I miss the OWL, I hope it comes back

The problem wasn’t viewership, it was that Kotick wanted to make it too big and expensive.

It’s pretty clear if they didn’t do that, it wouldn’t have sucked so much dev time and it we’d still have it today.

I hope it does come back in some way, obviously without Kotick they can hopefully make it work this time.


OWCS lacks the structure and uniformity of OWL big time

No backing from big orgs and no real communication, marketing for events feels non existent and it’s like the viewers have to go dig deep to find any info. I know pro esports is on the decline but the time that OWCS players sink into the game doesn’t seem worth it, since most players are making peanuts

Now unless you’ve been a fan of specific players and know exactly where to look, the schedules are all over the place, team rosters are all over the place, there’s like a billion different team names. At least with the city based team names you could find a team to support. It’s so hard to follow

The OWLLAN events were so hype to watch. Esports as a whole is just not profitable so I get why they ended OWL, but it was definitely nice to have a solid scene as an outsider and casual watcher.


Gonna trigger many angry OW fans saying good things about OWL

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I don’t buy the esports isn’t profitable thing.

People say this because of League of Legends and OWL.

But League has a league in many different countries as well as a world tournament. That’s difficult to make profitable.

It’s also ignoring China, China does things differently and it’s not so sunk cost over there.

OWL had major issues because of Kotick wanting it to be as big as the NBA, they didn’t let it grow organically.

I’m sure there’s a way to bring back OW esports in a way that if doesn’t make a profit, will at least not be nearly as expensive as the OWL was.

But yes, the OWCS feels non existent. I wish there was more marketing, or even messages in client like we got for OWL.

That first season of OWL was so good

Then season 2 ruined everything….i will never understand why blizz didnt just tell the teams “do not run goats”….a whole season of it was totally devastating for the league


Odd it’s asking me to log in to see video

Let me guess (cause I don’t want to)….team is about to come out in a normal comp and the decides nope…goats instead?

Truly classic clip lol

Please no, kill it once was hard enough :neutral_face:.

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I miss OWL, too. They did great by making teams city-based so fans would actually be interested in them. I have zero interest in watching “Liquid Clan” vs “Team Gamer Ninjas”, so the locally-owned teams were a huge plus. I loved the format and the few live matches I was able to attend in Dallas (go Fuel!). It was truly a special experience.

Also, structuring the league like a pro sport was great. It was fun to follow player signings and transfers to other teams. It made for good story lines.

Community-organized tournaments will never feel interesting to me or most people who aren’t already invested in that community. I really hope they can run a legitimate league again someday. OWL and OW World Cup were the only esports I ever found interesting. They would’ve done even more if covid hadn’t hit at the worst possible time.


Said no one ever.
Even 99.9% of the few who “watched” it did it for the rewards.

I’m saying it right now, I know what a concept.

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OWL wont survive unless DPS is the best role. No1 wanna see super tanks and nothing dying. Boring af

Idk. Complex map geometry, hypermobility, team dependency and very fast. It was very hard to understand what’s going on. I only watched for a decent mechanical skill of dps players.

But now all the bullets became huge and you could see even gold cree can two or three crits consecutively so often. Pro plays not impressive anymore.

Same. I was an avid viewer and not just for the tokens; but I can’t get into OWCS, something is just not the same.

That sounds like spite and schadenfreude to me. A lot of people enjoy watching high level competition in the games of their personal pass time.


That is why it failed big time right?

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That’s a different conversation, imo. Not enough viewers is certainly a part of it, but your blanket statement of “no one ever” is factually wrong and mean spirited.


Mean spirited about something created with the only purpose of making money. Ok.

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I miss it too. OWCS just isn’t the same. But I wouldn’t hold your breath for it’s return. It’s about as likely to return as the PvE, which is to say very unlikely.

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Can you not still do that under this new format?