consider the very worst ability every given to any character in the history of Overwatch; and as such, I would hope she is never reverted

Then why do so?

There are over 2 dozen other characters to choose from, as well as many other games to play aside from OW


I was referring to after a potential revert. If you think it was the worst ability ever then I assume you wouldn’t mind it being nerfed.

Yeah, why not just have it as an arcade mode. It’d probably be a very much loved mode, up ther with Mystery heroes.

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In my opinion, if a reasonable person watches video of a typical bronze Mercy playing and watches one of the top Mercy mains playing, they will absolutely see a huge difference, as I do


2.0? isn’t that what she is now? Just a nerfed version of it?

This entire line makes no sense.

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In my opinion, Mass rez should not ever return in any way, shape, or form to this game


They aren’t bugs anymore though.

what about all the many many customers who are happy with Mercy in her current state?

Are the opinions of those customers valued?


150 hp Zen, 150 damage Widowmaker Bodyshots, Roadhog 1 shots across the map, FtH doing 70 per bullet, Pinpoint accurate Soldier, Scatter Arrow

Wait… Almost like those were terrible


They were never intentional from the start. They were bugs from the beginning.

So, to clarify my opening post by sentence:

  • I want a revert
  • The people who are complaining don’t care about how STRONG she is, they just want to have fun.
  • It feels awful playing Mercy 2.0.
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Except rather than just remove them, the devs decide to make them into actual features. Their implementation was intentional.

It wasn’t implementation, they are already in the game, they just didn’t remove it. The point is, the only good things that the devs did with Mercy they didn’t mean to and thats telling.

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Outside her ult she still the same, maybe her ult is boring but her kit still fun to use for me.